JavaScript DHTML/Language Basics/Objects Object Oriented

Материал из Web эксперт
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An object and its constructor

<script type = "text/javascript">
    var aObject = {};
    function aObject(a,b,c,d) {
        this.myValueA = a;
        this.myValueB = b;
        this.myValueC = c;
        this.myValueD = d;
    aObject["A"] = new aObject("A","C","F",2.0);
    aObject["B"] = new aObject("B","D","V",2.3);
<script type = "text/javascript" >
for (var propt in aObject) {

Complete Example of Using the employee, client, and project Objects

  <title>Using the book object</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  function employee(FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, Ext, EmailAddress, project) {
    this.FirstName = FirstName;
    this.LastName = LastName;
    this.HomePhone = HomePhone;
    this.Ext = Ext;
    this.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
    this.Project = project;
    this.showSummaryInfo = summaryInfo;
  function summaryInfo() {
    objWindow ="", "", "width=600,height=400");
    objWindow.document.write("<h1>Employee Summary Information Sheet</h1>");
    objWindow.document.write("<h2>" + this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName
                             + "</h2>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p><em><Sstrong>Contact Information</strong></em></p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Home Phone: " + this.HomePhone + "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Ext.: " + this.Ext + "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Email: " + this.EmailAddress + "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p><em><strong>Project Information</strong></em></p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Current Project: " + this.project.ProjectName+ "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Client: " + this.Project.Client.ClientName + "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Client: " + this.Project.Client.Address + "</p>");
    objWindow.document.write("<p>Client: " + this.Project.Client.City + ", " +
                        this.Project.Client.State + " " + this.Project.Client.Zip + "</p>");    objWindow.document.write("<p>Development Tool Used: " + this.Project.DevTool
                        + "</p>");
  function project(ProjectName, client, DevTool) {
    this.ProjectName = ProjectName;
    this.Client = client;
    this.DevTool = DevTool;
  function client(ClientName, Address, City, State, Zip) {
    this.ClientName = ClientName;
    this.Address = Address;
    this.City = City;
    this.State = State;
    this.Zip = Zip;
  <script type="text/javascript">
  CoastTech = new client("client Name", "100 street", "City","State", "11111");
  Coastal = new project("projectl01", CoastTech, "JavaScript");
  Allen = new employee("A", "B", "111/555-1111", "100","", "Coastal");

Create an object and add attributes

    <title>The Delete Operator</title>
    <script type = "text/javascript" >
    var aObject = {};
    aObject["A"] = new Object;
    aObject["B"] = new Object;
    aObject["C"] = new Object;
    aObject["D"] = new Object;
    aObject["A"].myValue = "a";
    aObject["B"].myValue = "b";
    aObject["C"].myValue = "c";
    aObject["D"].myValue = "d";
<body id = "mainbody">
<script type = "text/javascript">
    for (obj in aObject) {
        var para = document.createElement("p"); = obj;
        para.appendChild(document.createTextNode(obj + ": " + aObject[obj].myValue));

Creating an Object and Using Object Instance Properties and Methods

Learn How to Program Using Any Web Browser
by Harold Davis 
Apress CopyRight 2004
ISBN: 1590591135
<TITLE>Instance method demo</TITLE>
   function Rectangle(height, width){ 
   // constructor function 
      this.height =  height; 
      this.width = width; 
   // create the function 
   function calc_Area () { 
      return this.height * this.width; 
   // turn the function into an object method 
   Rectangle.prototype.calcArea = calc_Area; 
   // instantiate the object 
   var theRectangle = new Rectangle (3, 5); 
   // set an instance property 
   theRectangle.width = 10; 
   // call and display the instance properties and method return 
   document.write("The rectangle instance height is: " + theRectangle.height + "<br>"); 
   document.write("The rectangle instance width is: " + theRectangle.width  + "<br>"); 
   document.write ("The calcArea method returns: " + theRectangle.calcArea()); 

Creating Objects Dynamically

  <title>Student Database</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var i = 0;
    // Create Array objects
    var empList = new Array();
    // Student object constructor
    function Student(FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, Ext,  EmailAddress) {
      this.FirstName = FirstName;
      this.LastName = LastName;
      this.HomePhone = HomePhone;
      this.Ext = Ext;
      this.EmailAddress = EmailAddress; = show;
    function show() {      
      alert(this.FirstName + ":" +this.LastName + ":" +this.HomePhone + ":" +this.Ext + ":" + this.EmailAddress);
    function addStudentObject(FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, Ext,EmailAddress) {
      empList[i] = new Student(FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, Ext,EmailAddress);
    function insertRecord() {
      FirstName = document.form1.FirstName.value;
      LastName = document.form1.LastName.value;
      HomePhone = document.form1.HomePhone.value;
      Ext = document.form1.Ext.value;
      EmailAddress = document.form1.EmailAddress.value;
      addStudentObject(FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, Ext, EmailAddress);
    function showAll() {
      for (var q=1; q<empList.length; q++) {
  <h1>Dyanamic Object Creator</h1>
  <form name="form1">
      First Name:      
      <input type=text size=20 maxlength=256 name="FirstName">
      Last Name:
      <input type=text size=20 maxlength=256 name="LastName">
      Home Phone:
      <input type=text size=20 maxlength=256 name="HomePhone">
      <input type=text size=20 maxlength=256 name="Ext">
      Email Address:
      <input type=text size=20 maxlength=256 name="EmailAddress">
      <input type="button" name="Add" value="Add" onClick="insertRecord()">
      <input type="button" name="ShowAll" value="Show All"

Define and use object

     Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
     Published by O"Reilly & Associates
     Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman

function coworker(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;
var emp1 = new coworker("Alice", 23);
var emp2 = new coworker("Fred", 32);
var emp1 = {name:"Alice", age:23};
var emp2 = {name:"Fred", age:32};
function showAll() {
    alert("Employee " + + " is " + this.age + " years old.");    
function coworker(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age; = showAll;
var emp1 = {name:"Alice", age:23, show:showAll};
var emp2 = {name:"Fred", age:32, show:showAll};;
function coworker(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age || 0; = showAll;
function verify(obj) {
    alert("Just added " + + ".");
function coworker(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age; = showAll;
var employeeDB = new Array();
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = new coworker("Alice", 23);
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = new coworker("Fred", 32);
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = new coworker("Jean", 28);
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = new coworker("Steve", 24);
var employeeDB = new Array();
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = {name:"Alice", age:23, show:showAll};
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = {name:"Fred", age:32, show:showAll};
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = {name:"Jean", age:28, show:showAll};
employeeDB[employeeDB.length] = {name:"Steve", age:24, show:showAll};
var employeeDB = [{name:"Alice", age:23, show:showAll},
                  {name:"Fred", age:32, show:showAll},
                  {name:"Jean", age:28, show:showAll},
                  {name:"Steve", age:24, show:showAll}];
function findInAgeGroup(low, high) {
    var result = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < employeeDB.length; i++) {
        if (employeeDB[i].age >= low && employeeDB[i].age <= high) {
            result = result.concat(employeeDB[i].name);
    return result;

Define Object, use its instance

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function get_price(){
  var the_price=1000;
  return the_price;
function computer(speed,hdspace,ram){
var pc1= new computer("500mHz","15GB","128MB");
var pc2= new computer("450mHz","10GB","64MB");
var pc3= new computer("350mHz","7GB","32MB");
var pc1_price= pc1.price();
var pc2_price= pc2.price();
var pc3_price= pc3.price();
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
alert(pc1.hdspace+","+pc1.ram +","+pc1_price);

Display the properties from an object one by one

<script type = "text/javascript" >
    function MyClass(a,b,c,d) {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.d = d;
    var MyClass = {};
    MyClass["item1"] = new MyClass("A","B","F",2.0);
for (var propt in MyClass) {
    document.write( propt );

var names = new Array;
for (propt in MyClass) {
    if (names != "") {
        names += "," + propt;
    } else {
        names = propt;

Object-Oriented Planetary Data Presentation

JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<TITLE>Our Solar System</TITLE>
<!-- start script
// method definition
function showPlanet() {
    var result = "<HTML><BODY><CENTER><TABLE BORDER=2>"
    result += "<CAPTION ALIGN=TOP>Planetary data for: <B>" + + "</B></CAPTION>"
    result += "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Diameter:</TD><TD>" + this.diameter + "</TD></TR>"
    result += "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Distance from Sun:</TD><TD>" + this.distance + "</TD></TR>"
    result += "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>One Orbit Around Sun:</TD><TD>" + this.year + "</TD></TR>"
    result += "<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>One Revolution (Earth Time):</TD><TD>" + + "</TD></TR>"
    result += "</TABLE></CENTER></BODY></HTML>"
    // display results in a second frame of the window
// definition of planet object type;
// "new" will create a new instance and stuff parameter data into object
function planet(name, diameter, distance, year, day) { = name
    this.diameter = diameter
    this.distance = distance
    this.year = year = day
    this.showPlanet = showPlanet  // make showPlanet() function a planet method
// create new planet objects, and store in a series of variables
var Mercury = new planet("Mercury","3100 miles", "36 million miles", "88 days",
 "59 days")
var Venus = new planet("Venus", "7700 miles", "67 million miles", "225 days", "244 days")
var Earth = new planet("Earth", "7920 miles", "93 million miles", "365.25 days","24 hours")
var Mars = new planet("Mars", "4200 miles", "141 million miles", "687 days",
 "24 hours, 24 minutes")
var Jupiter = new planet("Jupiter","88,640 miles","483 million miles",
 "11.9 years", "9 hours, 50 minutes")
var Saturn = new planet("Saturn", "74,500 miles","886 million miles",
 "29.5 years", "10 hours, 39 minutes")
var Uranus = new planet("Uranus", "32,000 miles","1.782 billion miles",
"84 years", "23 hours")
var Neptune = new planet("Neptune","31,000 miles","2.793 billion miles",
"165 years", "15 hours, 48 minutes")
var Pluto = new planet("Pluto", "1500 miles", "3.67 billion miles", "248 years", "6 days, 7 hours")
// called from push button to invoke planet object method
function doDisplay(popup) {
    i = popup.selectedIndex
    eval(popup.options[i].text + ".showPlanet()")
// end script -->
<H1>The Daily Planet</H1>
<P>Select a planet to view its planetary data: 
<SELECT NAME="planetsList" onChange="doDisplay(this)">

Object to array

     Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
     Published by O"Reilly & Associates
     Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman
/* objectsArraysStrings.js */
     Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
     Published by O"Reilly & Associates
     Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman
function object2String(obj) {
    var val, output = "";
    if (obj) {    
        output += "{";
        for (var i in obj) {
            val = obj[i];
            switch (typeof val) {
                case ("object"):
                    if (val[0]) {
                        output += i + ":" + array2String(val) + ",";
                    } else {
                        output += i + ":" + object2String(val) + ",";
                case ("string"):
                    output += i + ":"" + escape(val) + "",";
                    output += i + ":" + val + ",";
        output = output.substring(0, output.length-1) + "}";
    return output;
function array2String(array) {
    var output = "";
    if (array) {
        output += "[";
        for (var i in array) {
            val = array[i];
            switch (typeof val) {
                case ("object"):
                    if (val[0]) {
                        output += array2String(val) + ",";
                    } else {
                        output += object2String(val) + ",";
                case ("string"):
                    output += """ + escape(val) + "",";
                    output += val + ",";
        output = output.substring(0, output.length-1) + "]";
    return output;

function string2Object(string) {
    eval("var result = " + string);
    return result;
function string2Array(string) {
    eval("var result = " + string);
    return result;

Object utility: create, parse and profile

JavaScript Application Cookbook
By Jerry Bradenbaugh
Publisher: O"Reilly 
Series: Cookbooks
ISBN: 1-56592-577-7
<TITLE>objects.js Example</TITLE>
<STYLE type="text/css">
td { font-family: courier new; font-size: 14}
// objects.js
// This function creates new objects
function makeObj() {
  if (arguments.length % 2 != 0) {
    arguments[arguments.length] = "";
  for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2 ) {
    this[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1] ;
  return this;

// This function recursively inspects passed objects
// and stores property information in a string. This string is 
// returned after there are no more object properties to examine
function parseObj(obj) {
  objCount = 0;
  var objStr = "";
    for (prop in obj) {
      objStr += "<TR><TD>Property: </TD><TD><B>" + prop + "</B></TD><TD>Type: </TD><TD><B>" + typeof(obj[prop]) + 
        "</B></TD><TD>Value: </TD><TD><B>"  + obj[prop] + "</B></TD></TR>";
      if (typeof(obj[prop]) == "object") {
        objStr += parseObj(obj[prop]);
  return objStr;
// This function displays object properties accumulated from parseObj() 
function objProfile() {
  var objTable = "<TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD><H1>Object Profile</H1></TD></TR>";
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { 
    objTable += "<TR><TD><BR><BR><H2><TT>" + (i + 1) + ") " + arguments[i] +  "</H2></TD></TR>";
    objTable += "<TR><TD><TT><TABLE CELLPADDING=5>" + parseObj(eval(arguments[i])) + "</TABLE></TD></TR>";
  objTable += "</TABLE><BR><BR><BR>";
  return objTable;
function plainOlderObject() {
  this.stuff = "stuff";
  this.that = "that";
  this.theOther = "theOther";
  return this;
function plainOldObject() { = "the object name";
  this.numba = 1000;
  this.objInherit = new makeObj("propertyOne", "thisProperty", "propertyTwo", "thatProperty", "propertyThree", "theOtherProperty");
  return this;
var someObject = new plainOldObject();
document.write(objProfile("someObject", "self.location"));

Source Code for the showBook() Example

  <title>Using the book object</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  function book(title, author, ISBN, subject,  rating) {
    this.title = title; = author;
    this.ISBN = ISBN;
    this.subject = subject;
    this.rating = rating; = show;
  function show() {    
    alert(this.title + " "+ + " " + this.ISBN + " " + this.subject + " " + this.rating);
  function assignRating() {
    selectedBook = document.form1.bookList.options[document.form1.bookList.selectedIndex].value;
    selectedBook = eval(selectedBook);
    selectedBook.rating = document.form1.rating.options[document.form1.rating.selectedIndex].text;
  function showBook() {
    selectedBook = document.form1.bookList.options[document.form1.bookList.selectedIndex].value;
    selectedBook = eval(selectedBook);;
  // Execute on loading
  dbBook = new book("A", "AA","1-11111-118-1", "A1", 5);
  fkBook = new book("B", "BB","1-22222-112-1", "B1", 5);
  olBook = new book("C", "CC","1-33333-118-1", "C1", 4);
  iaBook = new book("D", "DD","1-44444-118-1", "D1", 3);
  cnBook = new book("E", "EE","1-55555-128-1", "F1", 5);
  <h1>Book Objects</h1>
  <form name="form1">
      Select a book: 
      <select name="bookList" size=1>
        <option value="dbBook">A</option>
        <option value="fkBook">B</option>
        <option value="olBook">C</option>
        <option value="iaBook">D</option>
        <option value="cnBook">E</option>
      Assign a rating: 
      <select name="rating" size=1>
      Click to assign: 
      <input type="button" name="Assign" value="Assign" onClick="assignRating()">
      Click to show: 
      <input type="button" name="Show" value="Show" onClick="showBook()">

The Book Object Definition

<script type="text/javascript">
  function book(title, author, subject, rating) {    
    this.title = title; = author;
    this.subject = subject;
    this.rating = rating; = show;
  function show() {
    alert(this.title + + this.subject + this.rating);

Use for in loop to display all attributes from an object

    <title>For In Loop Example</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
    var aObject = new Object; = "A";
    aObject.type = "b";
    aObject.myValue = "c";
    for (var obj in aObject) {
        document.write(obj + " = " + aObject[obj]+"<BR>");

Use function as the object constructor

<script type = "text/javascript" >
function Song(artist,length,title) {
    this.artist = artist;
    this.length = length;
    this.title = title;
song1 = new Song("A","3:30","title");

Using the Book Object Constructor

  <title>Using the book object</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  function book(title, author, ISBN, subject, rating) {
    this.title = title; = author;
    this.ISBN = ISBN;
    this.subject = subject;
    this.rating = rating; = show;
  function show() {
    alert(this.title + + this.ISBN + this.subject + this.rating );
  //-->  </script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    dbBook = new book("Title", "Author","1-11111-111-1",  "Computer", 5);;

Utility class for JavaScript class definition

<A href=""> 23 k)</a>

1. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Objectutilitycreateparseandprofile.htm">Object utility: create, parse and profile</a> 2. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/DefineObjectuseitsinstance.htm">Define Object, use its instance</a> 3. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Defineanduseobject.htm">Define and use object</a> 4. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/CreatinganObjectandUsingObjectInstancePropertiesandMethods.htm"> Creating an Object and Using Object Instance Properties and Methods</a> 5. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/ObjectOrientedPlanetaryDataPresentation.htm"> Object-Oriented Planetary Data Presentation</a> 6. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/TheBookObjectDefinition.htm">The Book Object Definition</a> 7. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/CompleteExampleofUsingtheemployeeclientandprojectObjects.htm">Complete Example of Using the employee, client, and project Objects</a> 8. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/SourceCodefortheshowBookExample.htm">Source Code for the showBook() Example</a> 9. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/UsingtheBookObjectConstructor.htm">Using the Book Object Constructor</a> 10. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/CreatingObjectsDynamically.htm">Creating Objects Dynamically</a> 11. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Objecttoarray.htm">Object to array</a> 12. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Createanobjectandaddattributes.htm">Create an object and add attributes</a> 13. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Useforinlooptodisplayallattributesfromanobject.htm">Use for in loop to display all attributes from an object</a> 14. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Displaythepropertiesfromanobjectonebyone.htm">Display the properties from an object one by one</a> 15. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Anobjectanditsconstructor.htm">An object and its constructor</a> 16. <A href="/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/Usefunctionastheobjectconstructor.htm">Use function as the object constructor</a>