JavaScript DHTML/Security/Vigenere

Материал из Web эксперт
Перейти к: навигация, поиск

Vigenere encode and decode

   <source lang="html4strict">


   <title>Vignere Cipher</title>
 <body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000>

function Vigenere (input, key, forward) {

 if (key == null)
   key = "";
                + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
 // Validate key:
 key = key . toUpperCase ();
 var key_len = key . length;
 var i;
 var adjusted_key = "";
 for (i = 0; i < key_len; i ++)
   var key_char = alphabet . indexOf (key . charAt (i));
   if (key_char < 0)
   adjusted_key += alphabet . charAt (key_char);
 key = adjusted_key;
 key_len = key . length;
 if (key_len == 0)
   alert ("You forgot to supply a key!");
   key = "a";
   key_len = 1;
 // Transform input:
 var input_len = input . length;
 var output = "";
 var key_index = 0;
 var in_tag = false;
 for (i = 0; i < input_len; i ++)
   var input_char = input . charAt (i);
   if (input_char == "<")
     in_tag = true;
   else if (input_char == ">")
     in_tag = false;
   if (in_tag)
     output += input_char;
   var input_char_value = alphabet . indexOf (input_char);
   if (input_char_value < 0)
     output += input_char;
   var lowercase = input_char_value >= 26 ? true : false;
   if (forward)
     input_char_value += alphabet . indexOf (key . charAt (key_index));
     input_char_value -= alphabet . indexOf (key . charAt (key_index));
   input_char_value += 26;
   if (lowercase)
     input_char_value = input_char_value % 26 + 26;
     input_char_value %= 26;
   output += alphabet . charAt (input_char_value);
   key_index = (key_index + 1) % key_len;
 return output;

} function runcoder (dir) {

 document . form . output . value = Vigenere (document . form . input . value, document . form . key . value, dir);

/* A bug in IE prevents this section from working correctly.

 with (document . form)
   output . value = Vigenere (input . value, key . value, dir);
  • /


   <form name=form>
<input type=button onClick="this.form.input.value="";" value="clear">
           <textarea name=input rows=10 cols=60 wrap=virtual></textarea>
<input type=button onClick="this.form.key.value="";" value="clear">
           <textarea name=key rows=5 cols=60 wrap=virtual></textarea>
Coding direction:
           <input type=button value="encode" onClick="runcoder (true);">
           <input type=button value="decode" onClick="runcoder (false);">
<input type=button onClick="this.form.output.value="";" value="clear">
           <textarea name=output rows=10 cols=60 wrap=virtual></textarea>

