JavaScript Reference/Event Handlers Reference/onSelectionChange

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"onSelectionChange" Example

<script language="JavaScript" for=document event=onselectionchange>
   alert("The selection has changed");
<p>Copy this text into the textarea element below.</p>
<textarea cols=30 contenteditable=true>Click here</textarea>

"onSelectionChange" is applied to

| Applied_To     |document                        <samp>                        |

"onSelectionChange" Properties

| Properties     |altKey                          altLeft                       |
|                |ctrlLeft                        offsetX                       |
|                |offsetY                         returnValue                   |
|                |shiftLeft                       srcElement                    |
|                |screenX                         screenY                       |
|                |type                            x                             |
|                |y                                                             |

"onSelectionChange" Syntax and Note

This event fires when a document"s selection state is changed.
This event is also triggered by the <samp> element.