HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/param

Материал из Web эксперт
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"param" Example

The OBJECT CLASSID below is for the 
Microsoft Internet Explorer Data Binding component
Use just the following HTML and press the button

  <PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="dataFileName.csv">                  
<BUTTON onclick="oTxt.value=tdcContents.outerHTML">
Show Object outerHTML</BUTTON><BR/>
<TEXTAREA ID="oTxt"  STYLE="height:400; width:450;padding:3; overflow=auto;"> 


"param" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |datafld                         dataformatas                  |
| Attributes     |datasrc                         id                            |
|                |name                            type                          |
|                |value                           valuetype                     |

"param" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |attributes                      childNodes                    |

"param" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |appendChild                     cloneNode                     |
| Methods        |getAttribute                    getAttributeNode              |
|                |getElementsByTagName            hasChildNodes                 |
|                |insertBefore                    normalize                     |
|                |removeAttribute                 removeAttributeNode           |
|                |removeChild                     replaceChild                  |
|                |setAttribute                    setAttributeNode              |

"param" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |className                       clientHeight                  |
| Properties     |clientWidth                     dir                           |
|                |firstChild                      id                            |
|                |innerHTML                       lang                          |
|                |lastChild                       name                          |
|                |nextSibling                     nodeName                      |
|                |nodeType                        nodeValue                     |
|                |offsetHeight                    offsetLeft                    |
|                |offsetParent                    offsetTop                     |
|                |offsetWidth                     ownerDocument                 |
|                |parentNode                      previousSibling               |
|                |scrollHeight                    scrollLeft                    |
|                |scrollTop                       scrollWidth                   |
|                |tagName                         title                         |
|                |type                            value                         |
|                |valuetype                                                     |

"param" Syntax and Note

This element establishes the starting property values of the 
<applet>, <embed>, and <object>.
<param attributes>