HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/noscript

Материал из Web эксперт
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"noscript" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

| CSS            |The names are in CSS syntax. See the introduction to this chapter for the JavaScript syntax rules.behavior text-autospace                |
| Attributes     |text-underline-position         zoom                          |

"noscript" Event Handlers

| Event          |onClick                         onDblClick                    |
| Handlers       |onKeyDown                       onKeyPress                    |
|                |onKeyUp                         onMouseMove                   |
|                |onMouseOut                      onMouseOver                   |
|                |onMouseUp                       onReadyStateChange            |

"noscript" Example

   <script language="JavaScript">
       <!--function name() {commands} //-->
   <noscript>Your browser doesn"t support script codes.</noscript>

"noscript" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |id                                                            |

"noscript" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |attributes                      behaviorUrns                  |
| Collections    |childNodes                                                    |

"noscript" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |addBehavior                     appendChild                   |
| Methods        |cloneNode                       componentFromPoint            |
|                |fireEvent                       getAttribute                  |
|                |getAttributeNode                getElementsByTagName          |
|                |hasChildNodes                   insertBefore                  |
|                |normalize                       removeAttribute               |
|                |removeAttributeNode             removeBehavior                |
|                |removeChild                     replaceChild                  |
|                |setAttribute                    setAttributeNode              |

"noscript" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |align                           canHaveHTML                   |
| Properties     |className                       clientHeight                  |
|                |clientWidth                     dir                           |
|                |firstChild                      id                            |
|                |innerHTML                       isContentEditable             |
|                |isDisabled                      isMultiLine                   |
|                |lang                            lastChild                     |
|                |nextSibling                     nodeName                      |
|                |nodeType                        nodeValue                     |
|                |offsetHeight                    offsetLeft                    |
|                |offsetParent                    offsetTop                     |
|                |offsetWidth                     ownerDocument                 |
|                |parentElement                   parentNode                    |
|                |previousSibling                 readyState                    |
|                |scopeName                       scrollHeight                  |
|                |scrollLeft                      scrollTop                     |
|                |scrollWidth                     tagName                       |
|                |tagUrn                          title                         |

"noscript" Microsoft Behaviors

| Microsoft      |clientCaps                      download                      |
| Behaviors      |homePage                                                      |

"noscript" Syntax and Note

This element displays content as HTML if the browser does not support 
JavaScript, or JavaScript functionality has been turned off. 
If JavaScript is supported, its content does not display.
<noscript attributes events> . . . </noscript>