JavaScript DHTML/Page Components/Calculator
[убрать]A JavaScript Calculator
Mastering JavaScript, Premium Edition
by James Jaworski
Publisher Sybex CopyRight 2001
<TITLE>Doing Math</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
r = new Array(2)
function setStartState(){
r[0] = "0"
r[1] = "0"
function addDigit(n){
if(state=="gettingInteger" || state=="gettingFloat")
function appendDigit(n1,n2){
if(n1=="0") return ""+n2
var s=""
return s
function display(s){
function addDecimalPoint(){
if(state=="haveOperand" || state=="getOperand2") r[ix]="0."
function clearDisplay(){
function changeSign(){
if(r[ix].charAt(0)=="-") r[ix]=r[ix].substring(1,r[ix].length)
else if(parseFloat(r[ix])!=0) r[ix]="-"+r[ix]
function setTo(n){
function calc(){
if(state=="gettingInteger" || state=="gettingFloat" ||
}else if(state=="getOperand2"){
function calculateOperation(op,x,y){
var result=""
}else if(op=="-"){
}else if(op=="*"){
}else if(op=="/"){
alert("Division by 0 not allowed.")
}else result=""+(parseFloat(x)/parseFloat(y))
return result
function performOp(op){
}else if(state=="gettingInteger" || state=="gettingFloat" ||
function applyFunction(){
var selectionList=document.calculator.functions
var selIX=selectionList.selectedIndex
var sel=selectionList.options[selIX].value
if(sel=="abs") r[ix]=Math.abs(r[ix])
else if(sel=="acos") r[ix]=Math.acos(r[ix])
else if(sel=="asin") r[ix]=Math.asin(r[ix])
else if(sel=="atan") r[ix]=Math.atan(r[ix])
else if(sel=="ceil") r[ix]=Math.ceil(r[ix])
else if(sel=="cos") r[ix]=Math.cos(r[ix])
else if(sel=="exp") r[ix]=Math.exp(r[ix])
else if(sel=="floor") r[ix]=Math.floor(r[ix])
else if(sel=="log") r[ix]=Math.log(r[ix])
else if(sel=="sin") r[ix]=Math.sin(r[ix])
else if(sel=="sqrt") r[ix]=Math.sqrt(r[ix])
else r[ix]=Math.tan(r[ix])
// --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
// --></SCRIPT>
<H1>Doing Math</H1>
<FORM NAME="calculator">
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n0" VALUE=" 0 " ONCLICK="addDigit(0)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n1" VALUE=" 1 " ONCLICK="addDigit(1)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n2" VALUE=" 2 " ONCLICK="addDigit(2)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="equals" VALUE=" = " ONCLICK="calc()"></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1"><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="clearField" VALUE=" Clear " ONCLICK="clearDisplay()"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="1"><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="ln2" VALUE=" ln2 " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.LN2)"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n3" VALUE=" 3 " ONCLICK="addDigit(3)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n4" VALUE=" 4 " ONCLICK="addDigit(4)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n5" VALUE=" 5 " ONCLICK="addDigit(5)"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1"><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="sign" VALUE=" +/- " ONCLICK="changeSign()"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="sqrt2" VALUE=" sqrt(2) " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.SQRT2)"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="ln10" VALUE=" ln10 " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.LN10)"></TD></TR>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n6" VALUE=" 6 " ONCLICK="addDigit(6)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n7" VALUE=" 7 " ONCLICK="addDigit(7)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n8" VALUE=" 8 " ONCLICK="addDigit(8)"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="pi" VALUE=" pi " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.PI)"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="sqrt12" VALUE="sqrt(1/2) " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.SQRT1_2)"></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="log2e" VALUE=" log2(e) " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.LOG2E)"></TD></TR>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="n9" VALUE=" 9 " ONCLICK="addDigit(9)"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="decimal" VALUE=" . " ONCLICK="addDecimalPoint()"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="plus" VALUE=" + " ONCLICK="performOp("+")"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="1" ROWSPAN="1"><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="log10e" VALUE="log10(e) " ONCLICK="setTo(Math.LOG10E)"></TD></TR>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="minus" VALUE=" - " ONCLICK="performOp("-")"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="multiply" VALUE=" X " ONCLICK="performOp("*")"></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="divide" VALUE=" / " ONCLICK="performOp("/")"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3" ROWSPAN="1"><B>Functions: </B>
<SELECT NAME="functions" SIZE="1">
<OPTION VALUE="acos">acos(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="asin">asin(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="atan">atan(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="ceil">ceil(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="cos">cos(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="exp">exp(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="floor">floor(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="log">log(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="sin">sin(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="sqrt">sqrt(x)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="tan">tan(x)</OPTION>
JavaScript Calculator - sCal
<!-- Begin
// ************************************************* sCal2-06r.htm
// sCal - small, scientific, script Calculator
// Copyright (C) 2003 R. Mohaupt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
// 02111-1307 USA
// ---
// ABOUT sCal: R.Mohaupt, Feb, 2003
// GENERAL: sCal is a scientific, programmable calculator form
// --predominately generated in HTML in a relatively short BODY of
// code at the end (approximately the last 20%, depending on how
// much additional code has been added). The HEAD contains JavaScript
// (JScript, ECMA std.262 Script, or JS) programming language.
// Therefore, one only needs a JS-enabled web browser (Microsoft
// Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator, versions 5+, have
// been checked & provided for) to operate sCal, and a text editor
// (usually accessable within the browser) to modify. The HEAD has
// 3 commented purposes:
// handle I/O (Input / Output) to the calculator form BODY. These
// are named Ix, Ox, Im, Om etc. {coding convention might have
// named these get_x, put_x, etc.} for I/O to the x-display, memory,
// etc. All areas of sCal can be modified by the user; however,
// special care should be taken in this area since so much other
// code depends on operation of these functions. The key function
// is "xEval()" which, after some checking for use of the "^" to
// take x to the y power, calls the JS "eval("string")" function.
// the menu structure is fairly simple: observing "Catagory" drop-
// down menus in the upper-right cell of the Calculator BODY, to
// select "Groups" of individual operations from the drop-down
// menus in the upper-left cell. Programming this requires some
// study of the included source examples. As in any coding effort,
// it is VERY important to mimic the location of commas, quotes,
// semi-colons, etc. exactly. More interesting and challenging is
// creation of JS-coded strings, often multi-line statements, to
// perform computational desires. These vary from the application
// of a simple factor (the majority of x}conversions do this) to
// somewhat elaborate mini-programs, identifiable by some dense
// string construction. The function "eval" expects a string of
// JS code. This is what appears in the x-display when the [JS]
// button clicked. Data additions in *}functions are made in the
// x-display. Code can be modified there, too. But for code
// modifications, or addition of new procedures, to become "per-
// manent", they need to be added to the source. Here one must
// keep in mind that STRINGS are being built. Single and double-
// quotes only provide 2-levels. Prompts in the n[0...19] array
// require another level, hence the supplemental strings of dense
// code appearing immediately before the Group Menu layouts.
// A few comments are in order here:
// * Operational Summary: sCal conventions suggest that the
// following "codes" be observed. (The program does not key on
// these, but they give the user a hint of what to expect.)
// x} in description, user click [>x] button to convert or
// operate on value in x-display.
// s} user click [JS] to view text (script) in x-display
// *} click [JS], user seeks comment or other areas in text to
// place or replace a value into a procedure, ->[=].
// n} click [JS] to fill-in the n[0..19] array for the program:
// prompt "input <" means value to be entered in next column
// label "output >" designates the computed output to right
// "_column_head_" may indicate that I/O values are below
// * String Media: All Programs & Functions could have been built
// into sCal and skip the call to "eval()" to interpret strings;
// however, that would be a different process from allowing the
// user to modify or creat new programming in the x-display.
// * Finding Code: Sub-menus are called by exactly the first 7-
// characters of the catagory name. The specific code in the HEAD
// is placed roughly in the order of Menu appearance, but it may
// be easier to locate by using the text editor"s "Find" function.
// These 7-characters can "Find" the code area: sub-menu selections
// will be below the "found", and additional strings to execute
// them (if any) are in the block immediately above it.
// * JS References: Many excellent books are available on the
// topic, as well as tutorials and code examples on the Web. Both
// Netscape and Microsoft have extensive (though not all-inclusive)
// Guides and References that can be downloaded. sCal contains
// only a sub-set of JS language elements--mostly listed in the
// JavaScript examples Group. Comments are provided, but there
// are never enough.
// Some errors can be anticipated. Conversion factors and procedure
// output should be checked before relying upon the results. And,
// of course, the user is expected to know when a computation is
// applicable to the problem at hand. Tho some simple discussion
// and an example may be included in the string or an s}(script),
// there is no substitute for comprehensive knowledge and
// experience.
// * Philosophy: sCal is not intended to compete with big, slick
// full-blown applications in any areas it touches. It is intended
// to be highly portable (hence JS & HTML); use only one "small"
// file (both source & executable, with no supplemental image,
// sound, .ddl etc. files to be installed); handy for the rare use
// of a procedure or quick implementation of a special calculation
// not warranting development of a large program. It will not have
// extensive help files, options, and error-checking.
// of variables and functions at the end of the HEAD, before the
// BODY, to provide settings for browser variable text size and
// default menu groups. sCal is set up to run properly with recent
// versions of Netscape, Mozilla, or Internet Explorer (trademarks
// of respective providers) in their default, out-of-the-box set-
// tings. If a user has made modifications, their impact on sCal is
// unpredictable. If unsatisfactory, some CSS instructions can be
// added, or direct code modifications made.
// BODY: The running sCal calculator is divided in a 2x2 table.
// The cell boundries are clearly commented in the source code
// and can be compared to the visible form. HTML is in the order
// of appearance. Brief operating instructions are given in the
// lowest 2 cells. Experimentation and reading this source code
// are highly recommended.
// **************************************************************
// *********************************** I. CALCULATOR OPERATION FUNCTIONS
var x = ""; // Display: by loose typing, "x" mostly a string, sometimes a number
// Advantages & Disadvantages. Big problem is use of "+" to add strings.
// Often necessary to induce JavaScript to treat variable as a number by
// dividing it by 1: i.e. +x adds x-string, +x/1 adds numeric value of x.
// A stray "/1" is seen in many formulations to use less code than eval().
var m = ""; // stores Memory
var nFlag = "0"; // determines function of [n] keys
n = new Array(20);// stores variables used in programming, initialize as empty strings
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {n[i]="";}
var temp = "";
function Ix() {x = document.sCal.IOx.value;}
// Input synch to x-string. Do since TextArea can be changed from keyboard
function Ox() {document.sCal.IOx.value = x;} // Output x-string change to display
function xEval() {Ix(); Im(); // --- MAIN Evaluation Routine, invoked by screen [ = ] click ---
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {nI(i);}
var j = x.indexOf("^"); // check to see if there is an x^y function
if (j > 0) { // all to left of "^" is taken as base and all right as exponent
if (x.indexOf("^",j+1) > 0) {alert("WARNING! Only 1 [^] allowed in expression! Math.pow(x,y) preferred.");}
else { // likewise, entire x-value is used as function argument, not just last term
document.sCal.IOx.value = Math.pow(eval(x.substring(0,j)),eval(x.substring(j+1)));}}
else { // check to see if a program, update variables for keyboard entries
if (x.indexOf("=")>-1) { // Note: certain calls reserved for programs ("=" designated)
temp=x; eval(x); x=temp; Ox();} // original x not changed in a program
else {document.sCal.IOx.value = eval(x);} } // end of nested if-else statements
Ix(); Om(); On();}
function xPlusEq(s) {Ix(); x += s; Ox();} // --- DISPLAY x functions ---
function xMultEq(s) {xEval(); x *= s; Ox();}
function Clear() {x = ""; Ox();} // Clearing x often necessary when switching functions.
function BkSpace() {Ix(); x = x.substring(0,x.length-1) ; Ox();}
function recip() {xEval(); x = 1/(x); Ox();}
function xEnd() {Ix(); return x.substr(x.length-1,1);} // allows last char. of x to be a Flag;
// click display button, or key if cursor placed at end of x, for a control. {x[i] doesn"t work}
function JSwork(s) // --- determine what to do with incoming MENU (s) values from [JS] button ---
{if (s.indexOf("n[1]")>-1) //-if there is program (indicated by presence of n[1]),
{x=""; Ox(); xPlusEq(s); xEval();} // fill in array. ERROR if x-display not cleared prior.
else {xPlusEq(s);} }
function Xwork(s) // --- determine what to do with incoming MENU (s) values from [Do] button ---
{if (isNaN(s))
{if (s.indexOf("x")>-1) //-if expression, s, is f(x), i.e.Method,
{xEval(); x = eval(s); Ox();} // figure x, & substiture in function
else {x += eval(s); Ox();} } //-if a Property or program, add "s" value
else {xPlusEq(s);} } //-if numeric constant, append like JSwork
function DoRecip(s) //--- does [1/d]: inverse [Do] eg. ft>m becomes m>ft. NOT ALWAYS SENSIBLE! ---
{Ix(); temp=eval(s); if (s.indexOf("x")>-1) {x=x*x/temp} else {x=1/temp} Ox();}
function Im() {m = document.sCal.IOm.value;} // --- MEMORY functions: (similar to Ix() & Ox())
function Om() {document.sCal.IOm.value = m;}
function XtoM() {Ix(); Im(); m += x; Om(); x=""; Ox();} // Memory click operations:
function MtoX() {Ix(); Im(); x += m; Ox();}
function Mplus() {xEval(); if (m=="") {m=0} // --- note that Mplus can accumulate:
if (isNaN(m) && m.charAt(0)=="/"){m+=x+"/"}// string of data values, triggered by starting "/"
else {m=parseFloat(m)+parseFloat(x)} // & using "/" as delimiter between values,
Om(); x=""; Ox();} // or as summation & storage of a single value.
function Mclear() {m = ""; Om();} // - Use MtoX to view/edit the string of values.
function nI(k) {n[k] = eval("document.sCal.n"+k+".value");} // --- for n[.] DATA ARRAY ---
// for consistency with Ix() & Im() this would have been named In, except its reserved
function On() { // function On(k) like Ox() & Om().
document.sCal.n0.value = n[0]; // These are values of the text boxes
document.sCal.n1.value = n[1]; // on the right cell of sCal.
document.sCal.n2.value = n[2]; // {This is not ellegant code
document.sCal.n3.value = n[3]; // but the prior form of n[k]=
document.sCal.n4.value = n[4]; // eval("document.sCal.n"+k+".value")
document.sCal.n5.value = n[5]; // in the "input" nI form, but
document.sCal.n6.value = n[6]; // contrary to Netscape documentation,
document.sCal.n7.value = n[7]; // eval("document.sCal.n"+k+".value")
document.sCal.n8.value = n[8]; // =n[k] for On, doesn"t work.}
document.sCal.n9.value = n[9];
function setNflag1() {nFlag="1";} // sets flag to insert "n[k]" in x-display
function setNflag2() {nFlag="2";} // sets flag to insert value of n[k] in x
function nData(k) { // similar to Memory functions
if (nFlag=="0") {n[k] = x; On();}
if (nFlag=="1") {Ix(); x += "n["+k+"]"; Ox(); nFlag="0";} // Nflag is reset to 0
if (nFlag=="2") {Ix(); nI(k); x += n[k]; Ox(); nFlag="0";}}// after each use.
function Nclear() {for (i=0; i<20; i++) {n[i] = "";} On();} // clears entire n-array
// --- except when data is specifically intended to carry over, it is good practice
// to clear the n-data array (AND the x-display) when switching to a new function.
function Mr(val,place) {var d=Math.pow(10,place); //--- MISC. UTILITY FUNCTIONS ---
return Math.round(d*val)/d;} //--- Output decimal places ---
function Fo(val) {var d=0; if (val<100){ // format output to 3 +/- significant figures
if (val<10){d=2} else {d=1}} return Mr(val,d)}
function fact(q) {var j=q; for (i=q;i>1;i--) {j*=fact(j-1)} return j};// factorial, n!=1*2*3*...*n
// note recursion: fact(q) calls itself, above.
var Pi =Math.PI; // Consideration has been given to streamlining all Math. fcn. calls by defining
// them in a cluster; eg. sin(a)=Math.sin(a*PI/180) {in degrees vs. radians}, etc.
// With the math intensity of sCal, there would be a savings in code size (and it
// has been done in the cases above), but it would not encourage good JS coding.
// Not a big matter of principle, tho. User could do it, looking like VB.script.
/* ****************************** II. MENU GROUPS WITH STRINGS OF JS SOURCE CODE:
All of sCal is user-programmable, of course. But the following Menu-Value
setups should be particularly useful to engineers & scientific professionals for
adding new functions, often just because many formulae are too easily forgettable.
--- Follow working code closely. ---
GROUP MENU options format = "("selected.text","selected.value")",
"("","")", <-copy/paste to fill in new options in chosen group
Watch length of .text to avoid overrun of cell width (obvious when border blows).
Last option must end with ); close parentheses & semi-colon, to end array.
> < use EXACTLY 7-characters of group name .text & EXACT CASE! */
var A234567_nA = new Array("("A23456789 sample NAME","COMPUTATION string")",
"("x} . NAME","COMP")",
"("x} . . .","")", // copy this section to start a new catagory;
"("x} . . .","")", // paste it to an appropriate location in the code;
"("x} . . .","")", // fill in the blanks with desired name, comp;
"("x} . . .","")", // copy the top catagory name to the desired option select
"("x} . . .","")", // menu (top, right cell) to make available for use.
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")", // adding a calculation to an existing catagory: simply
"("x} . . .","")", // add blank lines where needed. Delete these comments.
"("x} . . .","")", // Note that final line ending with semi-colon = critical.
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")", // There are better blanks (less editing required) at
"("","")"); // Catagory 3: Special for User_01; User_02; User_03.
// *********************** Catagory 1: default selection of conversions*********
// Sources (numerous, some discrepancies, potential transcription errors:)
// ASHRAE, Handbook of Fundamentals, Subcommittee Bryan, Wm. L, et al, 1972;
// Engineering Manual, Perry, Robert H, 3rd. Ed, McGraw Hill, 1976;
// Engineers Manual, Hudson, 2nd Ed, Ralph G, Wiley & Sons, 1944;
// Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 47th Ed, CRC, 1966-67;
// Timber Construction Manual, American Inst. of Timber Constr, 2nd Ed, 1974;
var General_nA = new Array("("General: convert x}. Pi .","Math.PI")",
"("len. x}. inch > millimeter","x*25.4")",
"("length x} . . feet > meter","x*0.3048")",
"("length x} . . . feet > mile","x/5280")",
"("len. x} . mile >kilometer","1.609344*x")",
"("area x} . ft^2 > meter^2","0.092903*x")",
"("area x} . . feet^2 > acre","x/43560")",
"("area x} . acre >hectare","0.404686*x")",
"("area x} . acre > mile^2","x/640")",
"("vol. x} . . ft^3 > meter^3","0.0283168*x")",
"("vol. x} . . . . ft^3 > gallon","7.4805*x")",
"("vol. x} .yd^3 > meter^3","0.764555*x")",
"("force . . . lb(f) > Newton","4.44822*x")",
"("mass x} . . . lb.US > kg","0.45359*x")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("n} Rect.-Polar Convert",R_PCon)", // code for this is is at Analytic Geometry
"("x} . . .","")",
"("temp. . . C deg > F deg","9*x/5+32")",
"("temp. . . F deg > C deg","5*(x-32)/9")",
"("temp. . . C deg > K deg","x-273.15")");
var Length__nA = new Array("("length x} . feet > meter","x*0.3048")",
"("x} . . . inch > millimeter","x*25.4")",
"("x} . . . . . . yard > meter","x*0.9144")",
"("x} . . .ft(us) > ft(survey)","x*0.9999980315")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > link","x/0.66")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > rod","x/16.5")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > chain","x/66")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > inch","x*12")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > hand","x*3")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > cubit","x/1.5")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > yard","x/3")",
"("x} . . . . . feet > fathom","x/6")",
"("x} . . . . . feet > furlong","x/660")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > cable","x/720")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet > mile","x/5280")",
"("x} feet > mile(int.naut.)","x/6076.115485")",
"("x} . . . mile > kilometer","x*1.609344")",
"("x} mile > league(stat.)","x/3")",
"("x} mile>league(intnat)","x/3.45")",
"("x} . mile > astrom.unit","x/92955763.342")",
"("x} . . . . . mile > parsec","x/1.917377515e13")",
"("x} . . . mile > light year","x/5.87851323e12")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . inch > pica(print)","x*6")",
"("x} . .inch > point(print)","x*72")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . . meter > micron","x*1e6")",
"("x} . meter > angstrom","x*1e10")");
var Area_co_nA = new Array("("Area conv.x} f^2 >m^2","x*0.092903")",
"("x} . . . . . feet^2 > inch^2","x*144")",
"("x} . . . . . . inch^2 > cm^2","x*6.4516")",
"("x} . . . . .feet^2 > yard^2","x/9")",
"("x} . . .yard^2 > meter^2","x*0.83612736")",
"("x} . . . . . . . feet^2 > acre","x/43560")",
"("x} . . . . . acre > hectare","x*0.40468564")",
"("x} . . . . . .mile^2 > km^2","x*2.589988")",
"("x} . . . . . . feet^2 > rood","x/10890")",
"("x} . . mile^2 > township","x/36")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} circular inch >","x*Math.PI/4")",
"("x} circular mm >","x*Math.PI/4")",
"("x} circular in. >","x*1000000")",
"("x} circular in. >","x*645.16")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")");
var Volume__nA = new Array("("Vol. conv. x} ft^3 > m^3","x*0.0283168")",
"("x} . . . . . feet^3 > inch^3","x*1728")",
"("x} . . . . . .inch^3 > cm^3","x*16.387064")",
"("x} . . . . .feet^3 > yard^3","x/27")",
"("x} . . .yard^3 > meter^3","x*0.764555")",
"("x} . . . .acre.ft > meter^3","x*1233.48")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} gallon(US)>gal(Imp.)","x*0.83261")",
"("x} fl.oz(us) > teaspoon","x*6")",
"("x} fl.oz(us)>tablespoon","x*2")",
"("x} . fl.oz(us) > fl.oz(Brit)","x*1.04")",
"("x} .fluid oz(us) > inch^3","x*1.8")",
"("x} . .fluid oz(us) > cm^3","x*29.573")",
"("x} fluid ounce(us) >cup","x/8")",
"("x} . . .fl.oz(us) > pint(us)","x/16")",
"("x} fl.oz(us) >quart(","x/32")",
"("x} . . . . . . fl.oz(us) > liter","x/33.8146282")",
"("x} quart(us)liquid > dry","x*0.8594")",
"("x} quart(us.liq) >gallon","x/4")",
"("x} . . . . . feet^3 > gallon","x*7.4805")",
"("x} ft^3>bushel(us.dry)","x*0.80356")",
"("x} feet^3 > bbl(us.liq)","x*0.237483")",
"("x} feet^3 > bbl(us.oil)","x*0.17811")",
"("x} feet^3 > bbl(us.dry)","x*0.2449")",
"("x} ft^3>ton(us.shipng)","x/40")",
"("x} ton(register)>m^3","x*2.8317")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . feet^3 > board.ft","x*12")",
"("x} . ft^3 > cord(wood)","x/128")");
var Time_Ve_nA = new Array("("Time_Velocity x} hr > s","x*3600")",
"("x} . . . day > second","x*86400")",
"("x} . sec.> nanosecond","x*1e9")",
"("x} day > day(sidereal)","x*1.0027379")",
"("x} year > yr.(sidereal)","x*0.999298")",
"("x} year > day(actual)","x*365.24")",
"("x} velocity: ft/s > mi/hr","x*0.68181818")",
"("x} . meter/sec > km/hr","x*3.6")",
"("x} . . . . . . mi/hr > km/hr","x*1.609344")",
"("x} . . . . . . mi/hr > knot","x*0.86898")",
"("x} . . . mi/hr > Mach no.","x/741.5444")",
"("x} C(light speed) >m/s","x*2.99792458e8")",
var Mass_Fo_nA = new Array("("Mass_Force x} lb > kg","x/2.204634")",
"("x} lb(pound.av)>lb.troy","x*1.215 //avoirdupois is common used here")",
"("x} . . . . lb > oz(avoir.)","x*16")",
"("x} . . . . lb > oz (troy)","x*14.58")",
"("x} . . lb > carat(metric)","x*2267.95")",
"("x} gram > carat(metric)","x*5")",
"("x} gram > grain","x*15.432")",
"("x} . . . . lb > grains","x*7000")",
"("x} . . lb > stone(Brit)","x/14")",
"("x} . . . . . lb > ton","x/2000")",
"("x} . . . . . lb > ton(metric)","x/2204.634")",
"("x} . . . . . lb > ton(long)","x/2240")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("s} DEFINITION F=MA","if a=g~9.8m/sec^2, kg * g = N (Newton)")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . kg(f) > Newton","x*9.80665")",
"("x} . . kg.m/sec > N","x*1.0")",
"("x} . . . . . . . J/m > N","x*1.0")",
"("x} . . . . . .dyne > N","x/10000")",
"("x} . . . . gram(f) > dyne","x*980.665")",
"("x} . . . . . . lb(f) > N","x*4.44822")",
"("x} . . . . . . lb(f) > kip","x/1000")",
"("x} . . . . . lb(f) > poundal","x*32.174")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")");
var Pressur_nA = new Array("("Pressure x} p.s.i. > Pa","x*6894.757")",
"("x} . . N/sq.m > Pascal","x*1.0 // definition")",
"("x} . . dyne/ > Pa","x*0.1")",
"("x} . . . . . lb(f)/sq.ft > Pa","x*47.88")",
"("x} . tons/s.f. > kg/cm^2","x*0.9765")",
"("x} . . . . kg(f)/sq.m > Pa","x*9.80665")",
"("x} Newton/cm^2 > Pa","x*10000")",
"("x} . . . . . . . cm Hg > Pa","x*1333.224")",
"("x} . . . in Hg(32 F) > Pa","x*3386.38")",
"("x} . . . in Hg(60 F) > Pa","x*3376.85")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . atmosphere > Pa","x*101325")",
"("x} . . . . atm(std) > p.s.i.","x*14.69595")",
"("x} . . . . . atm(std) > bar","x*1.01325")",
"("x} . . . . . bars > Pascal","x*100000")",
"("x} . . .atm(std) > in Hg","x*29.92")",
"("x} . . atm(std) > ft.water","x*33.899")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . .","")");
var Density_nA = new Array("("Density x} p/cf >kg/m^3","x*16.02")",
"("x} . lb/gal(us) > kg/cu.m","x*119.83")",
"("x} . . g/ > kg/cu.m","x*1000")",
"("x} milligram/liter > kg/l","x*1e-6")",
"("x} megag./cu.m. > kg/l","x*1.0")",
"("x} . oz/gal(us)>kg/c.m","x*7.489")",
"("x} oz/gal(us)>oz/g(uk)","x*1.2")",
"("x} . ton/c.y. > kg/liter","x*1.18655")",
"("x} g/ > spec.grav","x*1.0")",
"("x} . . g/cc = kg/l > s.g.","x*1.0")",
"("x} . . . . . . lb/cu.ft > s.g.","x/62.428")",
"("x} . . . . . . lb/ > s.g.","x/0.036127")",
"("x} . . . . . . . lb/gal > s.g.","x/8.345")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("s} TYP. Values of S.G.","see Materials charts in this catagory.")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} . . .","")");
var Energy__nA = new Array("("Energy_or work s} Def.","Energy=work ~F*dist")",
"("x} . . Watt.sec > Joule","x*1.0 //definition")",
"("x} . . . . > Joule","x*3600")",
"("x} . . . > Joule","x*3600000")",
"("x} . . . . Btu(mean) > J","x*1054.35")",
"("x} . . . . . . Btu(ISO) > J","x*1055.06")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . > J","x*1.355818")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . kg.m > J","x*9.80665")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . . kCal > J","x*4186.75")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . therm > J","x*105506000")",
"("x} . . . . . therm(us) > J","x*105480400")",
"("x} tonsTNT equiv >J","x*4200000000")",
"("x} >J","x*2.6845e6")",
"("x} . . metric > J","x*2.648e6")",
"("x} liter.atmosphere>J","x*101.33")",
"("x} . . . . . . > J","x/10000000")",
"("x} . . . . > erg","x*1.0 //definition")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . .","")");
var Power_r_nA = new Array("("Power_rate of Work s}","Power ~energy/time")",
"("x} . . . . . Watt > Btu/hr","x*3.414426")",
"("x} . . . kw > Btu/sec","x*0.9478")",
"("x} . . . kw > poncelet","x*1.02")",
"("x} . . . kw > kg.m/sec","x*102")",
"("x} . . . Watt > cal/sec","x*0.23885")",
"("x}W>candle pow(sp.)","x*53.2481363")",
"("x} . . . . . W > erg/sec","x*10000000")",
"("x} . . . W >","x*0.737562")",
"("x} W > HP (","x/745.7")",
"("x} . . . W > HP (metric)","x/735.5")",
"("x} . . . . . . . W > lumen","x*668.45")",
"("x} W > tons.refrigerat.","x/3516.9")",
"("x} tons.refrig >","x*1200")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var HtRes="R =resistance to heat flow (reciprocal of conductivity). R values are added to obtain ";
HtRes +="reciprocal of overall heat transmission of a building surface, U. eg. for a frame wall: ";
HtRes +="Outside surf.15mph wind R~0.17 deg.F/Btu/hr/sf; wood siding, 1/2in.w/laps R~0.81; ";
HtRes +="Sheathing, 1/2in. asph.impreg.board R~1.32; Insulation, 4in.fiberglass R~11; Gypsum wall";
HtRes +="board R~0.45; Inside surf. still air R~0.68; ->Total R=14.43 =1/U -> U=0.0697Btu/hr.sf.F";
HtRes +=" adjust for framing:2x4 @ 16in.cts ->U*1.08 =0.075. Heating capacity needed is then ";
HtRes +="computed from sq.ft of walls, adj. windows, doors, ceiling, etc. Apply to design temp.";
var Heat_Te_nA = new Array("("Heat_Temperature: s}","meas. of atomic kinetic energy")",
"("x}. . . C deg > F deg","9*x/5+32")",
"("x}. . . F deg > C deg","5*(x-32)/9")",
"("x}. . . C deg > K deg","x-273.15")",
"("x} . . .F deg > R deg","x-458.57")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . BTU/lb > J/kg","x*2326")",
"("x} . . cal/g > J/kg","x*4186")",
"("x} . . . C/m>W/m.C","x*1.0")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("s} __HEAT FLOW__","rate of Heat per area")",
"("x} Watt/cm^2 >Btu/hr.sf","x*3170")",
"("x} watt/cm^2 >Btu/dy.sf","x*76081")",
"("x} w/cm^2 >cal/^2","x*860")",
"("x} w/cm^2 > cal/^2","x*0.2388")",
"("s} _CONDUCTANCE_","=heat flow per deg.F or deg.C temperature gradient")",
"("x} w/cm^2.C>Btu/hr.sf.F","x*1761")",
"("x} w/sm.C>cal/","x*860")",
"("x} w/smC>cal/","x*0.2388")",
"("s}_CONDUCTIVITY, k","conductance through a thickness of material")",
"("x} w/scm(cm/C)>Btu/h..","x*57.79 // watt/cm^2(cm/C)>Btu/hr.sf(ft/F)")",
"("x} w/sm(cm/C)>cal/h...","x*860 // watt/sm(cm/C)>cal/")",
"("x} Btu/s.sf(in/F)>cal..","x*1.2405 // Btu/s.sf(in/F)>cal/^2(cm/C)")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var Light_R_nA = new Array("("Light_Rad. lux>lum./sm","x*1.0")",
"("x} . candle pow.>lumen","x*12.556")",
"("x} . . . . lumen > watt","0.001496")",
"("x} . . . . lux > ft.candle","x*0.0929")",
"("x} . ft.candle>lumen/s.f","x*0.0929")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} candela/>ft.lam.","x*452.389 //c./sq.inch>foot.lambert")",
"("x} candela/>c./s.m","x*1550")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x}rayleigh>ph./sm.sec","1.0E10 //photon emission/sq.m.Second")",
"("x} roentgen>coul./kg","x*2.57976E-4")",
"("x} . . dose rad > J/kg","x/100")",
"("x} . . Rutherford > Bq","x*1000000 // disintegrations/second")",
"("x} . . curie >disinteg/s","x*3.7e10")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var DMStoDeg="var dg=(/*Deg*/ ); var mn=(/*min*/ ); var sc=(/*sec*/ ); /*CLICK[=]*/ ";
DMStoDeg +="m=dg + mn/60 + sc/3600; ";
var AZtoBEAR="var Az=(/*Azimuth 0-deg @ N, rotate to E.(right)*/ ); /*CLICK[=]*/ ";
AZtoBEAR +="var Quad=Math.floor(Az/90); while (Quad>=4) {Quad-=4} var d=Az%90; ";
AZtoBEAR +="if (Quad==0||Quad==3) {m="N";} else {m="S";} if (Quad==1 || Quad==3) ";
AZtoBEAR +="{d=90-d} m+=Mr(d,4); if (Quad>1) {m+="W"} else {m+="E"}";
var Angular_nA = new Array("("Angular x} . . deg > rad","x*Math.PI/180")",
"("x} . . . . grad > degrees","x*360/400")",
"("x} . . . . .mils > degrees","x*360/6400 // 1/tan(grad)=1018.6 ie.~1unit wide @ 1000unit dist.")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . degrees > arc.min.","x*60")",
"("x} . degrees > arc.sec.","x*3600")",
"("x} deg,min,sec > deg.",DMStoDeg)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("*} d.azimuth > bearing",AZtoBEAR)",
"("n} Rect.-Polar Convert",R_PCon)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var Electri_nA = new Array("("Elect,Magnet. EMU >F","x*1000000000")",
"("x} capacit: ESU>Farad","x*1.11265E-12")",
"("x} charge/mole>Farad","x*1.036484E-5")",
"("x} . .>Faraday","x/26.811639")",
"("x} . .>Coulomb","x*3600")",
"("x} Coulomb > Faraday","x*1.03603431E-5")",
"("x} electron.volt>Joule","1.60219e-19")",
"("x} current Amp.>EMU","x/10")",
"("x} . . . Ampere > ESU","x/3.3356E-10")",
"("x} . . . Ampere > mA","x*1000")",
"("x} . . . A > abampere","x/10")",
"("x} . . . A > statampere","x/3.33564E-10")",
"("x}>","x*1e-6 //^2/cm")",
"("x} mO>","x*6.0153049")",
"("x} mO>^2/in","x/2.54")",
"("x} induct: Henry>ESU","x/8.987554E11")",
"("x} . . . . . Henry > EMU","x/1.0E-9")",
"("x} m.fild:A/m>Oersted","x/79.5775")",
"("x} mmf: A.turn >gilbert","x*1.256637")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . . gauss > tesla","x*1e-4")",
"("x} . maxwell > webber","x*1e-8")",
"("x} unit.pole>maxwell","x*12.5664")",
var MscKCode="n[0]="_key_below_"; n[10]="_unicode_no_"; for (j=1;j<10;j++){n[j+10]=n[j].charCodeAt(0)}";
var Misc_Un_nA = new Array("("Misc_Units each >doz.","x/12")",
"("x} . bytes > kilobyte","x/1024")",
"("x} . each > score","x/20")",
"("x} . each > gross","x/144")",
"("x} each > ream(paper)","x/500")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("n} Key > char code",MscKCode)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var GrabNval="function GrabN(s){for (j=10;j<20;j++){n[j]=s[j-10]}} var j=n[1]; "; //fill s-array to n[10..20]
var MatP="/* Material Properties are given in tables: Select->[JS]->[=]. Descriptors prefixed by * have ";
MatP +="additional beyond-cell info. [c]->[nx]->[n?] display in full in x-display. Same process to ";
MatP +="transfer data from the n-cell to manipulate/convert units/apply in the x-display.*/";
var Mat0=GrabNval+" n[0]="*__Material__characteristics can be highly variable, especially those that ";
Mat0 +="absorb water, eg. stone agg. & wood "; "+MatP;
Mat0 +="n[1]="*Specific Grav. water based: S.G =1 =1kg/liter =1g/cc =62.4lb/c.f =8.34lb/gal"; ";
Mat0 +="n[2]="atom.No/wt if an element"; n[3]="melt/boil C.deg"; n[4]="*therm.conductivity, ";
Mat0 +="water @20deg.C std. =0.346 Btu/hr.sf(deg.F/ft) =4.15 Btu/hr.sf.(deg.F/in) ";
Mat0 +="=0.006 Watt/cm.deg.C =0.00143 cal/sec.cm2(deg.C/cm) =1/R"; ";
Mat0 +="n[5]="*Specific Heat water std. =1Btu/lb.deg.F =1cal/g.deg.C =4186.8J/kg.C =1.163watt.h/kg.C"; ";
Mat0 +="n[6]="*coef.lin.expansion*E6 per deg.C eg. L1=L0*(1+coeff*(deg.C1-deg.C0))"; ";
Mat0 +="n[7]="*sound.speed m/sec"; n[8]="*Strength: tensile/yield/Mod of Elast, all kips/"; ";
Mat0 +="n[9]="*electrical resistivity, =0.1662426 =0.06545"; s =new Array";
var MAcou=Mat0+"("Acoustic Tile",0.4,"","",0.1,"","","1600","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MAir =Mat0+"("Air @ STP",0.00125,"N2%78,O2%21-,A%1-,CO2%.03,etc","",0.04,"","",340,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MAlum=Mat0+"("Aluminum",2.65,"Al 13/26.98","660/2467",368,0.226,23.8,16400,"13-24/5-22/10E3",18); GrabN(s);";
var MAsph=Mat0+"("Asphalt, Tar",1.3,"","",1.23,0.22,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MBras=Mat0+"("Brass(.7Cu,.3Zn)",8.53,"","",210,0.0917,18.7,11400,"53/20/16E3",42); GrabN(s);";
var MBron=Mat0+"("Bronze(.9Cu,.1Zn)",8.6,"","",49,0.086,27,1250,"61/54/17E3",65); GrabN(s);";
var MBric=Mat0+"("Brick",1.9,"","",1.15,0.2,9.5,12000,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCast=Mat0+"("Cast Iron",7.6,"Fe 26/55.85","1535/2750",79.3,0.119,79.3,16900,"25+//13E3",60); GrabN(s);";
var MCCok=Mat0+"("Coal -coke",1.2,"","",1.6,0.36,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCChr=Mat0+"(" -charcoal",2.4,"","",0.09,0.2,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCCin=Mat0+"(" -cinders",0.7,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCBit=Mat0+"(" -bituminous",1.35,"","",0.25,0.201,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCAnt=Mat0+"(" -anthracite",1.55,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCCLt=Mat0+"("Concrete, lite",1.6,"","",0.22,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCHol=Mat0+"("Conc, hollow core",1.55,"","",0.86,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCPla=Mat0+"("Conc, plain",2.3,"","",1.56,0.271,"","","0.55//",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCRen=Mat0+"("Conc, reinforced",2.4,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCopp=Mat0+"("Copper",8.9,"Cu 29/63.55","1083/2567",562,0.093,16.8,12500,"30-60//17E3",10.3); GrabN(s);";
var MCork=Mat0+"("Cork",0.24,"","",0.04,0.485,"",1640,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCorn=Mat0+"("Corn",0.7,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MCotH=Mat0+"("Cotton; Hemp",1.5,"","",0.04,0.362,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MEaDL=Mat0+"("Earth:dry loose",1.2,"","",0.3,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MEaMP=Mat0+"("Earth:moist pack",1.6,"","",2.5,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MEaSG=Mat0+"(" . Sand; Gravel",1.9,"","",1.5,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MFlOa=Mat0+"("Flour; Oats",0.5,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MGaso=Mat0+"("Gasoline",0.7,"","",0.2,0.5,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MGold=Mat0+"("Gold",9.3,"Au 79/196.97","1064/2808",494,0.0321,14.3,6660,"17.5-30//10.8E3",14.7); GrabN(s);";
var MGlFl=Mat0+"("Glass: flint",3.8,"","",1.7,0.18,7.88,12200,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MGlSi=Mat0+"("Glass: silica",2.2,"","",1.7,0.18,"",18900,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MGyps=Mat0+"("Gypsum",0.9,"","",0.72,0.26,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MHayB=Mat0+"("Hay, baled",0.3,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MInsB=Mat0+"("Insulation, bat",0.1,"","",0.07,0.16,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MInsR=Mat0+"("Insul, rigid board",0.3,"","",0.09,0.3,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MLead=Mat0+"("Lead",11.4,"Pb 82/207.2","327.5/1740",58,0.0297,29.4,3900,"3/2/2E3",124); GrabN(s);";
var MMerc=Mat0+"("Mercury",13.6,"Hg 80/200.59","-38.9/356.6",13.9,0.0331,"",4750,"0","576"); GrabN(s);";
var MOil=Mat0+"("Oil (variable)",0.9,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MPlsr=Mat0+"("Plaster",1.6,"","",1.24,"","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MPlLu=Mat0+"("Plastic-lucite",1.18,"","","","","",6000,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MPlPs=Mat0+"("Plastic-polystyrene",1.06,"","","","","",7350,"7/5E3",""); GrabN(s);";
var MPlNe=Mat0+"("Plastic-neoprene",1.33,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MSilv=Mat0+"("Silver",10.5,"Ag 47/107.87","961.9/2212",705,0.056,18.8,8790,"23-43/12-38/10.5E3",9.8); GrabN(s);";
var MStel=Mat0+"("Steel",7.9,"","",75,0.118,13.6,"16800","60/36-60/30E3","60-600"); GrabN(s);";
var MSton=Mat0+"("Stone s.g.x0.8 if crushed","","","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MStSa=Mat0+"("Stone, sand",2.3,"","","","","0.5 fused quartz","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MStLi=Mat0+"("Stone, lime",2.5,"","",1.6,0.2,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MStGr=Mat0+"("Stone, granite",2.65,"","",3.2-6,0.191,8.3,1250,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MStIO=Mat0+"("Stone, iron ore",5.2,"","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MTiCl=Mat0+"("Tile:shingles,clay",1.3,"","","",0.22,"",11400,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MTiAA=Mat0+"("Tile:asphalt/agg",1.5,"","",0.3,0.35,"","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MTiMa=Mat0+"("Tile: marble",2.7,"","",4.3,0.206,1-15,1250,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MTin=Mat0+"("Tin",7.36,"Sn 50/118.71","232/2270",108,0.0556,26.9,9000,"4//6E3",66); GrabN(s);";
var MWatr=Mat0+"("Water, 4-degC",1.00,"","",1.00,1.00,"",4915,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWSea=Mat0+"("Water, Sea","1.03","","","","","","","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWIce=Mat0+"("Water, Ice",0.9,"","",2.8,0.505,51,"","",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdCe=Mat0+"("Wood: Cedar",0.35,"","","","","","",".4-.7/.7-1/750",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdPS=Mat0+"("Wood: pine,spruce",0.45,"","",0.18,0.67,"","",".4-.7/.8-1.2/1.1e3",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdMW=Mat0+"("Wood: maple,walnut",0.6,"","","0.22-.29","0.45-.65",6.58,13500,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdPl=Mat0+"("Wood: plywood",0.6,"","",0.23,"","","","/1.2-2/.9-1.8e3",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdYR=Mat0+"("Wood: yel.pine,red.oak",0.65,"","",0.31,"","","",".8-1.2/1-1.8/1.7e3",""); GrabN(s);";
var MWdWO=Mat0+"("Wood: white oak",0.77,"","",0.31,"","",12600,"",""); GrabN(s);";
var MZinc=Mat0+"("Zinc",7.2,"Zn 30/65.39","419.6/907",187,0.095,26.3,12600,"10//",36.6); GrabN(s);";
var Materia_nA = new Array("("Materials, Elements s}",MatP)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("s} . Acoustic Tile",MAcou)",
"("s} . Air @ STP",MAir)",
"("s} . Aluminum",MAlum)",
"("s} . Asphalt, Tar",MAsph)",
"("s} . Brass(.7Cu,.3Zn)",MBras)",
"("s} . Bronze(.9Cu,.1Zn)",MBron)",
"("s} . Brick",MBric)",
"("s} . Cast Iron",MCast)",
"("s} . Coal-coke",MCCok)",
"("s} . . -charcoal",MCChr)",
"("s} . . -cinders",MCCin)",
"("s} . . -bituminous",MCBit)",
"("s} . . -anthracite",MCAnt)",
"("s} . Concrete-lite",MCCLt)",
"("s} . . -hollow core",MCHol)",
"("s} . . -plain",MCPla)",
"("s} . . -reinforced",MCRen)",
"("s} . Copper",MCopp)",
"("s} . Cork",MCork)",
"("s} . Corn",MCorn)",
"("s} . Cotton, Hemp",MCotH)",
"("s} . Earth-dry,loose",MEaDL)",
"("s} . . -moist,pack",MEaMP)",
"("s} . . -sand,gravel",MEaSG)",
"("s} . Flour, Oats",MFlOa)",
"("s} . Gasoline",MGaso)",
"("s} . Gold",MGold)",
"("s} . Glass-flint",MGlFl)",
"("s} . . -silica",MGlSi)",
"("s} . Gypsum",MGyps)",
"("s} . Hay, baled",MHayB)",
"("s} . Insulation-bat",MInsB)",
"("s} . . -rigid board",MInsR)",
"("s} . Lead",MLead)",
"("s} . Mercury",MMerc)",
"("s} . Oil (var)",MOil)",
"("s} . Plaster",MPlsr)",
"("s} . Plastic-lucite",MPlLu)",
"("s} . . -polyethylene",MPlPs)",
"("s} . . -neoprene",MPlNe)",
"("s} . Silver",MSilv)",
"("s} . Steel",MStel)",
"("s} . Stone x.8 crushed",MSton)",
"("s} . . -sandstone",MStSa)",
"("s} . . -limestone",MStLi)",
"("s} . . -granite",MStGr)",
"("s} . . -iron ore",MStIO)",
"("s} . Tile-shingles, clay",MTiCl)",
"("s} . . -asphalt,aggreg.",MTiAA)",
"("s} . . -marble",MTiMa)",
"("s} . Tin",MTin)",
"("s} . Water",MWatr)",
"("s} . . -seawater",MWSea)",
"("s} . . -ice",MWIce)",
"("s} . Wood-cedar",MWdCe)",
"("s} . . -pine,spruce",MWdPS)",
"("s} . . -maple,walnut",MWdMW)",
"("s} . . -plywood",MWdPl)",
"("s} . . -yel.pine, red oak",MWdYR)",
"("s} . . -white oak",MWdWO)",
"("s} . Zinc",MZinc)",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var Math_Sc_nA = new Array("("Math_Science s} . Pi .","Math.PI")",
"("Nat.Log base, e","Math.E")",
"("common log (10) of e","Math.LOG10E")",
"("Euler constant","0.5772156649")",
"("Golden ratio","1.61803398875")",
"("Unified AMU, g","1.66053873E-24")",
"("hydrogen atom mass","1.67339E-24 // g")",
"("electron mass, g","9.10938188E-28")",
"("proton mass, g","1.67262158E-24")",
"("Avagadro No./mole","6.02214199E23")",
"("pres.vol of gas","2271.16 // joules/mole at 0C & 0 pressure")",
"("mole vol,ideal gas,stp","0.022413996 //m^3/mol")",
"("Boltzmann con, J/K","1.3806503E-23")",
"("Faraday, coulomb","96484.6")",
"("Fermi coupling con,","1.16639E-5 // Ge/v^2")",
"("Gravitational con,","6.673E-11 // m^3/kg/s^2")",
"("std.accel.Grav, m/s^2","9.80665")",
"("permiability of space,","8.854187817E-12 //N/A^2")",
"("permitivity of space,","1.2566370614E-6 //F/m")",
"("Plank constant, J.s","6.62606876E-34")",
"("Stefan-Boltzmann,","5.6704E-8 // W/m^2/K")",
"("Wien con,","0.0028977686 // m K")",
"("strong coupling con,","0.1185")",
"("weak mixing angle","0.23117")",
"("W boson mass,","80.419 // Ge/v^2")",
"("Z boson mass,","91.1882 // Ge/v^2")",
"("sound speed, air, m/s","340")",
"("light speed c, m/sec","299792458")",
"("light speed c, mi./sec","186300")");
var Geo_Phy_nA = new Array("("Geo_Physical cnst. s}","Earth characteristics")",
"("s} . . Earth mass, kg","5.97E24")",
"("s} radius @Equator,km","6378.388")",
"("s} radius @ Poles, km","6356..912")",
"("s} mean density, g/cc","5.522")",
"("s} atmos. press, bars","1.013")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("x} deg.latitude>naut.mi","x*60")",
"("x} naut.mile > stat. mi","x*1.15078 //=1852 m =6076.115 ft")",
"("*} deg.longitude, n.mi.","Math.cos((/*lat.deg*/ )*Math.PI/180)*60")",
"("x} deg.longitude > hour","x/15")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} inclin. to axis, deg","23.45")",
"("s} rotation period, hrs","23.9")",
"("s} revolution per., day","365.26")",
"("s} avg. orbit vel, mi/s","18.46")",
"("s} escape vel, mi/sec","6.96")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} Sun, mi","92960000")");
var Prefixe_nA = new Array("("Prefixes to Units s}","names for powers")",
"("s} . . .yotta- Y","1E24")",
"("s} . . .zetta- Z","1E21")",
"("s} . . .exa- E","1E18")",
"("s} . . .peta- P","1E15")",
"("s} . . .tera- T","1E12")",
"("s} . . .giga- G","1E9")",
"("s} . . .mega- M","1E6")",
"("s} . . .kilo- k","1E3")",
"("s} . . .hecto- h","1E2")",
"("s} . . .deka- da","1E1")",
"("s} . -no prefix","1")",
"("s} . . .deci- d","1E-1")",
"("s} . . .centi- c","1E-2")",
"("s} . . .milli- m","1E-3")",
"("s} . . micro- mu","1E-6")",
"("s} . . .nano- n","1E-9")",
"("s} . . .pico- p","1E-12")",
"("s} . . .femto- f","1E-15")",
"("s} . . .atto- a","1E-18")",
"("s} . . .zepto- z","1E-21")",
"("s} . . .yocto- y","1E-24")");
var dec_bin="var j=(/*start No.*/ ); for(i=j;i<j+20;i++){n[i-j]=i+", "+i.toString(2)}";
var dec_oct="var j=(/*start No.*/ ); for(i=j;i<j+20;i++){n[i-j]=i+" octal,"+i.toString(8)}";
var ASCIIhex="var j=(/*start No.*/ ); for(i=j;i<j+20;i++){var k=i.toString(16); ";
ASCIIhex +="n[i-j]=i+" hex,"+k+" ."+unescape("%"+k)}";
var dec_bse="var j=(/*start No.*/ ); var k=(/*2 to 36: base:*/ ); for(i=j;i<j+20;i++) ";
dec_bse +="{n[i-j]=i+" b"+k+","+i.toString(k)}";
var CharSin="var j=(/*SIN deg.start*/ ); var k=(/*deg.increm.*/5 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
CharSin +="{n[i]="sin("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.sin((j+i*k)*Math.PI/180)};";
var CharCos="var j=(/*COS deg.start*/ ); var k=(/*deg.increm.*/5 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
CharCos +="{n[i]="cs("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.cos((j+i*k)*Math.PI/180)};";
var CharTan="var j=(/*TAN deg.start*/ ); var k=(/*deg.increm.*/5 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
CharTan +="{n[i]="tan("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.tan((j+i*k)*Math.PI/180)};";
var CharLn="var j=(/*LN start*/ ); var k=(/*increm.*/1 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
CharLn +="{n[i]="ln("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.log(j+i*k)};";
var CharLog="var j=(/*LOG start*/ ); var k=(/*increm.*/1 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
CharLog +="{n[i]="log("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.log(j+i*k)*Math.LOG10E};";
var ChaRoot="var j=(/*SQUARE ROOT start*/ ); var k=(/*increm.*/1 ); for(i=0;i<20;i++) ";
ChaRoot +="{n[i]="sr("+(j+i*k)/1+")="+Math.sqrt(j+i*k)};";
var CharPow="var j=(/*POWER base start*/ ); var ex=(/*exponent*/ ); var k=(/*increm.*/1 ); ";
CharPow +="for(i=0;i<20;i++) {n[i]=(j+i*k)/1+"p"+ex+"="+Math.pow(j+i*k,ex)};";
var CharFac="var k=(/*FACTORIAL start*/ ); for (j=k;j<20;j++) {n[j-k]=j+"!="+fact(j)};";
var Charts__nA = new Array("("Charts_Series, misc. s}","various series, display in n[]")",
"("*} . . decimal, binary",dec_bin)",
"("*} . . decimal, octal",dec_oct)",
"("*} . . dec, hex, ASCII",ASCIIhex)",
"("*} . . dec, spec. base",dec_bse)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("*} . . Sine function",CharSin)",
"("*} . . Cosine function",CharCos)",
"("*} . . Tangent function",CharTan)",
"("*} . . natural log(e)",CharLn)",
"("*} . . common log(10)",CharLog)",
"("*} . . square roots",ChaRoot)",
"("*} . . power function",CharPow)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("*} . . factorial",CharFac)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
// *************** Catagory 2: default sel. of ordinary math functions **************
var Ordinar_nA = new Array("("Ordinary Math x}. (x)^2","Math.pow(x,2)")",
"("x} . . factorial . . . x! ","fact(x) //pos integer assumed; Source in upper area of code.")",
"("(opp/hyp, deg.) . sin(x)","Math.sin(x*Math.PI/180)")",
"("(adj/hyp, deg.) . cos(x)","Math.cos(x*Math.PI/180)")",
"("(opp/adj, deg.) . tan(x)","Math.tan(x*Math.PI/180)")",
"("x} . degrees > radians","Math.PI/180 *x")",
"("*} Pythagorean hyp.","m=Math.sqrt(Math.pow((/*side1*/ ),2)+Math.pow((/*side2*/ ),2))")",
"("*} Pythagorean side","m=Math.sqrt(Math.pow((/*hyp*/ ),2)-Math.pow((/*side*/ ),2))")",
"("(for deg.) . . arc sin(x)","Math.asin(x)*180/Math.PI")",
"("(for deg.) . .arc cos(x)","Math.acos(x)*180/Math.PI")",
"("(for deg.) . . arc tan(x)","Math.atan(x)*180/Math.PI")",
"(" . . natural log (base e)","Math.log(x)")",
"("exponentiation: . . e^x","Math.exp(x)")",
"(" common log (bse 10)","Math.log(x)*Math.LOG10E")",
"("*} Count Down Timer",TimCntDn)", // source code with Time_Functions
"("to 4-dec.places: round","Math.round(x*10000)/10000")",
"(">Random Num. (0 - 1)","Math.random()")");
var Fj1_20 = "for (j=1; j<20; j++)"; //used for series expansions, eg. JavaScript w/o "Math."fcns
var sinX="var i=1; var k=-1; var l=x; m=x; "+Fj1_20+"{i+=2; l=l*x*x; k=-k; m=m-l/(fact(i)*k)}";
// sin(x) =x -x^3/3! +x^5/5! -x^7/7! +...; x in radians, code convoluted to prevent string concatination.
var cosX="x=3.14159265359/2-x; "+sinX;
var atnX="var i=1; var k=-1; if (x*x<1) {m=x; var l=x; "+Fj1_20+" {l*=x*x; i+=2; k=-k; m=m-k*l/i}}";
// for x^2<1: atan(x) =x -x^3/3 +x^5/5 -x^7/7 +...
atnX +=" else {i=-1; var l=1/x; var m=3.14159265359/2; "+Fj1_20+" {k=-k; l*=x*x; i+=2; m=m-k/(l*i)}";
// for x>1: atan(x) =PI/2 +series{-1/x +1/3x^2 -1/5x^5 +...}; if x<-1: atan(x) = -PI/2 +series.
atnX +=" if (x<-1){m=m-3.14159265359}}";
var lnX ="var a=(x-1)/(x/1+1); var i=1; var k=a; m=a; "+Fj1_20+"{i+=2; k=k*a*a; m+=k/i} m*=2";
// ln(x) =2*(a +a^3/3 +a^5/5 +...)
// limitations on series lnX: very good for small x, tho 0.03% error by x=8, and increasing
var expX="var i=1; var k=1; m=1; "+Fj1_20+"{k*=x; i*=j; m+=k/i}"; // e^x =1 +x +x^2/2! +x^3/3! +...
// limitations on series expX: very good for small x, tho 0.03% error by x=15, & increasing
// note: power function x^y coded as exp(ln(x)*y); convert to common logs to avoid limitations?
var Esoteri_nA = new Array("("Esoteric Math *}. (x)^y","Math.pow(x,y)")",
"("(opp/hyp, rad.) . sin(x)","Math.sin(x)")",
"("(adj/hyp, rad.) . cos(x)","Math.cos(x)")",
"("(opp/adj, rad.) . tan(x)","Math.tan(x)")",
"("*} Pythagorean hyp.","m=Math.sqrt(Math.pow((/*side1*/ ),2)+Math.pow((/*side2*/ ),2))")",
"("*} Pythagorean side","m=Math.sqrt(Math.pow((/*hyp*/ ),2)-Math.pow((/*side*/ ),2))")",
"("x} 3.14159265359 = PI","Math.PI")",
"("s} reciprocal functions","csc=1/sin; sec=1/sin; cot=1/tan=cos/sin")",
"("s} . . general triangles","a+b+c=180=Math.PI //deg or radians; note-A is side opp. angle a")",
"("s} . . . . . . . law of sines","A/Math.sin(a) = B/Math.sin(b) = C/Math.sin(c)")",
"("s} . . . . law of cosines","A*A = B*B + C*C -2BC*cos(a); B*B = A*A + C*C -2AC*cos(b); etc")",
"("s} . . . .law of tangents","(A-B)/(A+B) = tan((a-b)/2)/tan((a+b)/2); etc")",
"("x} sin(x) ser.expans.",sinX)",
"("x} cos(x) = sin(PI/2 -x)",cosX)",
"("s} tan(x) = sin/cos","if Math not avail, code sinX & cosX, then do division")",
"("x} . degrees > radians","Math.PI/180 *x")",
"("x}(for rad.) . arc sin(x)","Math.asin(x)")",
"("x}(for rad.) .arc cos(x)","Math.acos(x)")",
"("x}(for rad.) . arc tan(x)","Math.atan(x)")",
"("x} atan(x) ser.expans.",atnX)",
"("x} (from atan) asin(x)","x=x/Math.sqrt(1-x*x); "+atnX)",
"("s} (from asin) acos(x)","PI/2-asin(x)")",
"(" . . . . ","")",
"("x}Hyperbolic . sinh(x)","(Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/2")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . . . . cosh(x)","(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/2")",
"("x} . . . . . . . . . . . . tanh(x)","(Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))")",
"("s} reciprocal functions","csch=1/sinh; sech=1/cosh; coth=1/tanh=cosh/sinh")",
"("x} . . . . . . . arc sinh(x)","Math.log(x/1+Math.sqrt(x*x+1))")",
"("x} . . . . . . . arc cosh(x)","Math.log(x/1+Math.sqrt(x*x-1))")",
"("x} . . . . . . . arc tanh(x)","Math.log((1+x/1)/(1-x/1))/2")",
"("x} natural log (base e)","Math.log(x)")",
"("x}<8,ln(x): ser. expans.",lnX)",
"("x} exponentiation: e^x","Math.exp(x)")",
"("x}<15,e^x: ser. expans",expX)",
var QuadEq="/*[-b +/-sqrt(bb-4ac)]/2a =roots*/ n[1]="Quadratic eq"; n[11]="axx+bx+c=0"; n[0]="";";
QuadEq +=" n[12]="- - data"; n[10]=""; n[2]=""; n[3]="coeff. . a . . <"; n[4]="coeff. . ";
QuadEq +="b . . <"; n[5]="coeff. . c . . <"; n[16]=" - output -"; n[6]=""; n[7]=" = = x = =>";";
QuadEq +=" n[8]=" = = or x =>"; var sr=Math.sqrt(n[14]*n[14]-4*n[13]*n[15]); ";
QuadEq +="n[17]=(-n[14]+sr)/(2*n[13]); n[18]=(-n[14]-sr)/(2*n[13]); n[9]=""; n[19]="";";
var Algebra_nA = new Array("("Algebra . . . . . s} . terms","definitions & laws:")",
"("s} addition, subtraction","a+0 = a; a+b = b+a; a-b = -(b-a); a+(-a)=0")",
"("s} . . multiplication","ab = ba; 0*a=0; c(ab)=abc; c(a+b)=ca+cb; a(-b)=-ab; (-a)(-b)=ab")",
"("s} . . . . . . . division","a/b = 1/(b/a); a*(1/a)=1; (a/b)(b/a)=1")",
"("s} . . . . . . powers I","a^2 = aa; a^1=a; a^0=1; (a^x)(a^y)=a^(x+y); (ab)^x=(a^x)(b^x)")",
"("s} . . . . . .powers II","a^(-x) = 1/a^x; a^(1/x)=xth root of a; (a^x)^y=a^(xy)")",
"("s} . . . . . powers III","(a+x)^2 = a^2 +2ax + x^2; (a-x)^2 = a^2 -2ax +x^2")",
"("s} . . . . . powers IV","(a+b)^3 = a^3 +3ba^2 +3ab^2 +b^3")",
"("s} . . common logs","(base 10): let x=10^a, then log(x)=a; operates like natural logs")",
"("s} . Napierian logs","(base e): let x=e^a, then ln(x)=a; operates like common logs")",
"("s} . . . logarithms I","ln(xy)=ln(x)+ln(y); ln(1/x)=-ln(x); ln(x/y)=ln(x)-ln(y)")",
"("s} . . .logarithms II","ln(x^y)=y*ln(x); ln(x)=log(x)/log(e); log(x)=ln(x)/ln(10)")",
"("s} . . logarithms III","log(10)=1; log(1)=0; e^a = EXP(a)")",
"("s} . . . proportions","if a:b :: c:d or a/b=c/d, then ad=bc, a=bc/d, & (a+b)/b=(c+d)/d")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("x} . . factorial . . . . x! ","fact(x)")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("n} quadratic equation",QuadEq)",
var RectCo="Axes x_ (abscissa), y| (ordinate), [& z/ if 3-dim.] at right angles. A point ";
RectCo +="is located by (x,y[,z]) where +x is right of origin (intersection), +y is above.";
var PoleCo="Point located by (r,a) where r is dist. from origin, a is angle /_ measured from ";
PoleCo +="x-direction: + if counter-clockwise, toward the +y-direction.";
var R_PCon="/*eg. from origin O(0,0) to rectang.coord. point P(3,4) -> r=5, a.deg=53.1; ";
R_PCon +="the polar point of r=6, a.deg=30, gives the rectang.point x,y P(5.2,3).*/ ";
R_PCon +="n[0]="Rectangular"; n[10]="->_to_Polar_"; n[1]=". . . x . . <"; n[2]=". . . y . . <";";
R_PCon +=" n[3]=" = = r = = >"; n[4]=" = a deg >"; n[14]=Math.atan(n[12]/n[11])*180/Math.PI; ";
R_PCon +="n[13]=Math.sqrt(n[11]*n[11]+n[12]*n[12]); n[5]="__Polar__->"; n[15]="__Rectang__"; ";
R_PCon +="n[6]=". . . r . . <"; n[7]=" . a deg . <"; n[8]=" = = x = = >"; n[9]=" = = y = = >"; ";
R_PCon +="n[18]=n[16]*Math.cos(n[17]*Math.PI/180); n[19]=n[16]*Math.sin(n[17]*Math.PI/180);";
var AnLine="2 points: (x1,y1) & (x2,y2): Dist, d=sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2); midpoint between=";
AnLine +="([x1+x2]/2,[y1+y2]/2); slope of line, a to x-axis =tan(a) =m =(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); ";
AnLine +="slope.intercept eq. of line: y=mx+b; Lines parallel if m1=m2, perpendicular if m1=-1/m2.";
var EqLine="/*eg. P1(3,7), P2(5,17) -> P1-P2 dist.=10.2; line y =5x-8.*/ ";
EqLine +="n[0]="Point 1, x1 <"; n[1]=" . . . . . . . .y1<"; n[2]="Point 2, x2 <"; n[3]=";
EqLine +="" . . . . . . . y2 <"; var dx=n[12]-n[10]; var dy=n[13]-n[11]; n[4]="P1-P2 dist >";";
EqLine +=" n[14]=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); n[5]="line_equation"; n[15]="y = mx +b"; ";
EqLine +=" n[6]=". . slope, m >"; n[16]=dy/dx; n[7]="y-intercpt, b>"; n[17]=n[11]-n[16]*n[10]; ";
EqLine +="n[8]="give X (-> y)"; n[18]="give Y (<- x)"; if (n[9]=="") {n[9]=(n[19]-n[17])/n[16]} ";
EqLine +="else {n[19]=n[16]*n[9]+n[17]/1} //NOTE default is x solves y, clear x to solve from y";
var AnCirc="gen. eq. Rect.: sq(x-Cx)+sq(y-Cy)=sq(r), where (Cx,Cy)=center of circle, r=radius. ";
AnCirc +="Polar Coord: sq(r)+sq(Cr)-2r*Cr*cos(a-Ca), where (Cr,Ca)=ctr.of circle. Special case";
AnCirc +=" if Origin (0,0)=center: sq(x)+sq(y)=sq(r); polar: r=numeric value of radius.";
var AnConi="Locus of points, a constant ratio (eccentricity,e) of dist. from a point (focus,F) ";
AnConi +="and from a line (directrix,D). If d=dist.F-D: sq(x)+sq(y)=sq(e)sq(d-x); r=de/(1-e*cos(a))";
AnConi +=". The Conic =Ellipse if e<1; =Parabola if e=1; =Hyperbola if e>1.";
var AnEllip="Conic e<1: sq(x-Ex)/sq(Sx)+sq(y-Ey)/sq(Sy)=1, where center=(Ex,Ey), Sx & Sy are ";
AnEllip +="semi-axes in x- & y-directions respectively, & as spec. cond. parallel || to axes.";
var AnHyper="Conic e>1: sq((x-Ix)/b)-sq((y-Iy)/c)=1, (Ix,Iy)=intersection of asymptotes.";
var PCurv="/*eg. if P1(1,1), P2(7,3), P3(13,11) -> equation: y = 0.0833xx -0.33x +1.25*/ ";
PCurv +="n[0]="2-d polynomial"; n[10]="axx+bx+c=y"; n[1]="x: input_pairs"; n[11]="y:_3_points_"; ";
PCurv +="n[5]="Coefficients>"; var A=(n[14]-n[12]-(n[13]-n[12])*(n[4]-n[2])/(n[3]-n[2]))/";
PCurv +="(n[4]*n[4]-n[2]*n[2]-(n[3]*n[3]-n[2]*n[2])*(n[4]-n[2])/(n[3]-n[2])); n[15]="a="+A; ";
PCurv +="var B=(n[13]-n[12]-A*(n[3]*n[3]-n[2]*n[2]))/(n[3]-n[2]); n[6]="b="+B; n[17]=""; ";
PCurv +="var C=n[12]-A*n[2]*n[2]-B*n[2]; n[16]="c="+C; n[7]=""; n[8]="enter_x_:_"; ";
PCurv +="n[18]="y:_computed"; n[19]=A*n[9]*n[9]+B*n[9]+C; // enter x=2 per eg. -> y=0.916";
var mRegres="/*eg. P1(1,1), P2(7,3) -> y=1*pow(x,0.565); if x=2 -> y=1.48*/ ";
mRegres +="n[0]="Regres.form"; n[10]="A*pow(x,B)=y"; n[1]="x: input_pairs"; n[11]="y:_2_points_";";
mRegres +=" n[4]="Coefficients>"; function L(v){return Math.log(v)} var x1=L(n[2]); ";
mRegres +="var y1=L(n[12]); var x2=L(n[3]); var y2=L(n[13]); var B=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); ";
mRegres +="var A=Math.exp(y1-B*x1); n[4]="Coefficients>"; n[14]="A="+A; n[15]="B="+B; ";
mRegres +="n[7]="enter_x_:_"; n[17]="y:_computed"; n[18]=">y="+A*Math.pow(n[8],B)";
var nRegres="/* form A*pow(x1,B)*pow(x12,C)=y: 3-point enter for 3-unk. Each point has 2 x-";
nRegres +="var: input x1 to n0, x12 to n1, y1 to n11; similarly x2 to n2, x22 to n3, etc. ";
nRegres +="eg. (see Civil-hydrology) 1-acre sloping 3% -> Q2 =1.4cfs; 10ac @2% -> Q2 = 7.1cfs; ";
nRegres +="100ac @1% -> Q2=31.1cfs. => Regression Formula for ";
nRegres +="Q2 =0.8*pow(ac,.795)*pow(slope,.51) {note: some inputs choke algorithm}*/ ";
nRegres +="function L(v){return Math.log(v)} n[10]="<x1/x12,_y1:"; n[12]="<x2/x22,_y2:"; ";
nRegres +="n[14]="<x3/x32,_y3:"; var x1=L(n[0]); var x12=L(n[1]); var y1=L(n[11]); ";
nRegres +="var x2=L(n[2]); var x22=L(n[3]); var y2=L(n[13]); var x3=L(n[4]); var x32= ";
nRegres +="L(n[5]); var y3=L(n[15]); n[6]="Coefficients>";var R=(x3-x1)/(x2-x1); var ";
nRegres +="C=(y3-y1-R*(y2-y1))/(x32-x12-R*(x22-x12)); n[17]="C="+C; var B=(y2-y1-C*(x22-x12))";
nRegres +="/(x2-x1); n[7]="B="+B; A=Math.exp(y1-B*x1-C*x12); n[16]="A="+A; n[18]="<x/x1_>?y_"; ";
nRegres +="n[19]=">y="+A*Math.pow(n[8],B)*Math.pow(n[9],C); ";
var Analyti_nA = new Array("("Analytic Geometry . . s}","graphic coordinates")",
"("s} Rectangular Coord.",RectCo)",
"("s} . . . . . . Polar Coord.",PoleCo)",
"("s} Rect.-Polar Convert","x=r*cos(a); y=r*sin(a); r=sqrt(xx+yy); tan(a)=y/x")",
"("n} Rect.-Polar Convert",R_PCon)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("s} . . line: ax+by+c =0",AnLine)",
"("n} . line equation, etc",EqLine)",
"("s} circle:ax^2+by^2=rr",AnCirc)",
"("s} . conic sections",AnConi)",
"("s} . . . .ellipse:",AnEllip)",
"("s} . . . parabola:","Conic e=1: sq(y-Vy)=b(x-Vx), (Vx,Vy)=virtex point, || to x-axis")",
"("s} . . .hyperbola:",AnHyper)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} parabola curve fit",PCurv)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} linear regress. 1-var",mRegres)",
"("n} linear regress.2-var",nRegres)",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")",
var FinanceBase="n[1]=" int. APR % <"; n[2]="no. of years<"; n[3]="periods / yr<"; ";
FinanceBase +="n[6]="int% /period>"; n[16]=n[11]/n[13]; var I=n[16]/100; var N=n[12]*n[13]; ";
FinanceBase +="var y=Math.pow(1+I,N); n[5]=" - OUTPUT -"; n[15]=" -------------"; ";
var FinanceCR="/*CRF eg: 9%APR (=0.75%/mo.) for 36mo, repay $10000 @ $318/mo.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinanceCR +="n[0]="Cap_Recov:"; n[10]="(loan_repay)"; n[4]=" Principal $ <"; ";
FinanceCR +="n[7]="Payments $>"; n[17]= n[14]*I*y/(y-1); n[8]="Total paid $>"; ";
FinanceCR +="n[18]=n[17]*N; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=(n[18]-n[14])/N";
var FinanceCA="/*SPCAF eg: $1000 invested @9%APR for 10 yrs. becomes $2367.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinanceCA +="n[0]="Comp_Amt."; n[10]="sgl_payment"; n[4]="P: banked $<"; ";
FinanceCA +="n[7]=" in "+n[12] +" yr $>"; n[17]= n[14]*y; n[8]=" Total Int. $>"; ";
FinanceCA +="n[18]=n[17]-n[14]; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=n[18]/N";
var FinanceCU="/*UCAF eg: @9%APR, $1000 invested/yr for 10yrs, yields $15193.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinanceCU +="n[0]="Comp_Amt."; n[10]="uniform_pay"; n[4]="bank/per. $<"; ";
FinanceCU +="n[7]=" in "+n[12] +" yr $>"; n[17]= n[14]*(y-1)/I; n[8]=" Total Int. $>"; ";
FinanceCU +="n[18]=n[17]-n[14]*N; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=n[18]/N";
var FinancePs="/*SPPWF eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed in 10yrs; bank $422 now.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinancePs +="n[0]="Pres_Worth"; n[10]="sgl_payment"; n[4]="need in "+n[12]+"yr$<"; ";
FinancePs +="n[7]="Bank Now $>"; n[17]= n[14]/y; n[8]=" Total Int. $>"; ";
FinancePs +="n[18]=n[14]-n[17]; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=n[18]/N";
var FinancePu="/*UPWF eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed annually for 10yrs; bank $6418 now.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinancePu +="n[0]="Pres_Worth"; n[10]="uniform_pay"; n[4]="need / year $<"; ";
FinancePu +="n[7]="Bank Now $>"; n[17]= n[14]*(y-1)/(y*I); n[8]=" Total Int. $>"; ";
FinancePu +="n[18]=n[14]*N-n[17]; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=n[18]/N";
var FinanceSF="/*SFF eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed in 10yrs; bank $66 annually.*/ "+ FinanceBase;
FinanceSF +="n[0]="Sinking_Fund"; n[10]="uniform_pay"; n[4]="need in "+n[12]+"yr.$<"; ";
FinanceSF +="n[7]="Bank/per.$>"; n[17]= n[14]*I/(y-1); n[8]=" Total Int. $>"; ";
FinanceSF +="n[18]=n[14]-n[17]*N; n[9]="$>"; n[19]=n[18]/N";
var IntFact="Tables vary. The discrete interest factors: CRF SCAF, UCAF, SPWF, UPWF, & SFF, are ";
IntFact +="standard, end-of-period, where APR(annual percent rate)/( ";
IntFact +="interest. Arithmatic series factors are extensions where a repeated regular payment ";
IntFact +="is required. When interest quoted at less than 1-year, effective annual interest = ";
IntFact +="SCAF-1. Interest compounded Continuously is handy when payments made at irregular times.";
IntFact +=" Factor is not much more than effective rate componuded 365 days/year.";
var IntEff="var ipp=(/*Int.%/period*/ ); var n=(/*periods/yr*/ ); m="eff.%="+(Math.pow(1/1+ipp/100,n)-1)";
IntEff +="*100; /*eg. 1.5% per month (12x per year) = 19.56% anual effective interest rate.*/";
var IntCont="n[0]="Cont.eff_i% <"; n[1]="no.perds, n <"; n[2]=",_r%>"; ";
IntCont +="n[12]=Math.log(n[10]/100+1/1)*100; var r=n[12]/100; var f=Math.exp(r*n[11]); ";
IntCont +="n[3]="S.CapAmF >"; n[13]=f; n[4]="S.PresWrF >"; n[14]=1/f; n[5]="CapRecoF >"; ";
IntCont +="n[15]=r*f/(f-1); n[6]="U.PresWrF >"; n[16]=1/n[15]; n[7]="SinkFundF >"; ";
IntCont +="n[17]=r/(f-1); n[8]="U.CapAmF >"; n[18]=1/n[17]; n[9]=" . ArithSerF >"; ";
IntCont +="n[19]=1/(Math.exp(r)-1)-(n[11]/(f-1));";
var Finance_nA = new Array("("Finance fn} . . $ > Euro .","x*1.0034 //11-02 c} MUST UPDATE!")",
"("x} . . . $US > $Can","x*1.58 //c}11-02")",
"("x} . . . $ > Pound,Brit","x*0.6338 //c}11-02")",
"("x} . . . $ > Peso,Mex","x*10.124 //c}11-02")",
"("x} . . . $ > Yen","x*122.84 //c}11-02")",
"("x} . . . $ > Yuan","x*8.227 //c}11-02")",
"("n}Cap.Recov:loan pay",FinanceCR)",
"("n} Comp.Amt.",FinanceCA)",
"("n} Comp.Amt.",FinanceCU)",
"("n} Pres.Worth",FinancePs)",
"("n} Pres.Worth",FinancePu)",
"("n} Sink.Fund",FinanceSF)",
"("s} Interest Rate terms",IntFact)",
"("*} Effective Int. Rate",IntEff)", //eg: int. @1.5%/month (12x/yr) = 19.56%/yr
"("n} Contin. Int. Factors",IntCont)",
var JavaScr0="Samples of code. Note that program strings must be activated with the [js] key,";
JavaScr0 +=" initiated with the [=] key, fill in the unknowns, and [=] again to calculate.";
var JS_sCal="sCal uses a limited set of JavaScript language elements, listed following: ";
JS_sCal +="(Use the browser->source text->find "code element name" as shown below to ";
JS_sCal +="view (hopefully sound) example.) {MATH} Math.E; Math.PI; Math.LOG10E; Math.abs; ";
JS_sCal +="Math.acos; Math.asin; Math.atan; Math.cos; Math.exp; Math.log; Math.pow; Math.random;"
JS_sCal +="Math.round; Math.sin; Math.sqrt; Math.tan; {STRING} eval(x); x.indexOf(; length; ";
JS_sCal +="x.substr(; x.substring(; parseFloat(; parseInt(; charAt; charCodeAt; .slice(; split;";
JS_sCal +=" toString; unescape; {MORE} appName; document.captureEvents; inform; onkeypress; ";
JS_sCal +=".options; onLoad; isNaN; {TECHNIQUES} interpolation; fact(q) {regression}; ";
JS_sCal +="{TIME} .getDate(); .getDay(); .getFullYear(); .getMonth(); .getTime; ";
var JavaScr1="n[0]="start point . <"; n[1]="increment . <"; n[2]="-- number --"; n[12]="-- ";
JavaScr1 +="value --"; for (i=1; i<8; i++) {n[2+i]=i; n[12+i]=parseInt(n[10])+i*n[11]}";
var J_Graph="for (j=0;j<10;j++){n[j]=Math.round(Math.random()*120)}; /*<-generate data for eg.";
J_Graph +="->graph*/ var s="::::!::::!::::!::::!::::!"; var max=n[0]; var min=n[0]; for ";
J_Graph +="(j=1;j<10;j++){if (n[j]<min){min=n[j]} if (n[j]>max){max=n[j]}} var unit=";
J_Graph +="(max-min)/25; for (j=10;j<20;j++){n[j]=s.slice(0,Math.round((n[j-10]-min)/unit))}";
J_Graph +=" On(); m="Graph Random Data: base="+min+"; units/colon="+unit";
var FcnGraf="/*Graphs a Function (eg. y=Math.sin(a) within the a-limits of 0 to 2*PI, & -1<y-limit<1).";
FcnGraf +=" These values, including the fcn, can be replaced in the following code.*/ ";
FcnGraf +="var s=" "; for (j=1;j<20;j++){s+=" "} s+=" | "+s; /*built std. blank, next set parameters.*/";
FcnGraf +=" var aStart=0; var aEnd=2*Math.PI; var yMin=-1; var yMax=1; var unit=(yMax-yMin)/20; ";
FcnGraf +="var loEnd=Math.abs(yMin/unit); s=s.slice(20-loEnd); var aIncrem=(aEnd-aStart)/10; ";
FcnGraf +="for (j=0;j<10;j++){var a=aStart +j*aIncrem; n[j]=Fo(a)+" a|y "+Fo(Math.sin(a)); ";
FcnGraf +="var i=Math.round(Math.sin(a)/unit+loEnd+1); n[j+10]=s.substr(0,i)+":"+s.substr(i+1);}";
var Interp="n[0]="__x:_data__"; n[10]="__y:_data__"; for (j=1;j<7;j++){n[j]=j*2; n[j+10]=";
Interp +="Math.pow(n[j],1.6);} /*generate data for eg. ->do interpolation*/ n[7]="__x: input__"; ";
Interp +="n[17]="_interp. y:_"; if (n[8]<=n[1]){n[18]=n[11]+(n[8]-n[1])*(n[12]-n[11])/(n[2]-n[1])};";
Interp +=" for (j=1;j<6;j++) {if (n[8]>n[j]&&n[8]<=n[j+1]) {n[18]=n[j+10]+(n[8]-n[j])*";
Interp +="(n[j+11]-n[j+10])/(n[j+1]-n[j])} } if (n[8]>n[6]) {n[18]=n[16]+(n[8]-n[6])*";
Interp +="(n[16]-n[15])/(n[6]-n[5])}; n[9]=" actual y = >"; n[19]=Math.pow(n[8],1.6);";
var JavaScr_nA = new Array("("s} JavaScript samples",JavaScr0)",
"("s} sCal used Elements",JS_sCal)",
"("n}start>increment code",JavaScr1)",
"("*} Square function","function Square(a) {return a*a} Square(/*insert no. to square*/ );")",
"("x} xEnd() function","xEnd()")",
"("x} Bar-Graph Example",J_Graph)",
"("x} Function Grapher","FcnGraf")",
"("n} Interpolate / Extrap.",Interp)",
"("s} str.>str.(geo time)",TimeGeo)", // Source code at Time_Fcns
"("n} data entry form 1",CivVC1)", // Source at Civ_Highway, Survey
"("n} data for series 2",CivVC2)", // ditto
var MenTerms="a=angle; b=base.width; d=diagonal; s=side; h=perpendicular.height; ";
MenTerms += "A=area; V=volume; ";
var CirArc="/*_where arc subtended by /_ angle a-radians, defining a cord, h=dist. between ";
CirArc +="center of circle and center of cord.*/ arc.len =r*a; cord.len =2*Math.sqrt(r*r-h*h)";
CirArc +=" =2*r*Math.sin(a/2) =2*h*Math.tan(a/2); dist.cord-to-circumf.=H =r-h; ";
CirArc +="h =Math.sqrt(4*r*-cord.len^2)/2 =cord.len/(2*tan(a/2); A.sector =r*arc.len/2 = ";
CirArc +="r*r*a/2; A.segment =A.sector -A.triangle(ctr-cord) =r*r*(a-Math.sin(a))/2 ";
CirArc +="=r*r*arc.cos((r-H)/r) -(r-H)*Math.sqrt(2*r*H-H*H)";
var Mensura_nA = new Array("("Mensuration .s} . terms",MenTerms)",
"("s} . . . Triangle","A = b*h/2")",
"("s} . . . Rectangle","A = b*h")",
"("s} . . . Parallelogram","A = b*h =b*s*Math.sin(a)")",
"("s} . . . Trapezoid","A = h*(b1+b2)/2")",
"("s} .gen.Quadrilateral","A = d1*d2/2*sin(a) //a is acute angle between diagonals d1, d2")",
"("s} reg.Polygon,n-sides","A = n*s*s/4*cot(180-deg/n)")",
"("s} . . . Circle, rad=r","A = Math.PI*r*r = Math.PI*D*D/4")",
"("s} . Circumference, C","C = 2*Math.PI*r = Math.PI*D")",
"("s} Cir.arc, cord, segm,",CirArc)",
"("s} . . . Ring","A= Math.PI*(r1*r1-r2*r2) =Math.PI*(r1+r2)*(r1-r2)")",
"("s} . . . Ellipse","A = Math.PI*semi.axis.major*semi.axis.minor")",
"("s} . . . Parabola","A = 2/3*b*h; height,h1 at given width,b1: h1 = (h/b^2)*(b*b-b1*b1")",
"("s} . . . ","")",
"("s} . . . Cube","V =s*s*s; = 6*s*s; diagonal =s*Math.sqrt(3)")",
"("s} rect.Parallelepiped","V =a*b*c; =2*(a*b+b*c+c*a); diag =Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b+c*c)")",
"("s} . . . Prism","V = A.b * h")",
"("s} . . . Pyramid","V = A.b*h/3")",
"("s} . . . Cylinder","V = A.b * h; =2*r*Math.PI")",
"("s} . . . Cone","V =A.b*h/3; Rt.Circ.Cone.A.b =Math.PI*r*r; =PI*r*Math.sqrt(r*r+h*h)")",
"("s} frustum rt.Cone","V =PI*h/3*(r1*r1+r1*r2+r2*r2); =PI*(r1+r2)*sqrt(h*h+(r1-r2)^2)")",
"("s} . . . Sphere","V =4/3*PI*r^3; V.sector =2/3*PI*h*r^2; =4*PI*r^2")",
"("s} . . . Ellipsoid","V =4/3*PI*a*b*c//semi-axes")",
"("s} . . . Torus","V =2*PI^2*R*r^2; =4*PI^2*R*r //R is large rad, r is small")",
"("Irregular Area s}terms","area is split into equally spaced, h.dist, cords meas. y0,y1,..,yn")",
"("s} . . Trapezoid rule","A =h/2*((y0+yn) +2*(y1+y2+...+y(n-1))")",
"("s} . . Simpsons rule","A =h/3*((y0+yn) +4*(y1+y3+y5...) +2*(y2+y4+y6+...))")");
var PhysGen="Simplified formulae w/o calculus. Constants implied: eg. v=at may include an ";
PhysGen +="initial vel. v =v0 +at. Observe unit consistency.";
var PhysKin="x =v*t =a*t^2/2; v =a*t =x/t =(2*a*x)^.5; //x:distance; v:velocity,x/sec; ";
PhysKin +="a:acceleration,x/sec^2; for freefall bodies a =g =9.8m/sec^2 =32.15ft/sec^2";
var PhysVec="scalar magnitude + direction: a, angle to x_axis, [=(90-deg -a)to y|axis] ";
PhysVec +="V to components: Vx =V*cos(@); Vy =V*sin(@); V=sqrt(Vx*Vx+Vy*Vy)";
var PhyProj="initial vel.v; angle.@ to horiz: Vy=g*t: at top of arc, Vy=0, solve for t; ";
PhyProj +="returns to horiz. ground in t; then range, x =Vx*2*t";
var PhyNewt="I. Object at rest or unif. motion continues: inertia (if Fy=Fx=0, a=0), II. unless ";
PhyNewt +="acted upon by unballanced force (F =ma); for which III. there is equal & opposite ";
PhyNewt +="reaction: Fx =-Fx. Ft=mv=m2v2 {impulse=momentum). Weight,w =mg. Mass,m is scalar.";
var PhyFric="Ff =Cf*normal force, where coeff.frict, Cf for brake.mat-c.iron =.4, .2 if wet; steel-";
PhyFric +="steel =.58 clean, .1 oiled; Rubber-solids =.2 to .6; Ice =.1 @ 0degC, .3@-12, .5@-70C.";
var PhyUGr="Newton: F=GmM/r^2; m & M are 2 masses, r ctrs.dist; G=6.673E-11 newton-meter^2/kg^2";
var PhyWE="Work =Fs=force*dist.parallel to resisting F. Potential Energy: PE=Wh=mgh (against ";
PhyWE +="gravity). Input.Work: (F1s1=F2s2) =Output.Work/efficiency. Kinetic Energy: KE=mv^2/2 ";
PhyWE +=" Energy is Conserved.";
var PhyPas="Pressure applied to incompressable fluid (liquid) is transmitted equally & normal to";
PhyPas +=" the walls throughout.";
var PhyRot="follows pattern like translatory. angular a.vel*t; a.vel=a.acc*t =(2*a.acc*ang)^.5 ";
PhyRot +=" =2*PI*r*n.rev/sec. Convert: s=r*ang; v=rv; a=ra; ang in radians, r=radius";
var PhySHM="approx. Unif. Circular Motion->Pendulum(ideal): T = 2p (L/g)^0.5 for swing +/-5deg.";
var PhyWave="l=wave len, A=amplitude: v=nl. standing cord wave: n=1/(2L)((N^2T)/m)^0.5 ";
PhyWave +="N, T, m, L =no. loops, tension, mass/length";
var PhyTex="L=Lo(1+aT), a is coef.linear expansion; V=Vo(1+BT), B is coef.vol. thermal expans.";
PhyTex +=" B=>3a, For gasses B=>1/273 (for deg.C)";
var PhyHMeas="1 calorie (1 BTU) avg. raises temp. 1g (1 lb.) water 1 deg.C (deg.F). ";
PhyHMeas +=" 1BTU=778 ft-lb =252cal =1053joule";
var PhyHCon="H/time=Ch*A*dT/thicknes; A=surf.area, dT=temp.dif Ch=Heat Conductivity. * selected";
PhyHCon +=" Ch as a fctr of water Ch=1, =0.348 BTU/(hr*sq.ft.*deg.F/ft.)=4.176 BTU/(hr*sq.ft.";
PhyHCon +="*deg.F/in.)=0.60 Watt/(sq.m.*deg.C/m)=.6W/m*deg.K=0.518 kcal./(hr*sq.m.*deg.C/m) ";
PhyHCon +=" Note: Insulation R-value =1/(Ch*water value)";
var PTherm0="System placed in contact with an infinite environment (a thermal reservoir) ";
PTherm0 +="eventually comes to equlibrium with it. i.e. thermometer meas.";
var PTherm1="When mechanical work is changed to heat, or heat to work, work=heat, but heat>work.";
PTherm1 +=" -precludes perpetual motion of 1st kind.";
var PTherm2="No continuous self-sustained process moves heat from cold to hot. Entropy (disorder)";
PTherm2 +=" of isolated syst. can"t drop. -no perpetual motion of 2nd kind.";
var PTherm3="Absolute Zero (-273.16 deg.C) can"t be achieved physically.";
var PhyESU="Electrostatic Unit (ESU or Stat-Coulomb) = positive charge which repels a like charge ";
PhyESU +=" 1 cm apart in a vacuum with a force of 1 dyne (2.248E-6 pound). coulomb(6.25E18";
PhyESU +=" electron)/sec =ampere current,I";
var Physics_nA = new Array("("Physics . . . . . s} . terms",PhysGen)",
"("s} Motion (kinematics)",PhysKin)",
"("s} . . Vector Resolution",PhysVec)",
"("s} . . Projectiles",PhyProj)",
"("(kinetics) Newton laws",PhyNewt)",
"("s} . . Friction",PhyFric)",
"("s} gravitation",PhyUGr)",
"("s} . Work, Energy",PhyWE)",
"("s} CIRCULAR motion","a(cir)=v^2/r; F(centripital)=mv^2/r")",
"("s} . Rotary kinematics",PhyRot)",
"("s} . Periodic Motion","frequency, n (cycles/s) =1/period, T")",
"("s} simpl harmonic mot.",PhySHM)",
"("s} . . .Wave Motion",PhyWave)",
"("s} . . .Doppler Effect","n.observed= n(v+/")",
"("s} electromag. spctrm","Light Speed, C=lf where l=wave length, f=frequency, c/s")",
"("s} . . . MATTER","Solid=fixed struct; Fluid=liquid, free surf.; or gas, fills container")",
"("s} . Hookes Law","within elastic limits, strain (distortion) is proportional to stress.")",
"("s} . . . Modulii","(Young)Elasticity: E=(F/A)/(dL/L); Bulk Mod: B=(F/A)/(dV/V)=P/(dV/V)")",
"("s} Density =m/Vol","Specific Gravity: S.g.x=density.x/density.water")",
"("s} . Pascals Principle",PhyPas)",
"("s} Liquid Pressure","P=h*density*g +P.over; h=ht of column (Atmos. 14.7psi=760mm Hg, etc")",
"("s} Archimedes princip.","Body in fluid is buoyed up by a force=weight of fluid displaced.")",
"("s} . Ideal Gas Law:","P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2, T=absol. temp, approx for real gas, best for H & He")",
"("s} Bernoulli Principle","dV1^2 + P1 = dV2^2 + P2")",
"("s} . . . HEAT","avg. atomic kinetic energy as meas. by temp.")",
"("s} . thermal expans",PhyTex)",
"("s} . heat measuremnt",PhyHMeas)",
"("s} . Change of State","water: heat.vaporization(boil)=540 cal/g; of fusion(freeze)=80 cal/g")",
"("s} . . .Heat Capacity","of x/water = Specific Heat of x.")",
"("s} . . Heat Conduction",PhyHCon)",
"("s} thermodynamics 0",PTherm0)",
"("s} . 1st Law Thermo .",PTherm1)",
"("s} . 2nd Law Thermo .",PTherm2)",
"("s} . 3rd Law Thermo .",PTherm3)",
"("s} ELECTricity & Mag",PhyESU)",
"("s} . Coulombs Law","F=(qq1)/(Kr^2); q=charge,ESU; r=separatn, K=dialectric const.(1 in vacuum)")",
"("s} Potnetial Difference","volts, V=IR, R,ohms(law)")",
"("s} . Electric Power","watts, P=IV=I^2R")",
"("s}Capacitor Reactnce","Xc=1/2pifC=V/I [A.C.]")",
"("s}Inductive Reactance","Xi=2pi/L=V/I [A.C.]")",
"("s}combined Impednce","Z=(R^2+(Xi-Xc)^2)^.5; V=IZ")",
"("s} Inverse Square law","Radiation Intensity,I decreases as inv.sq. of dist,r: Ir^2=I1r1^2.")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} . . .","")",
"("s} . . Heisenberg","Uncertainty Principle: One cannot define both position & momentum of a particle.")",
"("s} . . Einstein","E=mC^2; m=m1/(1-(v^2/C^2))^0.5")");
var MdataGet=" function MDG() {end =m.indexOf("/",start); temp = m.substr(start,end-start); start=end+1;} ";
var MdataExtract=MdataGet+"var start=1; var end=0; MDG(); var lo=temp; var hi=temp; var i=0; ";
var ProbTerm="if P=probability of outcome, P1 +P2 +P3 +... =1 (certainty). Statistics derived from ";
ProbTerm +="representative data can determine probabilities. DATA can be entered in sCal by several";
ProbTerm +=" means: <=20 points to n-array; >20 pts to memory; or random number generator to test. ";
ProbTerm +="Once DATA entered, run Stats on n-, or stats on m- or group- finds average,, etc.";
var StatRndm="var No=(/*No.of points*/ ); var d=(/*size 1 to */100);/*CLICK[=]*/ if (No>20){m="/"} ";
StatRndm +="for (j=0;j<No;j++) {temp=Math.round(Math.random()*d); if (No<21){n[j]=temp} else ";
StatRndm +="{m+=temp+"/"}}; //procedure loads No random data values (1 to d) in n-array or m-series;";
var StatsN="var No=0; var Tot=0; for (j=0;j<20;j++){nI(j); if (n[j]!=""){Tot+=n[j]/1; No+=1}} var mean=Tot/No;";
StatsN +=" var variance2=0; for (j=0;j<20;j++){if (n[j]!=""){variance2+=Math.pow(n[j]-mean,2)}} var ";
StatsN +="Std_Dev0=Math.sqrt(variance2/No); Std_Dev1=Math.sqrt(variance2/(No-1)); var d=2; if (mean>100)";
StatsN +="{d=0} if (mean<1){d=5} m="No of data points="+No+" Total="+Tot+" mean="+Mr(mean,d)+";//decimal out
StatsN +="" Standard Deviation(n)="+Mr(Std_Dev0,d)+" Std.Dev(n-1)="+Mr(Std_Dev1,d)";
var StatsD="/*Enter data values one at a time in x-display, clicking [M+] after each (or simply start ";
StatsD +="the data with a slash "/", place "/" between data values & at END, then click [x>m]). When ";
StatsD +="finished, select "Stats on m-DATA" or "Group m-DATA" to analyse. CLICK[=] to initialize ";
StatsD +="m-cell for data string:*/ m="/";";
var StatGp="var lw=(/*Set Group Ranges: Lowest value=*/ ); var r=(/*Range=*/ ); /*note: can enter odd-sized ";
StatGp +="ranges manually--in same format (comment out for-loop to do this).*/ for (j=0;j<9;j++){n[j] ";
StatGp +="=(lw+j*r)+"-"+(lw+(j+1)*r-1); n[j+10]=""} ";
StatGp +="n[9]=". >"+(lw+9*r); n[19]=""; /*Place DATA in m (see "DATA > 20 pts") & CLICK[=]*/"+MdataExtract;
StatGp +=" start=1; do {MDG(); if (temp<lw){alert("value "+temp+" is less than least range "+lw)} var s=0; ";
StatGp +="for (j=0;j<9;j++){i=n[j].indexOf("-"); if (temp>=n[j].substr(0,i)/1 && temp<=n[j].substr(i+1)/1) ";
StatGp +="{n[j+10]=n[j+10]/1+1/1; s=1}} if (s!=1){n[19]=n[19]/1+1/1}} while (m.indexOf("/",start)>-1); ";
var StatIn=MdataExtract+"var Tot=temp; var No=1; do {MDG(); if (temp!=""){Tot=Tot/1+temp/1; No+=1; ";
StatIn +="if (temp<lo){lo=temp} if (temp>hi){hi=temp}}} while (m.indexOf("/",start)>-1); var mean=Tot/No; ";
StatIn +="start=1; var variance2=0; do {MDG(); if (temp!=""){variance2+=Math.pow(temp-mean,2)}} ";
StatIn +="while (m.indexOf("/",start)>-1); n[0]="_Statistics_"; n[10]="data_from_m"; n[1]="No. of points"; ";
StatIn +="n[11]=No; n[2]="Total . . . . >"; n[12]=Tot; n[3]="Mean . . . . >"; n[13]=mean; n[4]="";
StatIn +=" >"; n[14]=Math.sqrt(variance2/No); n[5]=" . . S.d.(n-1)>"; n[15]=Math.sqrt(variance2/(No-1)); ";
StatIn +="n[6]="range.low val"; n[16]=lo; n[7]=" . . . . high val"; n[17]=hi; n[8]=" . mid-range >"; ";
StatIn +="n[18]=(hi/1+lo/1)/2; n[9]="copy m-data >"; n[19]=m;";
var ProbComb="/*Number of outcomes for probability. eg. Have 6 books, can display 4 at a time; there are ";
ProbComb +="15 diff. combinations possible, but 360 if the order of the 4 books included. In 3 Binomial ";
ProbComb +="trials, where the probability of success, P(pass), is 0.8 in each trial, the prob. of only 1 ";
ProbComb +="success =0.096*/ n[0]=" . # of items <"; n[1]=" . r at a time <"; var s=n[10]-n[11]; n[2]="";
ProbComb +="Combinations"; n[12]="________"; n[3]=". possible r >"; n[13]=fact(n[10])/(fact(n[11])*fact(s));";
ProbComb +=" n[4]="Permutations"; n[14]="________"; n[5]=". orders of r >"; n[15]=n[13]*fact(n[11]); n[6]=";
ProbComb +=""Binoml.trials<"; n[7]=" . . P(pass) <"; n[8]=" . # passes <"; n[9]="probability >"; s=n[16]";
ProbComb +="-n[18]; n[19]=Math.pow(n[17],n[18])*Math.pow(1-n[17],s)*fact(n[16])/(fact(n[18])*fact(s));"
var ProbPois="/*Where average rate defined for random events: eg. if avg. is 20 cars/min, in 0.5-min, EXACTLY";
ProbPois +=" 4 cars passing has a 1.9% chance.*/ n[0]="Poisson Dist."; n[10]="_avg/interval"; ";
ProbPois +="n[1]="known rate <"; n[2]=" . rev.intervl<"; n[3]="x.occuranc<"; n[4]="x.probability>"; ";
ProbPois +="function PDist(s) {n[s]=Math.pow(n[11]*n[12],n[s-1])*Math.exp(-n[11]*n[12])/fact(n[s-1])} ";
ProbPois +="PDist(14); n[5]=" . . x2.occur <"; n[6]=" . . x2.prob. >"; PDist(16); n[7]=" . . x3.occur <"; ";
ProbPois +="n[8]=" . . x3.prob. >"; PDist(18); n[9]="sum of prob>"; n[19]=n[14]/1+n[16]/1+n[18]/1; ";
var ProbNorm="/*Normal "bell-curve" symmetrical about mean=median=mode. +/- 1 stdandard deviation covers ~68%";
ProbNorm +=" of data, +/- 2 s.d ~95%, 3 s.d virtually all. Probabilities,P, are areas under curve between ";
ProbNorm +="points. eg. if mean=10,; from point 8.5 (15% of norm) the area outside (2-tails) ";
ProbNorm +="=0.1336 or 13.4%; 43.3% will be on the low side of the mean, but still within 15% of it.*/ ";
ProbNorm +="n[0]="Normal_Distr."; n[10]="sampl.represent"; n[1]=" . mean val <"; n[2]=" . std.deviat<"; ";
ProbNorm +="n[3]=" . . . . point.x <"; n[4]=" . x.ordinate >"; var s=n[13]-n[11]; n[14]=1/(Math.exp(s*s/";
ProbNorm +="(2*n[12]*n[12]))*n[12]*Math.sqrt(2*Pi)); n[5]="Z=(x-m)/s.d >"; var Z=s/n[12]; var Za=Math.abs(Z);";
ProbNorm +=" n[16]=1/Math.pow(1/1+Za*(0.04986735+Za*(0.02114101+Za*(0.00327763+Za*(0.0000380036+Za";
ProbNorm +="*(0.0000488906+Za*0.000005383))))),16); n[15]=Z; n[6]=" . P(2-tails) >"; n[7]=" . . P(m to x)>"; ";
ProbNorm +="n[17]=(1-n[16])/2; n[8]=" . . P(1-tail) >"; n[18]=n[16]/2;";
var ProbX2="/*Hypothesis (Ho) Testing: Expected value,Ex, is compared to experimental observation,Ob, to ";
ProbX2 +="find if Ho behind Ex is probable. The Chi-Square statistic, X2 =sum(sq(Ob-Ex))/Ex, and degree of ";
ProbX2 +="freedom (d.f=No.Sets-1; if more than 1 group (+"blind"), d.f=(Sets-1)*(Groups-1)). eg. set of 100:";
ProbX2 +=" Ob: 45 got better, 25 worse, 30 same; but Ex was 1/3 (33.3)each case. X2 stat.=6.5 with d.f=2, ";
ProbX2 +=" results in a 4% chance that Ex was correct. NOTE that formula used here is approx: +/- 1% for ";
ProbX2 +="0.01<P<0.9 AND d.f<6. Layout here is for a SIMPLE case. n[17],n[18] are independent inputs of ";
ProbX2 +="X2 statistic and deg.of freedom for GENERAL cases.*/ n[0]="Chi-Square"; n[10]="";";
ProbX2 +=" n[1]="__observ__"; n[11]="__expect__"; n[6]="___data___"; n[16]="___d.f=2__"; function X2(s) ";
ProbX2 +="{return Math.pow(n[s-10]-n[s],2)/n[s]} n[5]=Mr(X2(12),2)+"|"+Mr(X2(13),2)+"|"+Mr(X2(14),2); n[7]=";
ProbX2 +=""INPUT X2 <"; var X=X2(12)/1+X2(13)/1+X2(14)/1; n[15]="<X2="+X; X=n[17]; n[8]=" deg.freed.<";";
ProbX2 +=" var d=n[18]; n[9]="probability >"; var o=Math.pow(0.734,1/d); var p=Math.pow(d,0.00816); ";
ProbX2 +="var q=Math.pow(d,1.58); var Pr=(-0.193+0.846*d-0.138*d*d+0.0059*d*d*d)*Math.pow(0.704*o*p,X)*";
ProbX2 +="Math.pow(X,(-26.36+8.8*q)/(156.4+1.58*d)); if (d<1.5){Pr*=1.2}; n[19]=Mr(Pr,2)";//~good @ 2
var Probabi_nA = new Array("("Probability, Statistic s}",ProbTerm)",
"("s} DATA: <=20 points","Enter data (0 is legit, blank=pass) in cells. Use Stats on n-data to analyse.")",
"("*} DATA: random gen.",StatRndm)",
"("x} Stats on n-DATA",StatsN)",
"("*} DATA > 20 points",StatsD)",
"("n} Stats on m-DATA",StatIn)",
"("n} Group m-DATA",StatGp)",
"("*} n[1..19] > memory",DataNdM)", //source at Data Management, edit>select.all>copy>paste to text file>save
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} Combin,Permut,Bin.",ProbComb)",
"("n} Poisson Distribution",ProbPois)",
"("n} Normal Distribution",ProbNorm)",
"("n} Chi-Square Distrib",ProbX2)",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")");
var Time0 ="var now=new Date(); now.getTime();";
var Months=" var MonthAr =new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");";
var WeekDay=" var DayAr = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");";
var TimCntDn="var c=(/*Count Down from: seconds*/ );/*CLICK[=]*/ m=c; var a=new Date(); ";
TimCntDn +="while (m>0) {var b=new Date(); m=c-eval(b-a)/1000;} alert("Time Up"); ";
var JSdate="Date is measured in milliseconds (86,400,000 ms/day) since midnight Jan 1, 1970 UTC. ";
JSdate +="Date object range is -100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days relative to Jan 1, 1970 UTC. ";
JSdate +="Universal Time (UTC) [aka Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)] is rel. to local time set on system.";
JSdate +=" When date is entered as a string, form must be as "Jan 4, 2003" with full 4-digit year.";
var TimeDif="n[0]="Date_Difference"; n[10]="_Calculator_"; n[1]=". . NOW . . =>"; "+Time0+Months+WeekDay+" n[11]";
TimeDif +="=MonthAr[now.getMonth()]+" "+now.getDate()+", "+now.getFullYear(); n[12]="(note format)";";
TimeDif +=" n[3]="new date.1 <"; var New1=Date.parse(n[13]); n[4]=" . day of wk >"; var da=new Date(n[13]); ";
TimeDif +="n[14]=DayAr[da.getDay()]; n[16]="(neg.=past)"; n[5]="to d.1, days>"; n[15]=(New1-now)/86400000; ";
TimeDif +="n[7]="new date.2 <"; var New2=Date.parse(n[17]); n[8]="d.2-d.1, day>"; n[18]=(New1-New2)/86400000;";
TimeDif +=" n[9]=" . . . = years >"; n[19]=Mr(n[18]/365.24,3);";
var TimeDDif="var d=(/*neg.=past: Days from Now*/ ); "+Time0+Months+" var s=Date.parse(now)+d*86400000; ";
TimeDDif +="var then=new Date(s); m=MonthAr[then.getMonth()]+then.getDate()+","+then.getFullYear();";
var TimePal="n[0]="PALEO_pds"; n[10]="B.P. . 570 mil"; n[1]="Cambrian"; n[11]="-trilobites"; ";
TimePal +="n[2]="Ordovician"; n[12]="-coral 500 mil"; n[3]="Silurian"; n[13]="-clam 425 mil"; ";
TimePal +="n[4]=" - 1st land"; n[14]="-plant,animal"; n[5]="Devonian"; n[15]="-fern 395 mil"; ";
TimePal +="n[6]=" - anphibian"; n[16]="-shark,lungfish"; n[7]="Carboniferous"; n[17]="-insect 350m"; ";
TimePal +="n[8]=" - forest"; n[18]="-early reptile"; n[9]="Permian"; n[19]="conifer 290m";";
var TimeMes="n[0]="MESO_pds"; n[10]="B.P. . 235 mil"; n[1]="Triassic"; n[11]=" -frog,turtle"; ";
TimeMes +="n[2]=" - 1st mammal"; n[12]="-1st dinosaur"; n[3]=" -pangea split"; n[13]=""; ";
TimeMes +="n[4]="Jurassic"; n[14]="-bird 190 mil"; n[5]=" - 1st flowers"; n[15]="-dinasaur age"; ";
TimeMes +="n[6]="Cretaceous"; n[16]=" . . . . . 130 mil"; n[7]=" - late dinosaur"; n[17]="-var.mammal"; ";
TimeMes +="n[8]=" - Rocky mts"; n[18]=""; n[9]=""; n[19]="";";
var TimeQuat="n[0]="Quatenary_Pd"; n[10]="Epochs follow"; n[1]="Pleistocene"; n[11]="B.P. . 1.8 mil"; ";
TimeQuat +="n[2]=" -homo erectus"; n[12]="(1st human ancest)"; n[3]="-neanderthal"; n[13]=""; ";
TimeQuat +="n[4]="Holocene"; n[14]="modrn 0.01m"; n[5]=" -dark ages"; n[15]=" . . 0.001m"; ";
TimeQuat +="n[6]=" -moon landing"; n[16]=" . . 0.000035m"; n[7]=""; n[17]=""; n[8]=""; n[18]=""; ";
TimeQuat +="n[9]=""; n[19]=""; ";
var TimeCen="n[0]="CENO_periods"; n[10]="B.P. . . 65 mil"; n[1]="_Tertiary"; n[11]="Epochs follow"; ";
TimeCen +="n[2]=". Paleocene"; n[12]="-1st primates"; n[3]=". Eocene"; n[13]="-cats . . . 55m"; ";
TimeCen +="n[4]=" - bat,whale"; n[14]="-dog,penguin"; n[5]=". Oligocene"; n[15]="-monkey 38m"; ";
TimeCen +="n[6]=". Miocene"; n[16]="-bear . . . 26m"; n[7]=" - alps,himalayas"; n[17]="-grass,1st ape"; ";
TimeCen +="n[8]=". Pliocene"; n[18]="homo hab. 6m"; n[9]="/*Quaternary Pd*/"+TimeQuat; n[19]="[c][nx][n9][=]";";
var TimeGeo="n[0]="_EON_*Era_"; n[10]="_years_B.P_"; n[1]="Archeon"; n[11]="4.6 bil."; n[2]="- 1st bacteria"; ";
TimeGeo +="n[12]="4.2 bil"; n[3]="- Oxy to atm"; n[13]="3.5 bil"; n[4]="Proterozoic"; n[14]="2.5 bil"; ";
TimeGeo +="n[5]="-proista,amoeba"; n[15]="1.2 bil"; n[6]="Phanerozoic"; n[16]=" . . 570 mil";";
TimeGeo +="n[7]="/* Paleozoic */ "+TimePal; n[17]="[c][nx][n7][=]"; ";// example of calling another set
TimeGeo +="n[8]="/* Mesozoic */ "+TimeMes; n[18]=" . . 235 mil"; "; // of data via string to expand table.
TimeGeo +="n[9]="/* Cenozoic */ "+TimeCen; n[19]=" . . . 65 mil";"; // Can extend from an extension, etc.
var Time_Fu_nA = new Array("("Time_Functns: x} Now","Date()")",
"("x}Time Code,milliSec.",Time0)",
"("x}Universal(GMT)time",Time0+" now.toUTCString()")",
"("*} Count Down Timer",TimCntDn)",
"("s} Dates in JavaScript",JSdate)",
"("*} . Days Difference",TimeDDif)",
"("n} . Date Difference",TimeDif)",
"("s} Geologic Timetable",TimeGeo)", // Source code at Time_Fcns
// ****************************** Catagory 3: Special Programs - default selection *********
var Special_nA = new Array("("Special pg} root . (x)^.5","Math.pow(x,0.5)")",
"("n} Peak Flow, nwIL",CHpkILnw)", // source code at Civ_Hydro group
"("n} Rational Meth, nwIL",CHratIln)",
"("n} Stormwater Storage",CHdet)",
"("n} Hyd.Control Struct.",CHydCStr)",
"("n} Normal Open Chan.",CHydMan)",
"("n}Cap.Recov:loan pay",FinanceCR)", // source code at Finance group
"("n} Comp.Amt.",FinanceCA)",
"("n} Comp.Amt.",FinanceCU)",
"("n} Pres.Worth",FinancePs)",
"("n} Pres.Worth",FinancePu)",
"("n} Sink.Fund",FinanceSF)",
var User_01_nA = new Array("("User_01 . . . . . blank set","Set-up for user function group")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var User_02_nA = new Array("("User_02 . . . . . blank set","Set-up for user function group")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var User_03_nA = new Array("("User_03 . . . . . blank set","Set-up for user function group")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
// GrabNval: sting containing function GrabN to populate s-array to n[st..en] located in Materials area
var CivHS="/*Following stds tables based on typical values (IL DOT 1975). Consult local DOT. NOTES: ";
CivHS +="Design Hourly Volume, DHV, typically 10-20% of Average Daily Traffic, ADT, enclosed in [ ] ";
CivHS +="in tables. Slopes are denoted by horiz.dist : 1-vertical. Stopping Site Dist. approx. 6-sec";
CivHS +=" at design speed, Passing Site Dist.~25-sec. Minimum K (=L/A =vert.curve.length / algebraic";
CivHS +=" difference in grades) for drainage ~1.43. External, E=AL/8. Degree of Curve, D=5729.6/radius.";
var CivHS0=GrabNval+" n[0]="Design, mph"; n[1]=" . . . Class"; n[2]="drainage, yr.";";
CivHS0 +=" n[3]="Site.d Stop,ft"; n[4]=" . . . . . Pass,ft"; n[5]="max.grade%"; n[6]="Sag Curve K"; ";
CivHS0 +="n[7]="Crest: Stop,K"; n[8]="Crest: Pass,K"; n[9]="Horiz: max,D"; s =new Array";
var CivHS70=CivHS0+"(70,"Major","50-30[<750]",625,2500,"3up-5dn",1.45,2.6,23,3); GrabN(s,10,20);";
var CivHS60=CivHS0+"(60,"Area Service","50-30[<750]",525,2100,5,1,1.6,17.49,5); GrabN(s,10,20);";
var CivHS50=CivHS0+"(50,"Collectr[<750]","30-25",400,1800,6,0.75,0.9,9.84,7.5); GrabN(s,10,20);";
var CivHS40=CivHS0+"(40,"Collectr[<250]",20,275,1500,7,0.55,0.55,6.83,12.5); GrabN(s,10,20);";
var CivHS30=CivHS0+"(30,"Rd.Dist.[<150]","~10",200,1100,8,0.35,0.33,3.67,23); GrabN(s,10,20);";
var CivVC=" FCN. FOR VERT.CURVE CALCULATION*/ function GetEl(sta) {var xEl =0; if (sta/1 < PIst/1) ";
CivVC +="{xEl=PIel-(PIst-sta)*G1/100; if (sta/1>PCst/1){xEl+=Math.pow((sta-PCst)*2/L,2)*Ex}} else ";
CivVC +="{xEl=PIel-(PIst-sta)*G2/100; if (sta/1<PTst/1){xEl+=Math.pow((PTst-sta)*2/L,2)*Ex}} return xEl} ";
// Vert.Curve is example of a data entry screen, with the data saved for use in a next screen
// to generate a series of output values. Data could also be entered directly or pasted from
// a text file.
var CivVC1="/*READ! Vertical Curve contains 2 procedures: First for curve data: enter curve Length {eg.400};";
CivVC1 +=" grade,% to PI (all grades looking to increased stations, enter "-" for negative){eg.-2}; ";
CivVC1 +="PI station (do not insert "+"){eg. sta 10+00=1000} & elevation {eg.200.00}; & grade,% away from";
CivVC1 +=" PI {eg. 1}. The V.C. E- & K-values will be displayed {eg. 1.5 & 133.3}. An unk. odd station may";
CivVC1 +=" be input {eg. 950} to obtain elev. {eg.201.844}. The Curve Data is saved to m-memory to be used";
CivVC1 +=" to compute elevations for a series of stations in Vert.Curve Series. "+CivVC+"n[0]="Vert.Curv,";
CivVC1 +=" L<"; var L=n[10]; n[1]=" . . to PI G% <"; var G1=n[11]; n[2]=" . . PI station <";";
CivVC1 +=" var PIst=n[12]; n[3]="PI elevation<"; var PIel=n[13]; n[4]="away PI G%<"; var G2=n[14]; ";
CivVC1 +="var Ex=(G2-G1)*L/800; n[5]="E="+Ex; n[15]="K="+0.01*L/Math.abs(G2-G1); var PCst=PIst-L/2; ";
CivVC1 +="n[6]="pc.sta="+PCst; var PCel=PIel -G1*L/200; n[16]="pc.el="+PCel; var PTst=PIst/1+L/2; ";
CivVC1 +="n[7]="pt.sta="+PTst; var PTel=PIel/1 +G2*L/200; n[17]="pt.el="+PTel; n[8]="input station<"; ";
CivVC1 +="n[9]="<data to m)"; var xSt=n[18]; n[19]="elev "+GetEl(xSt); /*end DATA ENTRY, SAVE DATA to";
CivVC1 +=" m-mem.*/ m="VC.dta,"+L+","+G1+","+PIst+","+PIel+","+G2+","+PCst+","+PTst+","+Ex; ";
var CivVC2="/*READ! Vert.Curve Data must first be input to m-memory. This can be done by running Vert.Curve";
CivVC2 +=" data or pasting previously saved data from a text file to the m-box. The first point "VC.dta" ";
CivVC2 +="can be augmented with a name--include NO Comas! Then a series of stations based on starting ";
CivVC2 +="station {eg.700} & increment {eg.50} can be slisted. Can repeat by changing start or increment. ";
CivVC2 +=CivVC+"var VCd=m.split(","); L=VCd[1]; G1=VCd[2]; PIst=VCd[3]; PIel=VCd[4]; G2=VCd[5]; ";
CivVC2 +="PCst=VCd[6]; PTst=VCd[7]; Ex=VCd[8]; n[0]="list:start sta <"; L=VCd[1]; G1=VCd[2]; PIst=VCd[3]; ";
CivVC2 +="PIel=VCd[4]; G2=VCd[5]; PCst=VCd[6]; PTst=VCd[7]; Ex=VCd[8]; /*listing*/ var st=n[10]; ";
CivVC2 +="n[1]=" . increment<"; var i=n[11]; for (j=0;j<8;j++){xSt=st/1+j*i; n[j+2]="sta "+xSt; ";
CivVC2 +="n[j+12]="elev "+GetEl(xSt)}";
var Civ_Hig_nA = new Array("("Civ_Highway, Survey","")",
"("s} __Geometric Stds__",CivHS)",
"("s} Std. 70-mph design",CivHS70)",
"("s} Std. 60-mph design",CivHS60)",
"("s} Std. 50-mph design",CivHS50)",
"("s} Std. 40-mph design",CivHS40)",
"("s} Std. 30-mph design",CivHS30)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("n} Vert.Curve",CivVC1)",
"("x} Vert.Curve series.out",CivVC2)",
"("n} H.Curv. tan.offset.dta","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("n} H.Curv. deflect.dta","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
var CHyd0="Q=V*A // Continuity Equation: for consistent units: cubic feet (or meters)/sec ";
CHyd0 += "= ft (or m)/sec, velocity * area, sq.ft (or sq.m). Without any inflow or outflow, ";
CHyd0 += "Q is constant between sections 1 & 2, therefore: V1*A1 = V2*A2.";
var CHydB="Z1 +V1*V1/(2*g) +density*V1 = Z2 +V2*V2/(2*g) +frict.head +density*V2 //Bernoulli";
var CHpkILnw="/*Hydrology highly dependent on local climate. These methods developed for northwest ";
CHpkILnw +="Illinois. US units; 3-variations: eg. 330 acres, 1% impervious, main channel slope= ";
CHpkILnw +="1.5%; output, in cfs, is for 4 recurrence intervals |2-yr|10yr||30yr|100y| the top, ";
CHpkILnw +="n5, row computed by a strictly local method, depending only on area; the second row, n6, ";
CHpkILnw +="modifies the first for urbanization; the 3rd row, n7, is from regional regression equations ";
CHpkILnw +="(Curtis,USGS,1987) for unmod. rural basins. By the eg. inputs, the 2-year peaks estim. ";
CHpkILnw +="114,116,97 cfs. 3.3 ft. on last line is APPROX. channel flow depth,2-yr (Prugh,USGS,1976).*/";
CHpkILnw +=" n[0]="_Peaks_cfs_"; n[10]="_for_n.w.IL_"; n[1]=" Drain acre<"; n[2]=" . imperv.%<"; ";
CHpkILnw +="n[3]=" ch.slope%<"; n[4]="Q-2_|_-10 cfs"; n[14]="30yr_|_100yr"; var A=n[11]; ";
CHpkILnw +="var i=n[12]; var s=n[13]; function OQ(q){var d=0; if (q<10){d=1} return Mr(q,d)} ";
CHpkILnw +="/*WinCo comp.*/ var Q2=1.56*Math.pow(A,0.74); if (A>3200){Q2*=(2.42-0.176*Math.log(A))}";
CHpkILnw +=" function WinCo(y){var Qy = Q2*(9*Math.pow(y,0.17)-7.2)/(1.8+Math.pow(y,0.17)); ";
CHpkILnw +="return Qy} /* built-in rel. s decrease as A incr.*/ n[5]=OQ(Q2)+" | "+OQ(WinCo(10));";
CHpkILnw +=" n[15]=OQ(WinCo(30))+" | "+OQ(WinCo(100)); function WUrb(y){return WinCo(y)*(1+0.02*i)}";
CHpkILnw +="n[6]=OQ(Q2*(1+0.02*i))+" | "+OQ(WUrb(10)); n[16]=OQ(WUrb(30))+" | "+OQ(WUrb(100)); ";
CHpkILnw +="/*USGS comp.*/ function USG(y){var p=0.51*Math.pow(0.86,1/y)*Math.pow(y,0.028); ";
CHpkILnw +="return OQ(34*Math.pow(0.29,1/y)*Math.pow(y,0.11)*Math.pow(A/640,0.786)*Math.pow(s*52.8,p))}";
CHpkILnw +=" n[7]=USG(2)+" | "+USG(10); n[17]=USG(30)+" | "+USG(100); /*Depth comp.*/ n[8]="chan_depth";";
CHpkILnw +=" n[18]="_aprox_ft_"; function Ud(y){var r=0.283*Math.pow(1.14,1/y)*Math.pow(y,-0.02); ";
CHpkILnw +="return Mr(1.12*Math.pow(0.49,1/y)*Math.pow(y,0.104)*Math.pow(USG(2),r),1)}; ";
CHpkILnw +="n[9]=" "+Ud(2)+" | "+Ud(10); n[19]=" "+Ud(30)+" | "+Ud(100)";
var CHratIln="/*Rational Formula: Q=ciA (based on 1-in/hr rainfall on 1 acre=1.008cfs) where c=runoff coeff.";
CHratIln +="=runoff/rainfall; {depend. on soils, cover, rain, etc.} ~.9-.95 impervious, ~.2-.3 pervious, ";
CHratIln +="composit~.45 for 25% imperv. urban subdiv, etc. i=rainfall,in/hr {key assumption: rain of ";
CHratIln +="duration of time of concentration, for flow to travel from most remote part of drainage basin,";
CHratIln +=" herein based on ISWS Bul.70 for NW Illinois. There is a subroutine using Kirpick equation for";
CHratIln +=" Tc, minutes, flow in natural channels, grass ditches, bare-dirt overland. Multiply by ";
CHratIln +="~2 grass overland, ~0.4 conc.sheet, ~0.2 paved channel: add components. Manual enter Final Tc.";
CHratIln +=" eg. for 100-yr event, with channel travel 2300-ft & 50-ft fall yields 13.22-min in channel, ";
CHratIln +="Enter 20-min to add ~7-m sheetfl (300ft w/4ft fall)x2 to channel (all depends on basin config.)";
CHratIln +=" With c=0.3 on 48 acres. Routine calculates 7 in/hour for 20-min, 100-yr rain [Total rain in ";
CHratIln +="this time would be 7in/hr*20min/60min/hr =2.33-in.] Resulting Q=101-cfs.*/ n[1]="Design Yr. <";";
CHratIln +="n[0]="Rational_nwIL"; n[10]="_Q=ciA_cfs_"; n[2]="travel.dist,ft <"; n[3]=" . .Tc. . fall,ft <";";
CHratIln +=" n[4]="partl Tc,min>"; var d=n[12]; n[14]="__"+Mr(0.00781*Math.pow(d*d*d/n[13],0.385),2)+"__"; ";
CHratIln +="n[5]="Fin. Tc,min <"; n[6]="compos. c <"; n[7]="drain.acres<"; n[8]="rain, i, in/hr >"; ";
CHratIln +="n[18]=0.9465*Math.pow(0.843,1/n[11])*Math.pow(n[11],0.204)/(0.11+0.0211*Math.pow(n[15],0.805));";
CHratIln +=" n[9]=" . . . . Q, cfs >"; n[19]=n[16]*n[17]*n[18];";
var CHdet="/*2 calculations presented: first is a one-step route, VERY approximate but applicable ";
CHdet +="anywhere, uses a triangular inflow hydrograph clipped by a triangular (at least on the ";
CHdet +="rising limb) outflow at the time to peak of outflow. eg. 250cfs inflow peak at 30 minutes ";
CHdet +="can be reduced to 200cfs outflow if about 2.5 acre.ft of storage applied. Secondly, in an ";
CHdet +="algorithm tied to ISGS Bulletin 70 for Northwestern Illinois, the area and runoff coeff.";
CHdet +=" and allowable release rate (in cfs per acre developed) are used to return a factor in ";
CHdet +="ft.depth of storage required which becomes acre feet when multiplied by the acreage, eg. ";
CHdet +="50 acres developed to a C-value of 0.95, if the allowable release is 0.2cfs/acre, needs 17.2";
CHdet +=" acre.feet of stormwater detention volume.*/ n[0]="Storage_Vol."; n[10]="_acre_feet_"; ";
CHdet +="n[1]="1-st pk, cfs <"; n[2]=". min. to pk<"; n[3]=". outflo,cfs <"; n[4]="vol.req. ac.ft>";";
CHdet +=" n[14]=(n[11]-n[13])*n[12]/600; n[5]="_nwIl_acre <"; n[6]=". runoff coef.<"; n[7]=";
CHdet +="". 0ut, cfs/ac <"; n[8]="stor.depth, ft>"; n[18]=0.27*n[16]/Math.pow(n[17],0.25) -0.04;";
CHdet +=" n[9]="vol.req. ac.ft>"; n[19]=n[18]*n[15];";
var CHydCStr="/*Three control structures share head Input. eg. with 2.75ft head, a 10ft long, broad ";
CHydCStr +="crested weir spills 141 cfs. Using the same head, a rectangular orifice, 1ft wide by ";
CHydCStr +="0.5ft high, passes 3.8cfs, a round orifice, 0.75ft (9-inch) dia. delivers 3.3cfs.*/";
CHydCStr +="n[0]="Head feet . <"; n[1]=" - WEIR Q ="; n[11]=" 3.1L*H**1.5"; n[2]="length, feet <"; ";
CHydCStr +="n[3]="= Flow, cfs . >"; n[13]=3.1*n[12]*Math.pow(n[10],1.5); n[4]="-ORIFICE Q="; ";
CHydCStr +="n[14]="0.6A(2gh)**.5"; n[5]="Rect:width ft<"; n[6]=" . . . height,ft.<"; n[7]=n[3]; ";
CHydCStr +="n[17]=0.6*n[15]*n[16]*Math.pow(2*32.15*(n[10]-n[16]/2),0.5); n[8]="Circ: Dia. ft. <"; ";
CHydCStr +="n[9]=n[3]; n[19]=0.6*3.1416*n[18]*n[18]/4*Math.pow(2*32.15*(n[10]-n[18]/2),0.5)";
var CHydMan="/*For Normal Flow: by gravity only, surface parallel to channel bottom. v, ft/sec =1.486*pow";
CHydMan +="(Hyd.rad,2/3)*sqrt(s,ft/ft)/n & Q=vA. {Hydraulic Radius =area of section,A/wetted perimeter}.";
CHydMan +=" n =Manning roughness coeff. ~.009-.012 plastic,glass,conc.pipe; ~.013-.025: clay,brick,to ";
CHydMan +="asphalt; ~.02-.025: corr.metal:paved bottom to plain; ~.025-.03: channel, straight,dirt to ";
CHydMan +="short grass; ~.035-.04: smooth rip.rap to weedy; ~.06-.14+: brushy, winding, to extremely ";
CHydMan +="dense. sCal uses a single form for full-pipe & trapezoidal channel analysis, so the n- & s-";
CHydMan +="inputs are shared. One ignores the inappropriate output. eg: a conc.pipe and a,";
CHydMan +=" both with n=0.012 & s=0.5% (.5ft fall per 100ft run). The PIPE has dia. 1.25ft (15-inches) ";
CHydMan +="yielding v=1.23 sq.ft & a Normal Q of 4.9cfs. The CHANNEL has a left side slope of 4:1 (4 ";
CHydMan +="units horiz to 1 vert.); bottom width of 4ft, & right side slope of 2:1. Assuming a flow ";
CHydMan +="depth of 1.5ft: the top width is 15ft, Froude no. of 1.52 (>1, supercritical), v=8.8ft/sec,";
CHydMan +=" and Q=139 cfs. [Note the flexibility of trapezoidal shape: v-ditch if bot.wid set to 0, ";
CHydMan +="box-shape if side.slopes=0. As a trick feature, if either lt, rt or both side slopes set to ";
CHydMan +="exactly 0.01, the respective boundry is ignored in the wet.perim calculation, allowing ";
CHydMan +="subsections of complex channel/floodplain to add manually.]*/";
CHydMan +="n[0]=" Manning n <"; n[1]="lon.slope%<"; var sn=1.486*Math.sqrt(n[11]/100)/n[10]; /*<COMMON ";
CHydMan +=". PIPE>*/ n[2]="PIPE dia, ft <"; var ap=3.1416*n[12]*n[12]/4; n[3]="A, s.f="+ap; ";
CHydMan +="n[13]="Q,cfs=" +sn*Math.pow(n[12]/4,0.667)*ap; /*TRAP.CHANNEL>*/ n[4]="|_/<"; ";
CHydMan +="n[5]=" bot.width, ft <"; n[6]=" . . <"; n[7]="flow depth,ft<"; var d2=n[17]*n[17];";
CHydMan +=" var tw=(n[14]*n[17]+n[15]/1+n[16]*n[17]); n[8]="top.w,ft="+tw; var ac=n[17]*(tw+n[15]/1)/2; ";
CHydMan +="var wp=n[15]/1; if (n[14]!=0.01){wp+=Math.sqrt(n[14]*n[14]*d2+d2)}; if (n[16]!=0.01){wp+=";
CHydMan +="Math.sqrt(n[16]*n[16]*d2+d2)}; var vc=sn*Math.pow(ac/wp,0.667); n[18]="V,ft/s="+vc; ";
CHydMan +="n[9]="froud#="+vc/Math.sqrt(32.15*ac/tw); n[19]="Q,cfs="+ac*vc;";
var Civ_Hyd_nA = new Array("("Civ_Hydro-Hydraulics",CHyd0)",
"("s} Energy Ballance",CHydB)",
"("n} Peak Flow, nwIL",CHpkILnw)",
"("n} Rational Meth, nwIL",CHratIln)",
"("n} Stormwater Storage",CHdet)",
"("*} Brd.Crest Weir, Q,cfs","3.1*(/*weirLength,ft*/ )*Math.pow((/*head,ft*/ ),1.5)")",
"("n} Hyd.Control Struct.",CHydCStr)",
"("n} Normal Open Chan.",CHydMan)",
var StrLL="var f=(/*TYP.Live Loads (see local code for actual) lb/sf >for kg/sm, replace 1 w/ 4.88*/1.0); ";
StrLL +="n[0]="__Use__"; n[10]="_Typ_L.L_"; n[1]="heavy.mfg."; n[11]=Mr(250*f,0); n[2]="l.mfg,warehse"; ";
StrLL +="n[12]=Mr(125*f,0); n[3]="gym,dining"; n[13]=Mr(100*f,0); n[4]="hall,balcony"; n[14]=Mr(80*f,0); ";
StrLL+="n[5]="1st.fl retail"; n[15]=Mr(75*f,0); n[6]=""; n[16]=Mr(60*f,0); n[7]="office,";
StrLL +="car.park"; n[17]=Mr(50*f,0); n[8]="residential"; n[18]=Mr(40*f,0); n[9]="no-access areas"; ";
StrLL +="n[19]=Mr(20*f,0);";
var StrMat="/*(Youngs) MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, E: Mat"l: mod. E commonly: STEEL: mild structural (A36) 30 ";
StrMat +="E+6 psi, high-strength 29 & variable many grades; WOOD: has even more grades. Machine stress ";
StrMat +="rated lumber has some consistency: f(b) values run from 900psi to 3300psi (probably a rare ";
StrMat +="piece of wood) in 300psi increments--with an extra desig. at 1650psi. Modulus of elasticity, ";
StrMat +="E, varies from 1,000,000psi to 2,600,000 according to the general rule of E=1,200,000psi + ";
StrMat +="(f(b)-1200)*2000/3, eg. 1200psi rated has typical E=1.2mil.psi; 1500psi ->E 1.4mil.psi. As ";
StrMat +="for all timber, allowable f(b) can be increased by 15% if repetative members are used in an ";
StrMat +="element. Thus, structural glue laminated timber runs f(b) from 1600-2400psi. (in 200psi ";
StrMat +="increments) while E corresponds with 1.6-1.8 mil.psi. [Reduce both values by 20% for wet use ";
StrMat +="conditions.] Visually rated lumber is more variable, TENDING to the samy TYPE of relation. ";
StrMat +="Doug.Fir,Larch, Southern Pine have similar ranges: 1200-2000psi, E 1.5-1.9mil.psi for structural";
StrMat +=" types, S.Pine perhaps 10% higher. Other species 10% and more, lower. ALLOWABLE EXTREME FIBER ";
StrMat +="STRESS IN BENDING: f(b)>M/s :typically STEEL-(By AISC in compact sections=0.66x Yield Strength, ";
StrMat +="for non-compact=0.6x Fy ->) mild (A36 0.66*36ksi or 0.6*36) 24 0r 22 [ksi], {note F-ultimate";
StrMat +="~60+ksi}, high strength (Fy60) 39.6 or 60 [ksi] {F-ult.~85ksi}; WOOD-see discussion under mod.E";
StrMat +=" above. Code Max. DEFLECTION= L/360 for habitable floors, L/240 for ceilings w/o plaster. SHEAR,";
StrMat +=" fv [steel~.4fb, wood var] --allowable shear strength (US) lb/ or (SI) kg/ to carry ";
StrMat +="the shear stress in col.K-L. For STEEL, 0.4 * allowable extreme fiber stress in bending is ";
StrMat +="general value, tho this operates only on the gross section = web thickness * beam depth. ";
StrMat +="WOOD is susceptible to Horizontal Shear = 3/2 times the normal vertical shear, which is computed";
StrMat +=" in col.K-L. In other words, the computed shear stress must be <= 2/3 the Horiz. Shear Strength";
StrMat +="which varies greatly between species of wood, but little within each species for structural ";
StrMat +="grades. eg. Douglas Fir, Larch, Hemlock: horiz.shear strength is 85 to 95 psi. 2/3 of that = ";
StrMat +="60psi. <---value to enter. Similar 2/3 horiz.shear values: balsam fir, 40; Cal.redwood, 60 ";
StrMat +="(or 97 for clear heart str.); eastern spruce, southern pine, 55; white pine, 43; Structural ";
StrMat +="Glue Laminated timbers tend to have shorz.shear strengths 1.8x the single board strength if ";
StrMat +="load is perpendicular to wide face, 1.6x if loaded parallel to wide face, deduct 20psf if under";
StrMat +=" wet service conditions. NOTE: These are generalities. Consult ratings specific to ";
StrMat +="available grades. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: typically: STEEL mild (A36) 7.86, high-strength 8.0; WOOD";
StrMat +=" [at 12% moisture content, factor 1.15 for 20% moist, 0.92 oven dry]: HARDWOODS: Hickory 0.7, ";
StrMat +="Oak, Birch, Maple .6, Elm .55, Poplar .43: SOFTWOODS: Southern Pine 0.52, Douglas Fir .48, ";
StrMat +="Spruce .4, White Pine, Redwood .38, Cedar .35 */";
var StrSecR="/*Rectangular Section Properties: units either US or SI as long as consistent. eg. say units=i:";
StrSecR +=" Beam =2i wide x 6i deep, then A=12ii, moment of inertia,I=36iiii, section modulus,S=I/c=12iii,";
StrSecR +=" radius of gyration,r=1.73. All this is about a horiz.axis through the centroid,c=3i from base.";
StrSecR +=" If the axis translated 3i from centroid (i.e. to base), I=144, r=3.46. {Note: move axis x ";
StrSecR +="units, I=I+Axx} OR if the axis rotated 30-degrees, in std.directn: ccw from the horiz, I=28, ";
StrSecR +="r=1.53.*/ n[0]="_Sect_Prop_"; n[10]="_rectangular_"; n[1]="base width <"; var b=n[11]; n[2]=";
StrSecR +=""beam dep. <"; var d=n[12]; n[3]="A="+Fo(b*d); var I=b*d*d*d/12; n[4]="I="+Fo(I); n[13]="S=";
StrSecR +=""+Fo(b*d*d/6); n[14]="r="+Fo(Math.sqrt(d*d/12)); n[5]="_move_axis_"; n[15]=">_centroid_>"; n[6]";
StrSecR +="="translate.c.<"; var c=n[16]; I+=b*d*c*c; n[7]="I="+Fo(I); n[17]="r="+Fo(Math.sqrt(I/(b*d))); ";
StrSecR +="var a=n[18]; n[8]="rotate.h.ang<"; var c1=Math.sin(a*Math.PI/180); var c2=Math.cos(a*Math.PI/";
StrSecR +="180); c1=b*b*c1*c1 +d*d*c2*c2; n[9]="I="+Fo(b*d*c1/12); n[19]="r="+Fo(Math.sqrt(c1/12));";
var StrSecI="/*Rect. based shapes: Outer dimensions, base & depth entered. Rather than enter web & flange ";
StrSecI +="thick., the inner rectangle entered. H-shape is ][ at y-axis. Definitions in "Rectang.sect.". ";
StrSecI +="eg. 4x6 outside, 2x5 inside dim: A=14 for any orientation; S=17.1 as I-shape, etc, S=12.1 as ";
StrSecI +="H.*/ n[0]="[],I,H shapes"; n[10]="_outer_dim_"; n[1]="base width <"; var b=n[11]; n[2]="beam ";
StrSecI +="dep. <"; var d=n[12]; n[3]=". inner_wid.<"; var b1=n[13]; n[4]=".inner_dep.<"; var d1=n[14]; ";
StrSecI +="n[5]=" . common >"; n[15]="A="+Fo(b*d -b1*d1); n[6]="I, [] shape_>"; var I=(b*d*d*d ";
StrSecI +="-b1*d1*d1*d1)/12; n[16]="S="+Fo(I*2/d); n[7]="I="+Fo(I); n[17]="r="+Fo(Math.sqrt(I/";
StrSecI +="(b*d-b1*d1))); n[8]="_H shape_>"; var f=b-b1; var t=d-d1; I=(f*d*d*d +b1*t*t*t)/12; ";
StrSecI +="n[18]="S="+Fo(I*2/d); n[9]="I="+Fo(I); n[19]="r="+Fo(Math.sqrt(I/(b*d-b1*d1)));";
var StrSecL="/*L & trapezoid shapes: eg. L-shape: 6d x 4w with stem thicknes of 1 & lower leg 0.5 thick; ";
StrSecL +="A=7.5, centroid distance & S rel. to bottom =2.45, =11.06, I=27.1, r=1.9. eg. for trapezoidal ";
StrSecL +="shape, L/: using same dimensions, except low leg thick n/a, centroid to bottom =2.4, A=15.0, ";
StrSecL +="S rel.bottom=14.2, I=39.6, r=1.625.*/ n[0]="L & L/ sh.dp<"; var d=n[10]; n[1]="top, stem.w<"; ";
StrSecL +="var t=n[11]; n[2]=" . bot.width <"; var b=n[12]; n[3]="L_bot.thick <"; var t2=n[13]; n[4]=";
StrSecL +=""centroid-bot>"; var c=(t*d*d +(b-t)*t2*t2)/(2*(t*d+(b-t)*t2)); n[14]=c; n[5]="A="+(b*t2+t*";
StrSecL +="(d-t2))/1; var I=(b*c*c*c -(b-t)*(c-t2)*(c-t2)*(c-t2) +t*(d-c)*(d-c)*(d-c))/3; n[15]=""+";
StrSecL +="I/c; n[6]="I="+I; n[16]="r="+Math.sqrt(I/(b*t2 +t*(d-t2))); n[7]="L/ _centr-b_>"; ";
StrSecL +="c=d*(2*t+b/1)/(3*(b/1+t/1)); n[17]=c; var A=d*(b/1+t/1)/2; n[8]="A="+A; I=d*d*d*(b*b+4*b*t+t*t)";
StrSecL +="/(36*(b/1+t/1)); n[18]=""+I/c; n[9]="I="+I; n[19]="r="+Math.sqrt(I/A);";
var StrSecO="/*Circular: eg. Solid dia.2, A=3.14, I=S=.785, etc. eg. pipe, inner dia 1.25, A=1.91, I=.66.*/";
StrSecO +=" n[0]="CIRCULAR"; n[10]="_solid_bar_"; n[1]=" . diameter <"; var d=n[11]; var PI=Math.PI; n[2]=";
StrSecO +=""A="+PI*d*d/4; var I=PI*d*d*d*d/64; n[12]="S="+2*I/d; n[3]="I="+I; n[13]="r="+d/4; n[4]=""; ";
StrSecO +="n[14]="_hollow_pipe"; n[5]=" . inner dia.<"; var d1=n[15]; n[6]="A="+PI*(d*d-d1*d1)/4; I=PI*";
StrSecO +="(d*d*d*d-d1*d1*d1*d1)/64; n[16]="S="+2*I/d; n[7]="I="+I; n[17]="r="+Math.sqrt(d*d+d1*d1)/4;";
var StrLum="/*US dimensional lumber up to 6-in, is dressed 1/2-inch less than nominal, 8-in & bigger is 3/4";
StrLum +="-inch short. eg. a 2x4 is 1.5-in x 3.5-in, has, & in 4-in directn. ";
StrLum +="typical (MUST BE CONFIRMED!) spruce, white pine, etc. with allowable f-bending 900psi can ";
StrLum +="a moment,M =230ft-lb, with compressive strength (parallel to grain, allow 900psi) C=31,500lb, ";
StrLum +="& dead load (at 25 lb/c.f) w=0.9 lb/ft. Douglas fir, select structural, with f-b of 1600psi ";
StrLum +="capacity M=408, C=47,250 lb (all subject to length/r for buckling), & w=1.1 lb/ft.*/ ";
StrLum +="n[0]="Lumber_size"; n[10]="_nominal_"; n[1]=" . . width, in <"; var b=n[11]-0.5; if (b>6){b-=";
StrLum +="0.25} n[2]=" . height, in <"; var d=n[12]-0.5; if (d>6){d-=0.25}; n[3]=" . . . . actual >"; ";
StrLum +="n[13]=Fo(b)+" x "+Fo(d); n[4]="A,"+d*b; var S=b*d*d/6; n[14]="S,"+S; n[5]="I,in**4=";
StrLum +=""+b*d*d*d/12; n[15]="r,in="+Math.sqrt(d*d/12); n[6]="_typ_spruce>"; n[16]="M,"+900*S/12; ";
StrLum +="n[7]="C,lb="+6000*b*d; n[17]="w,lb/ft="+25*b*d/144; n[8]="typ_d.fir_ss.>"; n[18]="M,"";
StrLum +="+1600*S/12; n[9]="C,lb="+9000*b*d; n[19]="w,lb/ft="+30*b*d/144;";
var StBmSS="/*Simply Supported Beam: eg. 8-ft span, unif. load,w=50lb/ft; point load of 200lb located 6-ft ";
StBmSS +="from left end. Check beam at 3-ft from left end: (Note- max moment,M will occur between the ";
StBmSS +="mid-point (4-ft) & 6-ft where point loaded, this for illustration.) Beam f-b, allow. extreme ";
StBmSS +="fiber strength in bending, 1400psi, and combined EI (mod. of elasticity 1.3E6 psi times I ";
StBmSS +="assumed 178 in.-to-4th-power) =231.4E6 Output: left & right reactions, R=250 & 350 ";
StBmSS +="lb, shear, V= 100lb. (V/A of section tests against f-v, 3V/2 for horiz.shear) Mx(at pt.x)=525ft";
StBmSS +="; min. S =M/f 4.5, deflection=0.028-in (genl: defl.<L/360 (8*12/360=0.26-in) if plastered, ";
StBmSS +="L/240 otherwise).*/ n[0]=".--L--. Len,ft <"; var L=n[10]; n[1]="unif. w: lb/ft <"; var w=n[11];";
StBmSS +=" n[2]="sgl.ld: P,lb <"; var P=n[12]; n[3]="dist.P.left: ft<"; var a=n[13]; n[4]=" ";
StBmSS +="lt,ft<"; var X=n[14]; n[5]="Beam_f,psi<"; n[6]="combin.EI <"; var Rlw=w*L/2; var Rlp=P*(L-a)/L;";
StBmSS +=" n[7]="R-lt,lb="+(Rlw/1 +Rlp/1); var Rrw=w*L/2; var Rrp=P*a/L; n[17]="R-rt,lb="+(Rrw/1 +Rrp/1);";
StBmSS+=" var Vx=w*(L/2-X); var Mx=w*X*(L-X)/2; if (X<a){Vx+=Rlp; Mx+=Rlp*X} else {Vx+=Rrp; Mx+=Rrp*(L-X)}";
StBmSS +=" n[8]="Vx,lb="+Vx; n[18]="Mx,"+Mx; n[9]="S,>"+Mx*12/n[15]; var dx=P*1728/(6*n[16]*L);";
StBmSS +=" if (X<a){dx*=X*(L-a)*(L*L-(L-a)*(L-a)-X*X)} else {dx*=(L-X)*a*(L*L-a*a-(L-X)*(L-X))} ";
StBmSS +="dx+=w*X*(L*L*L -2*L*X*X +X*X*X)*1728/(24*n[16]); n[19]="defl,in="+dx;";
var Civ_Str_nA = new Array("("Civ_Structures . . . s} . .","Def. in 1st ea. group: know thy limits!")",
"("s} Typical L.L. table",StrLL)",
"("s} Matl, Properties",StrMat)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} Section: Rectangle",StrSecR)",
"("n} Sec: [], I, H shapes",StrSecI)",
"("n} Sec: L, trap. shape",StrSecL)",
"("n} Sec: Circular shape",StrSecO)",
"("n} Sec: std.US lumber",StrLum)",
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} Beam: simple sup.",StBmSS)",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")",
var DataSR="JavaScript is SAFE: no functions a virus can use to destroy data. Which makes saving ";
DataSR +="data difficult -must use "copy"&"paste". TO SAVE 1)-Use text editor. (Easily obtained: ";
DataSR +="View->Source Code->File->New gets NotePad from Internet Explorer; & ->composer page ";
DataSR +="from Mozilla; etc.) 2)-Place cursor in box with data. 3)-Edit->Select All->Copy 4)-paste";
DataSR +=" to text file. Data in n[0..19] could be laborious, 1 at a time. sCal provides utility ";
DataSR +="to dump all values to the m-cell. User can select order & delimiters (to transfer to a ";
DataSR +="spreadsheet or database program); n[index] to restore to sCal (paste to x-cell); etc.";
var DataNdM="var d=(/*delimiter*/", "); m=""; for (j=0;j<20;j++){m+=n[j]+d}";
var DataNsM="var d=(/*delimiter*/", "); m=""; for (j=0;j<10;j++){m+=n[j]+d+n[j+10]+d}";
var Quote=""";
var DataNaM="m=""; for (j=0;j<20;j++){m+="n["+j+"]="+Quote+n[j]+Quote+"; "}";
var Data_Ma_nA = new Array("("Data_Management s}","for manipulating & displaying data")",
"("s} save/restore Data",DataSR)",
"("*} n[1..19] > memory",DataNdM)",
"("*} n0, n10, n1, n11 >m",DataNsM)",
"("x} n[0], n[1], . . . . . > m",DataNaM)",
"("n} parabola curve fit",PCurv)", //Source at Analytic Geometry
"(" . . .","")",
"("n} linear regress. 1-var",mRegres)",//Source at Analytic Geometry
"("n} linear regress.2-var",nRegres)", //Source at Analytic Geometry
"("s} Statistics on data","see Probability, Statistics group")",
"("x} Pseudo-Graphing",J_Graph)", //Source at JavaScript samples
"("n} Interpolate / Extrap.",Interp)", //Source at JavaScript samples
"(" . . .","")",
"("s} ext.Table(geo time)",TimeGeo)", // Source code at Time_Fcns
"(" . . .","")",
var RanderI="Instruct: 2 player; select Random Num. above; player-1: [Do], use [n0] to [n9] ";
RanderI +="place in cell, [C] to clear x; player-2: [Do], use [n10] to [n19] to place in cell,";
RanderI +=" [C] to clear; back to player-1 & continue alternating until all 20 cells filled. ";
RanderI +="OBJECT: place random numbers in order lowest to highest in column. [C]>[Do] Scorder.";
var Scorder="var P1=10; P2=10; for (j=0;j<9;j++){if (n[j]>n[j+1]){P1--}} for (j=10;j<19;j++)";
Scorder +="{if (n[j]>n[j+1]){P2--}} m=" P1="+P1+"; P2="+P2";
var CasIns="INSTR: 1 player; select Random No.(1-11) above; [Do], use [n0] to [n19] to place ";
CasIns +="in cell" [C] clear, repeat. OBJECT: obtain highest score of closest to 21 total in ";
CasIns +="horiz. rows (like Blackjack) combined with highest score of matches (like slots) ";
CasIns +="in vert. columns. [C]->[Do] ScoreCasandom to see total. (check source for score ";
CasIns +="values; max. 378 on slots +360 blackjack =738, tho 400 good) Variant: 2 players: ";
CasIns +="alternating columns for max. slot score. Player completing 21 awarded manual 50 pts.";
var ScoreCas="var B=0; P=new Array(0,0); var t=0; var k=0; for(j=0; j<10; j++) {t=n[j]/1+n[j+10]/1;";
ScoreCas +=" if(t>15 && t<22) {B+=Math.pow(t-15,2)} for(i=0;i<2;i++) {k=10*i; if(j<9 && n[k+j]";
ScoreCas +="==n[k+j+1]){P[i]+=n[k+j]/1} if(j>0 && n[k+j]==n[k+j-1]){P[i]+=n[k+j]/1}}} m="Slot-1=";
ScoreCas +=""+P[0]+"; Slot-2="+P[1]+"; BlackJack="+B+" for TOTAL="+parseInt(P[0]+P[1]+B)";
var Strateg_nA = new Array("("Strategic Planning . s}","These are games, random numbers, skill varies")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} Random Num.(0 - 1)","Math.random()")",
"("s} RANDER: order no",RanderI)",
"("x} Scorder for Rander",Scorder)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} Random No.(5 - 15)","Math.round(Math.random()*10)+5")",
"("s} . . CASANDOM:",CasIns)",
"("x} . Score Casandom",ScoreCas)",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . NO.NINE","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"("x} . . .","")",
"(" . . .","")");
// ******** BROWSER DETERMINATION ** set Text size & [Enter] key to invoke xEval like [=] button
var Browser = navigator.appName.substr(0,9); // alert("Browser is "+Browser);
var MemSize = "10";
var TxtAreaCol = "26"; // Default (MS Internet Explorer) Text size & TextArea columns
if (Browser=="Netscape") // Mozilla is same as Netscape Navigator
{MemSize="12"; TxtAreaCol="25";} // Other Browsers may need some manual code work here.
function EnterKey_EqButton(e) { // Response to .onkeypress. Other keyCodes could be added.
var k=0;
if (Browser=="Netscape") {k=e.which} else {k=window.event.keyCode;}
document.onkeypress = EnterKey_EqButton;
// if (Browser="Netscape") {document.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN|Event.KEYUP);}
// *************************************** MENU POPULATION *****************
function populateGroup(inForm,selected) { // --- sets left GROUP MENUS to chosen right Category
var selectedArray = eval(selected.substring(0,7) + "_nA");
while (selectedArray.length < inForm.options.length) {
inForm.options[(inForm.options.length - 1)] = null;}
for (var i=0; i < selectedArray.length; i++) {
eval("inForm.options[i]=" + "new Option" + selectedArray[i]);}
// window.history.go(0);
function setDefaultMenus() {
populateGroup(document.sCal.group3,document.sCal.catagory3.options[0].text); }
// End of JavaScript Calculator sCal in HEAD -->
<!-- **************** HEAD *********************************************** -->
<!-- ********************************************************************* -->
<!-- ************************************** BODY ************************* -->
<BODY onLoad="setDefaultMenus()">
<!-- ----------------- JavaScript (sCal) Calculator in BODY of html documant: -->
<!-- This is free, open-source, user-modifiable code. R.Mohaupt-Feb,2003 - No Warantee. -->
<form name="sCal">
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=480>
<!-- assign sCal BGCOLOR below, MAIN 2 x 2 table; ^ coordinate TextArea COLS with WIDTH-->
<tr valign=top BGCOLOR="yellow">
<!-- *] [] top, left cell: sCal JavaScript Calculator layout table -->
<!-- [] [] --------------------------------------- -->
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH=238>
<td colspan=6><b><large><u> JavaScript Calculator </u> . sCal-1ce</large></b></td>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan=1><small><small>Place</small></small></td>
<td colspan=4><small><small>Constants, Functions</small></small></td>
<td colspan=1><small><small>Apply</small></small></td>
<!-- Top group1 drop-down SELECT menus: can change or add functions -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS "
<td colspan=4><select name="group1"><option value="Math.PI">General convert x}. Pi .</option>
<td><input type="button" Value=">x "
<!-- Middle group2 SELECT menu: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS "
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="group2"><option value="Math.pow(x,2)">Ordinary Math x} . (x)² .</option>
<td><input type="button" Value=">x "
<!-- Bottom group3 SELECT menu: Much PROGRAMMABLE AREA available -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS "
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="group3"><option value="Math.sqrt(x)">Special: *} . root (x)½</option>
<td><input type="button" Value=">x "
<td colspan=6><small><small>Display - x</small></small></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=6><TextArea name="IOx" rows=4 COLS="+TxtAreaCol+"></TextArea></td>");
<td colspan=6><small><small>Memory - m</small></small></td>
<!-- buttons & small MEMORY text box: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value="x›m" onClick="XtoM()"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="m›x" onClick="MtoX()"></td>
<td colspan=2>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="IOm" VALUE="" SIZE="+MemSize+">");
<td><input type="button" Value="m+" onClick="Mplus()"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="mc" onClick="Mclear()"></td>
<td colspan=6><small><small>.</small></small></td>
<!-- main layout of CALCULATOR keypad buttons: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 7 " onClick="xPlusEq(7)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 8 " onClick="xPlusEq(8)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 9 " onClick="xPlusEq(9)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ( " onClick="xPlusEq("(")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ) " onClick="xPlusEq(")")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" C " onClick="Clear()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 4 " onClick="xPlusEq(4)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 5 " onClick="xPlusEq(5)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 6 " onClick="xPlusEq(6)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" * " onClick="xPlusEq("*")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" / " onClick="xPlusEq("/")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" < " onClick="BkSpace()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 1 " onClick="xPlusEq(1)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 2 " onClick="xPlusEq(2)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 3 " onClick="xPlusEq(3)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" + " onClick="xPlusEq("+")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" - " onClick="xPlusEq("-")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ^ " onClick="xPlusEq("^")"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 0 " onClick="xPlusEq("0")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" • " onClick="xPlusEq(".")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" +/- " onClick="xMultEq("-1")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="1/x " onClick="recip()">
<td colspan=2><input type="button" Value="=, Enter" onClick="xEval()"></td>
<td colspan=6 align="right"><small><small>Civil Engr. vers. r.m.02</small></small></td>
<!-- [] [* top, right cell: sCal2 Expansion layout table -->
<!-- [] [] --------------------------- -->
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH=238>
<td colspan=6 align="center"><b><large><u>sCal2 Data Handling Expansion </u></large></b></td>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan=4><small><small>CATAGORY of Const, Fcn.</small></small></td>
<td><small><small>n[ ]</small></small></td>
<!-- Top(catagory1) drop-down SELECT menus: can change or add CATEGORIES -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="1/x"
<td colspan=4><select name="catagory1"
<!-- ***************** catagory1 -- User add conversions, cv} and constants, cs} ********** -->
<option selected value="Math.PI">General: convert x}. Pi .</option>
<option value="">Length_convert x} ft>m</option>
<option value="">Area_convert x} ft² >m²</option>
<option value="">Volume_conv.x} ft³ >m³</option>
<option value="">Time_Velocity x} hr > s.</option>
<option value="">Mass_Force x} lb > kg</option>
<option value="">Pressure x} p.s.i. > Pa</option>
<option value="">Density x} p/cf > kg/m³</option>
<option value="">Energy_or work s} Def.</option>
<option value="">Power_rate of Work s}</option>
<option value="">Heat_Temperature: s}</option>
<option value="">Angular x} . . deg > rad</option>
<option value="">Electric, Magnetism x}</option>
<option value="">Light_Rad. lux>lum./sm</option>
<option value="">Misc_Units each >doz.</option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value="">Materials, Elements s}</option>
<option value="">Math_Science cnst. s}</option>
<option value="">Geo_Physical cnst. s}</option>
<option value="">Prefixes to Units s}</option>
<option value="">Charts_Series, misc.s}</option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
<!-- ----- end catagory1 ----- -->
<td><input type="button" value="nx " onClick="setNflag2()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="1/x"
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="catagory2"
<!-- ***************** catagory2 -- User add ordinary and general functions, fn} ********** -->
<option selected value="Math.pow(x,2)">Ordinary Math x} . (x)² .</option>
<option value="Math.pow(x,y)">Esoteric Math *} .(x)^y</option>
<option value="">Algebra . . . . . s} . terms</option>
<option value="">Analytic Geometry . . s}</option>
<option value="">Mensuration .s} . terms</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">Finance *} . . . . . . $ > € .</option>
<option value="">Physics . . . . . s} . terms</option>
<option value="">Probability, Statistic s}</option>
<option value="">Time_Function: x}Now</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">JavaScript samples</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<!-- ----- end catagory2 ----- -->
<td><input type="button" value="n[ ]" onClick="setNflag1()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="1/x"
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="catagory3"
<!-- ***************** catagory3 -- User add special programs, pg} (or anything) ********** -->
<option selected value="Math.sqrt(x)">Special: pg} . . root (x)½</option>
<option value="">User_01 . . . . . blank set</option>
<option value="">User_02 . . . . . blank set</option>
<option value="">User_03 . . . . . blank set</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">Civ_Highway-Survey</option>
<option value="">Civ_Hydro-Hydraulics</option>
<option value="">Civ_Structures . . . s} . .</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">Data_Management s}</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">Strategic Planning . s}</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<option value="">*</option>
<!-- ----- end catagory3 ----- -->
<td><input type="button" value="nc " onClick="Nclear()"></td>
<!-- begin layout of name/number n[0..20] data array -->
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 0" onClick="nData(0)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n0" size="+MemSize+"></td>"); // size set to browser
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n10" size="+MemSize+"></td>"); // at end of HEAD
<td><input type="button" value="10 " onClick="nData(10)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 1" onClick="nData(1)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n1" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n11" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="11 " onClick="nData(11)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 2" onClick="nData(2)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n2" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n12" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="12 " onClick="nData(12)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 3" onClick="nData(3)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n3" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n13" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="13 " onClick="nData(13)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 4" onClick="nData(4)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n4" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n14" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="14 " onClick="nData(14)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 5" onClick="nData(5)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n5" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n15" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="15 " onClick="nData(15)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 6" onClick="nData(6)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n6" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n16" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="16 " onClick="nData(16)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 7" onClick="nData(7)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n7" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n17" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="17 " onClick="nData(17)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 8" onClick="nData(8)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n8" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n18" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="18 " onClick="nData(18)"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="button" value="n 9" onClick="nData(9)"></td>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n9" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
document.write("<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="n19" size="+MemSize+"></td>");
<td><input type="button" value="19 " onClick="nData(19)"></td>
</td> <!-- end of top, right cell -->
<tr valign=top>
<!-- [] [] lower, left cell: sCal basic DOCUMENTATION -->
<!-- *] [] ------------------------ -->
<table border=1 width=238>
<tr><td><small><b>Notes on JavaScript Calculator - sCal</b></small></td></tr>
<b> Operation</b> on lowest level = a simple calculator: click on-screen buttons
<b>or</b> use keyboard <i>-- best for inserting values or programming. </i> On a higher level,
some functions are available as buttons or from drop-down select menus: designated by
<b>x}</b>. These operate directly on entire value in x-display, not just last
term, when the <b>[>x]</b> clicked. <i>(The </i><b>[^]</b><i> takes all values left of it as
base, all to the right as exponent.)</i> Trade values in and out of <b>Memory</b> to control.
-Experiment-. Test on known data.<br>
<b> *} Programs</b> invoked with the <b>[JS]</b> button, give much more control:
replace alpha-characters with numeric, or insert after /*com"nt-prompt*/ ) before closing
")". Write legitimate JavaScript expressions --evaluated according to interpreter"s
parser. NaN is Not a Number, can often correct.<br>
<b> Programming</b> is on the highest level. Definitely <b>view source code</b>.
Programming experience is desireable, but with minimal effort, one"s most-used functions
can be inserted in the source (well commented for the purpose). Copy - Paste from any TEXT
file. <b>s}</b> comments can be set to display.<br>
<b> GNU General Public License</b> Free, user-modifiable, NO WARANTEE. (c) 2003 <br>
R. Mohaupt. <a href=""></a>
<!-- [] [] lower, right cell: sCal2 Expansion DOCUMENTATION -->
<!-- [] [* ----------------------------- -->
<table border=1 width=238>
<tr><td><small><b>JavaScript Calculator Expansion - sCal2</b></small></td></tr>
Basic <b>sCal</b> is designed for a small window, (floating over larger screens with other
programs running, or alone on PDAs) to perform simple scientific calculations with a limited
library of add-on procedures.<br>
<b>    sCal2</b> is no vast increase in computing power but, doubling the footprint, adds:
<b>Catagories</b> to systematically handle many times the conversion/procedure selection;
<b>[1/x]</b> buttons to reciprocate conversions, eg. ft>m [>x] gets m>ft with [1/x],
tan(x) becomes cotan(x), etc --but sometimes makes no sense, eg. 1/deg.C != deg.F;<br>
<b>n[0..19]</b> array of additional variables for 20 more memory slots {click the desired
<b>[n-]</b> button to put x to it} or programming input prompts and output labels. Procedures using
this feature are designated by <b>n}</b>, invoke with the <b>[JS]</b> button, occasionally w/[=],
run/rerun with new values [=, Enter], usually [c] clear between programs;<br>
<b>[nx]</b> followed by the desired [n-] cell-button, moves that cell value to the x-disp.
Similarly, <b>[n[]]</b> puts the next [n-] name in x, and <b>[nc]</b> clears all.<br>
* sCal needs a JS-enabled browser and no additional files, for maximum portability.<br>
* More documentation may be created.<br> * Compact display and file size are goals.
JavaScript (sCal-05m) Calculator
<!-- META, CSS, Title, etc. if necessary -->
<!-- Begin
// JavaScript (sCal-05m) Calculator in HEAD:"JavaScript" area. Tested IE5/6, Netscape6 OK
// This is free, public domain, user-modifiable code. R.Mohaupt-Feb,2003. NO WARRANTEE.
var x = ""; // by Javascript loose typing, "x" mostly a string, sometimes a number
var m = ""; // stores Memory. Note: x & m are GLOBAL--of concern if sCal embedded.
function Ix() {x = document.sCal.IOx.value;} // Input synch to x-string.
// Required since TextArea can (must, in cases) be changed from keyboard
function Ox() {document.sCal.IOx.value = x;} // Output x-string change to display
var a=0; var b=0; var d=0; var f=0; // GLOBAL (or LOCAL to xEval fcn if moved).
var g=32.15; var h=0; var I=0; var i=0; // Note: g=gravity. Variables & Mr fcn used
var l=0; var M=0; var N=0; var P=0; var R=0; // in *}programs. User may add more if needed,
var s=0; var S=0; var v=0; var y=0; var w=0; // with attention to CASE Sensitivity.
function Mr(val,place) {var d=Math.pow(10,place); // --- set output decimal places
return Math.round(d*val)/d;}
function xEval() {Ix(); // JavaScript eval allows multi-statements, see examples.
var n = x.indexOf("^");
if (n > 0) {
if (x.indexOf("^",n+1) > 0) {alert("WARNING! Only 1 [^] allowed in expression!");}
else { // all to left of "^" is taken as base, and all right as exponent
document.sCal.IOx.value = Math.pow(eval(x.substring(0,n)),eval(x.substring(n+1)));}
} // likewise, entire x-value is used as function argument, not just last term
else {document.sCal.IOx.value = eval(x);}
Ix(); }
function xPlusEq(s) {Ix(); x += s; Ox();} // --- DISPLAY-x functions ---
function xMultEq(s) {xEval(); x *= s; Ox();}
function Clear() {x = ""; Ox();}
function BkSpace() {Ix(); x = x.substring(0,x.length-1) ; Ox();}
function recip() {xEval(); x = 1/(x); Ox();}
function Xwork(s) // --- determines what to do with incoming MENU (s)-values ---
{if (isNaN(s))
{if (s.indexOf("x")>-1) //-if expression is f(x), i.e.Method,
{xEval(); x = eval(s); Ox();}// figure x, & substiture in function
else {x += eval(s); Ox();} } //-if a Property (eg. Math.PI), add value
else {xPlusEq(s);} } //-if numeric constant, append like Jwork
function Im() {m = document.sCal.IOm.value;} // --- MEMORY fcns: see Ix() & Ox() ---
function Om() {document.sCal.IOm.value = m;}
function XtoM() {Ix(); Im(); m += x; Om(); x=""; Ox();}
function MtoX() {Ix(); Im(); x += m; Ox();}
function Mplus() {xEval(); if (m=="")
{m=0;} m = parseFloat(m) + parseFloat(x); Om(); x=""; Ox();}
function Mclear() {m = ""; Om();}
// End of JavaScript Calculator in HEAD -->
<!-- ************ JavaScript (sCal) Calculator in BODY of html documant: ************* -->
<!-- This is free, public domain, user-modifiable code. R.Mohaupt-Feb,2003 - NO WARRANTEE. -->
<form name="sCal">
<!-- set: ,-BGCOLOR below for example, coordinate TextArea COLS with ,-WIDTH change -->
<table BGCOLOR="yellow" border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH=238>
<td colspan=6><b><large><u> JavaScript Calculator </u> . sCal-1ce</large></b></td>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan=1><small><small>Place</small></small></td>
<td colspan=4><small><small>Constants, Functions</small></small></td>
<td colspan=1><small><small>Apply</small></small></td>
<!-- Top(FSET1) drop-down SELECT menus: can change or add functions -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS" onClick="xPlusEq(document.sCal.FSET1.value)"></td>
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="FSET1"> <!--onChange to "document.sCal.FSET1.value" (and FSET2, FSET3)
could call fcn. like [JS]) or [Do] for speed, expectation vs. control loss. PROGRAMER OPTION! -->
<option selected value="Math.PI">[convert, constant] . Pi .</option>
<option value="x/25.4">x}[length] . . mm -> inch</option>
<option value="25.4*x">x}[length] . . inch -> mm</option>
<option value="x/0.3048">x}[length] meter -> feet</option>
<option value="0.3048*x">x}[length] feet -> meter</option>
<option value="x/5280">x}[length] . . feet -> mile</option>
<option value="0.62137*x">x}[len.] kilometer->mile</option>
<option value="1.609344*x">x}[len.] mile->kilometer</option>
<option value="10.76391*x">x}[area] meter² -> feet²</option>
<option value="0.092903*x">x}[area] feet² -> meter²</option>
<option value="x/43560">x}[area] . . feet² ->acre</option>
<option value="43560*x">x}[area] . . acre ->feet²</option>
<option value="2.471054*x">x}[area] hectare->acre</option>
<option value="0.404686*x">x}[area] acre->hectare</option>
<option value="x/640">x}[area] . . acre-> mile²</option>
<option value="35.314725*x">x}[volume] meter³ -> ft³</option>
<option value="0.0283168*x">x}[volume] ft³ -> meter³</option>
<option value="7.4805*x">x}[volume] ft³ -> gallon</option>
<option value="0.764555*x">x}[vol.] . . yd³ ->meter³</option>
<option value="4.44822*x">x}[force] lb(f)->Newton</option>
<option value="0.45359*x">x}[mass] . lb.US -> kg</option>
<option value="9*x/5+32">x}[temperature] C°->F°</option>
<option value="5*(x-32)/9">x}[temperature] F°->C°</option>
<option value="x-273.15">x}[temperature] C°->K°</option></select></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="Do" onClick="Xwork(document.sCal.FSET1.value)"></td>
<!-- Middle(FSET2) SELECT menu: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS" onClick="xPlusEq(document.sCal.FSET2.value)"></td>
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="FSET2">
<option selected value="Math.pow(x,2)">[power, trig, log] . . . (x)²</option>
<option value="for(j=x;j>2;j--){x*=j-1;} //x<2 undefined">x}} factorial . x!</option>
<option value="Math.round(x*10000)/10000">x} 4-dec.places: round</option>
<option value="Math.sin(x*Math.PI/180)">x}opp/hyp, deg) sin(x°)</option>
<option value="Math.cos(x*Math.PI/180)">x}adj/hyp, deg) cos(x°)</option>
<option value="Math.tan(x*Math.PI/180)">x}opp/adj, deg) tan(x°)</option>
<option value="Math.PI/180 *x">x} . degrees to radians</option>
<option value="180/Math.PI *x">x} . radians to degrees</option>
<option value="Math.asin(x)*180/Math.PI">x}for deg.) . . arc sin(x)</option>
<option value="Math.acos(x)*180/Math.PI">x}for deg.) . . arc cos(x)</option>
<option value="Math.atan(x)*180/Math.PI">x}for deg.) . . arc tan(x)</option>
<option value="Math.log(x)">x} natural log (base e)</option>
<option value="Math.exp(x)">x}exponentiation: e^x</option>
<option value="Math.log(x)*Math.LOG10E">x}common log(bse10)</option>
<option value="Math.pow(10,x)">x}anti-log(com"n)10^x</option>
<option value="Math.E">base of natural logs,e</option>
<option value="Math.LOG10E">common log (10) of e</option>
<option value="Math.random()">Random Num. (0 to 1)</option></select></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="Do" onClick="Xwork(document.sCal.FSET2.value)"></td>
<!-- Bottom(FSET3) SELECT menu: Much PROGRAMMABLE AREA available -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="JS" onClick="xPlusEq(document.sCal.FSET3.value)"></td>
<td colspan=4><SELECT name="FSET3">
<option selected value="Math.sqrt(x)">[ - other - ] . sq.root (x)½</option>
<option value="Actual bank values can vary on pay date vs. interest posting, etc.">
s} . . . . FINANCE</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); P=(/*Principal $*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: 9%APR (=0.75%/mo.) for 36mo, repay $10000 @ $318/mo.*/ x="REPAY/PERIOD $"+ Mr(P*i*y/(y-1),2)">
*}Cap.Recov: loan pay</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); P=(/*$ banked*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: $1000 invested @9%APR for 10 yrs. becomes $2367*/ x="TOTAL AFTER "+N+ " PERIODS $"+ Mr(P*y,2)">
*} Comp.Amt.</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); R=(/*bank $/per*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: @9%APR, $1000 invested/year for 10yrs, yields $15193*/ x="TOTAL AFTER "+N+ " PERIODS $"+ Mr(R*(y-1)/i,2)">
*} Comp.Amt.</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); S=(/*Needed $ in n-periods*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed in 10yrs; bank $422 now.*/ x="BANK NOW $"+ Mr(S/y,2)">
*} Pres.Worth</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); R=(/*Needed $/period*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed annually for 10yrs; bank $6418 now*/ x="BANK NOW $"+ Mr(R*(y-1)/(y*i),2)">
*} Pres.Worth</option>
<option value="I=(/*int.rate%/per.*/ ); N=(/*no. of periods*/ ); S=(/*Needed $ in n-periods*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var i=I/100; var y=Math.pow(1+i,N); /*eg: @9%APR, $1000 needed in 10yrs; bank $66 annually*/ x="BANK/PERIOD $"+ Mr(S*i/(y-1),2)">
*} Sink.Fund</option>
<option value="Only for simplest cases with knowledge of assumptions, coefficients, etc.">
s} . . OPEN CHAN. Q</option>
<option value="3.1*(/*weirLength,ft*/ )*Math.pow((/*head,ft*/ ),1.5)">
*}BrdCrest Weir, Q,cfs</option> <!-- This is about as simple as it gets -->
<option value="h=(/*Orifice height,ft*/ ); 0.6*(/*width, ft*/ )*h*Math.sqrt(((/*total Head, ft*/ )-h/2)*2*g)">
*}Rectang.Orifice Q,cfs</option>
<option value="d=(/*Orif.Dia,ft*/ ); Math.sqrt(((/*total Head,ft*/ )-d/2)*2*g)*0.6*3.1416*d*d/4">
*} Circular Orifice Q,cfs</option>
<option value="d=(/*Pipe Dia. ft*/ ); s=(/*long.slope,%*/ ); N=(/*Manning n*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ a=3.1416*d*d/4; m="A, s.f="+a; Om(); 1.486*Math.sqrt(s/100)*Math.pow(d/4,0.667)*a/N">
*} Pipe normal flo Q,cfs</option> <!-- FULL PIPE ONLY! Note that Area is output to Memory m by Om(). The velocity can be obtained by Q/A -->
<option value="l=(/**/ ); b=(/*bottom width,ft*/ ); r=(/**/ ); y=(/*flow depth,ft*/ ); s=(/*long.slope,%*/ ); N=(/*Manning n*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ var tw=l*y+b+r*y; a=y*(tw+b)/2; var wp=Math.sqrt(l*y*l*y+y*y)+b+Math.sqrt(r*y*r*y+y*y); v=1.486*Math.sqrt(s/100)*Math.pow(a/wp,0.667)/N; f=v/Math.sqrt(g*a/tw); x="top wid.ft=" +Mr(tw,1) +" area s.f.=" +Mr(a,1) +" Froude#=" +Mr(f,2) +" Vel.f/s=" + Mr(v,1) +" Q, cfs=" +Mr(a*v,1); // Note: if side.slope=0, vertical wall; if bottom width=0, V-ditch; velocity shown in memory box">
*} \_/ Channel norm. Q</option> <!-- This is about as complex a as it gets, listing characteristics in the x-display -->
<option value="">
s} . . . MISC. </option>
<option value="d=(/*BEAM depth,in*/ ); b=(/*width,in*/ ); l=(/*length,ft*/ ); w=(/*unif.load,lb/ft*/ ); h=(/*max.deflect,in*/ ); /*CLICK[ = ]*/ a=b*d; S=a*d/6; I=S*d/2; M=w*l*l*12/8; x="A,"+Mr(a,3)+" I,in4="+Mr(I,2)+" M.max,"+Mr(M,-1)+" f.b.min,psi="+Mr(M/S,-1)+" E.min,psi="+Mr(5*M*l*l*144/(48*h*I),-3); //etc. eg. shear f.v=V/A esp. short beams">
*} Simple Rect. Beam</option>
<option value="">*}</option>
<option value="">*}</option>
<option value="186300">light speed c, mile/sec</option></select></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="Do" onClick="Xwork(document.sCal.FSET3.value)"></td>
<td colspan=6><small><small>Display - x</small></small></td>
<!-- Browser Note: TextArea dimensions work well in IExplorer5/6, with vert. scroll. -->
<!-- Netscape6/Mozilla/others? with horiz. scroll, both rows & cols may be excessive.-->
<td colspan=6><TextArea name="IOx" rows=4 COLS=26></TextArea></td>
<td colspan=6><small><small>Memory - m</small></small></td>
<!-- buttons & small MEMORY text box: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value="x›m" onClick="XtoM()"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="m›x" onClick="MtoX()"></td>
<td colspan=2><input type="text" name="IOm" size=8></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" m+" onClick="Mplus()"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="mc" onClick="Mclear()"></td>
<td colspan=6><small><small>.</small></small></td>
<!-- main layout of CALCULATOR buttons: -->
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 7 " onClick="xPlusEq(7)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 8 " onClick="xPlusEq(8)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 9 " onClick="xPlusEq(9)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ( " onClick="xPlusEq("(")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ) " onClick="xPlusEq(")")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" C " onClick="Clear()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 4 " onClick="xPlusEq(4)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 5 " onClick="xPlusEq(5)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 6 " onClick="xPlusEq(6)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" * " onClick="xPlusEq("*")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" / " onClick="xPlusEq("/")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" < " onClick="BkSpace()"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 1 " onClick="xPlusEq(1)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 2 " onClick="xPlusEq(2)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" 3 " onClick="xPlusEq(3)"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" + " onClick="xPlusEq("+")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" - " onClick="xPlusEq("-")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" ^ " onClick="xPlusEq("^")"></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" Value=" 0 " onClick="xPlusEq("0")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" • " onClick="xPlusEq(".")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value=" +/- " onClick="xMultEq("-1")"></td>
<td><input type="button" Value="1/x " onClick="recip()">
<td colspan=2><input type="button" Value=". . = . ." onClick="xEval()"></td>
<td colspan=6 align="right"><small><small>Civil Engr. vers. r.m.03</small></small></td>
<!-- End of Main Calculator. Start DOCUMENTATION for sCal: -->
<table border=1 width=238>
<tr><td><small><b>Notes on JavaScript Calculator - sCal</b></small></td></tr>
<b> Operation</b> on lowest level = a simple calculator: click on-screen buttons
<b>or</b> use keyboard <i>-- best for inserting values or programming.</i> On a higher level,
some functions are available as buttons or from drop-down select menus: designated by
<b>x}</b>. These operate directly on entire value in x-display, not just last
term, when the <b>[Do]</b> clicked. <i>(The </i><b>[^]</b><i> takes all values left of it as
base, all to the right as exponent.)</i> Trade values in and out of <b>Memory</b> to control.
-Experiment-. Test on known data.<br>
<b> *} Programs</b> invoked with the <b>[JS]</B> button, gives much more control:
replace alpha-characters with numeric, or insert after /*com"nt-prompt*/ ) before closing
")". Write legitimate Java Script expressions --evaluated according to interpreter"s
parser. NaN is Not a Number, can often correct.<br>
<b> Programming</b> is on the highest level. Definitely <b>view source code</b>.
Programming experience is desireable, but with minimal effort, one"s most-used functions
can be inserted in the source (well commented for the purpose). Copy - Paste from any TEXT
file. <b>s}</b> comments can be set to display.<br>
<b> Public Domain.</b> All code user modifiable, responsible. Original: R. Mohaupt,
P.E. Feb, 2003. -<a href=""></a>-<br>
* More documentation may be created. <br>* Compact display and file size are goals.
<!-- End of JavaScript Calculator in BODY -->
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
<title>rpnjcalc a javascript RPN Calculator</title>
<style type="text/css">
input.btn {align:center;color:#000000;width:50;height:22;vertical-align:middle;font-size:12}
input.bigbtn {align:center;color:#000000;width:100;height:22;vertical-align:middle;font-size:12}
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide this script contents from old browsers
// keep track of whether we just computed display.value
var computed = true;
var dgmode = 1; // rad mode is default
var enterpressed = false;
var undostack=new Array(5);
var lastxvalue=0;
// init:
// f=form object
function pushStack(f)
f.stack3.value = f.stack2.value;
f.stack2.value = f.stack1.value;
f.stack1.value = f.stack.value;
f.stack.value = f.display.value;
// for the pop button: role down all.
// f=form object
function popStackDisplay(f)
f.display.value = f.stack.value;
f.stack.value = f.stack1.value;
f.stack1.value = f.stack2.value;
f.stack2.value = f.stack3.value;
computed = true;
// pop just the upper stack
// f=form object
function popStack(f)
f.stack.value = f.stack1.value;
f.stack1.value = f.stack2.value;
f.stack2.value = f.stack3.value;
// f=form object
function fillundostack(f)
// f=form object
function undoall(f)
f.stack3.value= undostack[4];
f.stack2.value= undostack[3];
f.stack1.value= undostack[2];
f.stack.value = undostack[1];
// f=form object
function lastx(f)
// make sure we have a number in the display
function isnotafinatenumber(f)
var tmp;
if(isNaN(tmp) || ! isFinite(tmp)){
// the enter button
// f=form object
function enterx(f)
enterpressed = true;
computed = false;
// the C (clear) button
// f=form object
function cx(f)
f.display.value = 0 ;
computed = false;
// recall X
// f=form object
function rcl1(f)
// auto-push the stack if the last value was computed
if(computed) {
if(isNaN(f.mem1.value) || ! isFinite(f.mem1.value)){
computed = true;
// recall X
// f=form object
function rcl2(f)
// auto-push the stack if the last value was computed
if(computed) {
if(isNaN(f.mem2.value) || ! isFinite(f.mem2.value)){
computed = true;
// recall X
// f=form object
function rcl3(f)
// auto-push the stack if the last value was computed
if(computed) {
if(isNaN(f.mem3.value) || ! isFinite(f.mem3.value)){
computed = true;
// recall X
// f=form object
function rcl4(f)
// auto-push the stack if the last value was computed
if(computed) {
if(isNaN(f.mem4.value) || ! isFinite(f.mem4.value)){
computed = true;
// store X
// f=form object
function sto1(f)
// store X
// f=form object
function sto2(f)
// store X
// f=form object
function sto3(f)
// store X
// f=form object
function sto4(f)
// add a new character to the display
// object passed is the form object and the character(s)
function addChar(f, character)
var tmpvar;
if (computed || enterpressed) {
// auto-push the stack if the last value was computed
if(computed) {
f.display.value = "";
computed = false;
if(enterpressed) {
f.display.value = "";
computed = false;
enterpressed = false;
// make sure f.display.value is a string
f.display.value += character;
f.display.value = character;
// f=form object
function deleteChar(f)
if (computed || enterpressed) {
f.display.value = 0;
computed = false;
enterpressed = false;
f.display.value = f.display.value.substring(0, f.display.value.length - 1);
function powxy(f)
var tmpvar;
tmpvar = Math.pow(parseFloat(f.stack.value),parseFloat(f.display.value));
f.display.value = tmpvar;
computed = true;
function square(f)
f.display.value = parseFloat(f.display.value) * parseFloat(f.display.value);
computed = true;
function sqrtx(f)
f.display.value = Math.sqrt(parseFloat(f.display.value));
computed = true;
function expx(f)
f.display.value = Math.exp(parseFloat(f.display.value));
computed = true;
function lnx(f)
f.display.value = Math.log(parseFloat(f.display.value));
computed = true;
// the 0.000...1 is to handle rounding errors better
function log10(f)
f.display.value = Math.log(parseFloat(f.display.value))/(Math.LN10 - 0.00000000000000001);
computed = true;
// ln(gamma(x))
// x is the actual value not a form object
function internal_loggamma(x)
with(Math) {
var v=1;
var w=0;
var z=0;
while ( x<8 ) { v*=x; x++ }
return ((((((((-3617/122400)*w + 7/1092)*w
-691/360360)*w + 5/5940)*w
-1/1680)*w + 1/1260)*w
-1/360)*w + 1/12)/x + 0.5 * log(2*PI)-log(v)-x+(x-0.5)*log(x) ;
// gamma function
// x is the actual value not a form object
function internal_gamma(x)
with(Math) {
if ( x <= 0 ) {
if (abs(x)-floor(abs(x))==0 )
// should be complex infinity but we do not have
// complex numbers
return PI/( sin(PI*x) * exp( internal_loggamma(1-x) ) );
return exp(internal_loggamma(x)) ;
// calculate the factorial including non integer factorial
// Integer factorial is: n!= n* (n-1)!
// Non interger is: n!=gamma(n+1)
function internal_factorial(n)
with(Math) {
if (n<0) /* if negative */
return internal_gamma(n+1);
else if ((n == 0) || (n == 1))
return 1;
else if (abs(n)-floor(abs(n))==0 ) { // positive integer
var buf = 1;
var i;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
buf = buf*i;
return buf;
}else // if non-integer
return internal_gamma(n+1);
// this function can be used directly from the gui
function factx(f)
f.display.value =Number.NaN;
f.display.value = internal_factorial(parseFloat(f.display.value));
computed = true;
// toggle the mode between deg and rad
function changedegrad(button)
if( dgmode == "1.0" ) {
button.value = " deg";
dgmode = Math.PI/180.0;
} else {
button.value = " rad ";
dgmode = 1.0;
function sin(f){
f.display.value = Math.sin(parseFloat(f.display.value)*dgmode);
computed = true;
function asin(f){
f.display.value = Math.asin(parseFloat(f.display.value))/dgmode;
computed = true;
function cos(f){
f.display.value = Math.cos(parseFloat(f.display.value)*dgmode);
computed = true;
function acos(f){
f.display.value = Math.acos(parseFloat(f.display.value))/dgmode;
computed = true;
function tan(f){
f.display.value = Math.tan(parseFloat(f.display.value)*dgmode);
computed = true;
function atan(f){
f.display.value = Math.atan(parseFloat(f.display.value))/dgmode;
computed = true;
// put pi (3.1415... into x)
function pix(f){
if(computed) {
f.display.value = Math.PI;
f.display.value = Math.PI;
f.display.value = Math.PI;
computed = true;
function onebyx(f)
var tmpvar;
tmpvar = parseFloat(f.display.value);
if (isNaN(tmpvar) || tmpvar == 0){
f.display.value =Number.NaN;
computed = false;
f.display.value = 1 / tmpvar;
computed = true;
function swapxy(f)
var tmpvar;
tmpvar = f.display.value;
if(isNaN(tmpvar) || tmpvar == "" ){
f.display.value = f.stack.value;
f.stack.value = tmpvar;
computed = true;
function add(f)
f.display.value = parseFloat(f.stack.value)
+ parseFloat(f.display.value);
computed = true;
function subtract(f)
f.display.value = f.stack.value - f.display.value;
computed = true;
function multiply(f)
f.display.value = f.stack.value * f.display.value;
computed = true;
function divide(f)
var divisor = parseFloat(f.display.value);
if(divisor == 0) {
f.display.value = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
f.display.value = f.stack.value / divisor;
computed = true;
// object passed is form
function changeSign(f)
// we could use f.display.value = 0 - f.display.value but
// we might get rounding errors
if(f.display.value.substring(0, 1) == "-")
f.display.value = f.display.value.substring(1, f.display.value.length);
f.display.value = "-" + f.display.value;
// keyboard interface
// handle the differences between MSIE and Netscape
function getkey(e)
if (window.event)
return window.event.keyCode;
else if (e)
return e.which;
return null;
function chkkey(e)
var key, keychar;
key = getkey(e);
if (key == null) return true;
if (key == 13){
// enter pressed
}else if (key == 8){
// backspace
// get character
keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
if ((("0123456789.").indexOf(keychar) > -1)){
}else if (keychar == "e" ){
}else if (keychar == "l" ){
}else if (keychar == "^" ){
}else if (keychar == "r" ){
}else if (keychar == "d" ){
// d or backspace = <-
}else if (keychar == "C" ){
}else if (keychar == "c" ){
}else if (keychar == "s" ){
// s = swap
}else if (keychar == "p" ){
// p = pop
}else if (keychar == "-" ){
}else if (keychar == "+" ){
}else if (keychar == "*" ){
}else if (keychar == "/" ){
// c = +/-
function printkey(e)
var key, keychar;
key = getkey(e);
if (key == null) return true;
// get character
keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
keychar = keychar.toLowerCase();
alert("key is: "+ key + "c: "+keychar);
//<!-- done hiding from old browsers -->
<h1><font color="darkblue">Reverse Polish Notation
<p>This calculator uses postfix notation also known as Reverse
Polish Notation (RPN). This notation has many advantages over
Algebraic notation. One advantage is that you can calculate
complicated terms without braces.</p>
<p>An example: Suppose you want calculate 5 * (3 + 4)<br>
Press the following keys on the calculator: 5, enter, 3,
enter. The 3 and 5 did go into the calculator"s memory, the
stack. Now you type 4 and press + to add. After this you just
press * to multiply.</p>
<p>You can either operate this calculator with mouse clicks or
<b><font color="#008800">you can use the keyboard</font></b>.
However some web-browsers have keyboard shortcuts which may
conflict with the keys used by this calculator. Therefore you
need to place the mouse over the text area below
as this avoids the browsers keyboard shortcuts to take
effect. The keyboard interface was tested with Mozilla, MS IE and Opera.
It does not work with Netscape 4.</p>
<p>rpnjcalc comes with a small manual which you can find here:
<a href="rpnjcalc-help-0.1.html">rpnjcalc-help-0.1.html</a></p>
<form name="rpncal" method="post">
<table border="4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor=
"#CCCCCC" summary="calculator">
<td colspan="7" align="center"><font color="#0000AA">
rpnjcalc version 1.6</font></td>
<td colspan="4"><input type="button" value="stoX"
onclick="sto4(this.form)"> <input name="mem4" value="0"
size="14"> <input type="button" value="rclX" onclick=
"rcl4(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#AAAABB">C:<input name=
"stack3" value="0" size="23" readonly> </td>
<td colspan="4"><input type="button" value="stoX"
onclick="sto3(this.form)"> <input name="mem3" value="0"
size="14"> <input type="button" value="rclX" onclick=
"rcl3(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#AAAABB">B:<input name=
"stack2" value="0" size="23" readonly> </td>
<td colspan="4"><input type="button" value="stoX"
onclick="sto2(this.form)"> <input name="mem2" value="0"
size="14"> <input type="button" value="rclX" onclick=
"rcl2(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#AAAABB">A:<input name=
"stack1" value="0" size="23" readonly> </td>
<td colspan="4"><input type="button" value="stoX"
onclick="sto1(this.form)"> <input name="mem1" value="0"
size="14"> <input type="button" value="rclX" onclick=
"rcl1(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#AAAABB">Y:<input name="stack"
value="0" size="23" readonly> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="undo" onclick=
"undoall(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="lastX" onclick=
"lastx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="swap" onclick=
"swapxy(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="1"> </td>
<!-- the display line should be writable so you
can do copy and paste -->
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#AAAABB">X:<input name=
"display" value="0" size="23"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" sin " onclick=
"sin(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="asin " onclick=
"asin(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" PI " onclick=
"pix(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 1/x " onclick=
"onebyx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" y^x " onclick=
"powxy(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" log " onclick=
"log10(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" E " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "E")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" cos " onclick=
"cos(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="acos" onclick=
"acos(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 7 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "7")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 8 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "8")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 9 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "9")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" / " onclick=
"divide(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" E- " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "E-")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" tan " onclick=
"tan(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value="atan " onclick=
"atan(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 4 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "4")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 5 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "5")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 6 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "6")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" * " onclick=
"multiply(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" x! " onclick=
"factx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" ^2 " onclick=
"square(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" sqrt " onclick=
"sqrtx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 1 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "1")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 2 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "2")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 3 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "3")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" - " onclick=
"subtract(this.form)"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" e^x " onclick=
"expx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" ln " onclick=
"lnx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" 0 " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, "0")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" . " onclick=
"addChar(this.form, ".")"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" +/- " onclick=
"changeSign(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" + " onclick=
"add(this.form)"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" name="mode" value=" rad "
onclick="changedegrad(this)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" C " onclick=
"cx(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" <- " onclick=
"deleteChar(this.form)"> </td>
<td><input type="button" class="btn" value=" pop " onclick=
"popStackDisplay(this.form)"> </td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="button" class="bigbtn" value=" Enter "
name=" enter " onclick="enterx(this.form)"> </td>
<form name="kbdfrom" onkeypress="javascript:chkkey(event)">
<small><textarea cols="76" rows="4" name="dummy" readonly
onclick=""#BDBDBD"" onmouseout=
For keyboard usage leave mouse cursor on this field and
click once. Keys: 0-9.=numbers, return=enter, c=+/-, C=clear,
s=swap, d=<-, p=pop, ^=y^x, l=ln, e=e^x, r=1/x
<!-- version is also written up in the table -->
rpnjcalc was written by Guido Socher, guido at linuxfocus dot
org, Copyright: GPL <!-- history:
1997-04-03 first version
2000-06-08 v0.8 several updateds
2003-10-12 v0.9 html faults removed. Tested on opera, mozilla, IE
2003-10-13 v1.0 more functions added
2003-10-16 v1.1 code cleanup
Keyboard interface added.
2003-10-16 v1.2 more math functions added (trigonometry)
2003-10-17 v1.3 factorial added
2003-10-20 v1.4 undo/lastx/sto and rcl registers
2003-10-21 v1.5 fine tuning. Added help text.
2003-12-18 v1.6 autopush stack when pressing rcl
nice links:
<!-- vim: set sw=4 ts=4 et: -->