HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/html
"html" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties
Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS |!important background |
| Attributes |background-attachment background-color |
| and |background-image background-position |
| JavaScript |background-repeat behavior |
| Style |color cursor |
| Properties |display font |
| |font-family font-size |
| |font-style font-variant |
| |font-weight letter-spacing |
| |line-height overflow |
| |overflow-x overflow-y |
| |text-autospace text-decoration |
| |text-transform text-underline-position |
| |textDecorationBlink(*) textDecorationLineThrough(*) |
| |textDecorationNone(*) textDecorationOverline(*) |
| |textDecorationUnderline(*) visibility |
| |word-spacing word-wrap |
"html" Event Handlers
| Event |onLayoutComplete onMouseEnter |
| Handlers |onMouseLeave onReadyStateChange |
"html" HTML Attributes
| HTML |class dir |
| Attributes |id lang |
| |scroll version |
| |xmlns |
"html" JavaScript Collections
| JavaScript |all attributes |
| Collections |behaviorUrns childNodes |
| |children |
"html" JavaScript Methods
| JavaScript |addBehavior appendChild |
| Methods |applyElement attachEvent |
| |clearAttributes cloneNode |
| |componentFromPoint contains |
| |detachEvent dragDrop |
| |fireEvent getAdjacentText |
| |getAttribute getAttributeNode |
| |getElementsByTagName hasChildNodes |
| |insertAdjacentElement insertBefore |
| |mergeAttributes normalize |
| |removeAttribute removeAttributeNode |
| |removeBehavior removeChild |
| |removeNode replaceAdjacentText |
| |replaceChild replaceNode |
| |setAttribute setAttributeNode |
| |swapNode |
"html" JavaScript Objects
| JavaScript |currentStyle runtimeStyle |
| Objects |style |
"html" JavaScript Properties
| JavaScript |canHaveChildren canHaveHTML |
| Properties |className clientHeight |
| |clientLeft clientTop |
| |clientWidth cursor |
| |dir disabled |
| |firstChild id |
| |innerHTML innerText |
| |isContentEditable isDisabled |
| |isMultiLine isTextEdit |
| |lang lastChild |
| |nextSibling nodeName |
| |nodeType nodeValue |
| |offsetHeight offsetLeft |
| |offsetParent offsetTop |
| |offsetWidth outerHTML |
| |outerText ownerDocument |
| |parentElement parentNode |
| |parentTextEdit previousSibling |
| |readyState scopeName |
| |scroll scrollHeight |
| |scrollLeft scrollTop |
| |scrollWidth sourceIndex |
| |tagName tagUrn |
| |title uniqueID |
| |version |
"html" Microsoft Behaviors
| Microsoft |clientCaps download |
| Behaviors |homePage |
"html" Syntax and Note
This element identifies an HTML document.
It has two main sections, <head> and <body>.
<html attributes events> . . . </html>