JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/addRule

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"addRule()" Example

<style id="myS">.one { font-family:verdana; font-size:14pt }</style>
<script language="JavaScript">
    function function1() {
        document.styleSheets[0].addRule("div", "color:white; background-color:red;");
<div>This is a sample text.</div>
<button onclick="function1()">Add new rule</button>

"addRule()" is applied to

| Applied_To     |styleSheet                                                    |

"addRule()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

Adds a new rule to a style sheet and always returns 1.
document.styleSheets[index].addRule(param1, param2, param3)

    param1   Required; the selector.
    param2   Required; the style declarations.
    param3   Optional; the index of the rule. 
             If the index is omitted, the rule is added to the end.