JavaScript DHTML/Node Operation/getElementsByName

Материал из Web эксперт
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"getElementsByName()" Example

<script language="JavaScript">
function function1() {
   var m = document.getElementsByName("myE");
<a name="myE" 
   onclick="return(false);">This is a link
<div name="myE">This is a div element</div>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<p name="myE" style="cursor:hand">This is a p element</p>
<input type="button" 
       value="Get the number of elements that have the same name" 

Get tags by name

<script type="text/javascript">
function findName() {
   var typeStr = "";
   var nmStr = "elem1";
   var nmList = document.getElementsByName(nmStr);
   typeStr += nmList[0].tagName + " ";
<body onload="findName();">
<div name="elem1">
    <ul name="elem2">
        <li>option 1</li>
        <li name="elem3">option 2</li>
<p name="elem5">Paragraph</p>
<form name="elem6">
    <input type="text" name="elem7" />