HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/input

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"input" Example

<title>input element example</title>
    <form name="form2" method="post" action="">
        <p>This is a form with several input elements.</p>
        <input type="text" name="textfield2" value="This is a text field" size="30">
        <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" value="checkbox">A checkbox.
        <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="radiobutton1">
        <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="radiobutton2">A set of radio buttons.
        <input type="button" name="myButton2" value="Submit">A submit button.
        <input type="button" name="myButton2" value="Reset">A reset button.
        <input type="image" 
               src="yourImage.jpg" width="300"height="225" alt="An input image">

"input" Syntax and Note

This element gathers information and send it to a server.
All <input> elements must be placed within the <form> element.
The <input> element"s type attribute is its most important attribute 
The <input> element"s type attribute determines control type
Button               Creates a button on the page.
Checkbox             Creates a checkbox.
File                 Creates a text box with a file browse button. 
                     The text box allows a user to select a file to upload to the 
                     server for processing.
Hidden               Stores information that is not visible on the web page. 
                     However, this information can be viewed in the source HTML code.
Image                An image that will submit the contents of its form to 
                     the server when it is clicked.
Password             A text box that displays an asterisk 
                     (or other placeholder character) in place of each character.
Radio                A radio button on the page. 
                     Each radio button must 
                     have the same value for its name attribute.
Reset                A button on the page. This button will reset the original 
                     values of the form.
Submit               A button on the page. This button will submit the contents 
                     of the form to the server for processing.
Text                 A text box.
<input attributes events>