JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/doScroll

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"doScroll()" Example

<body id="myBody">
<button onclick="document.all.myBody.doScroll("scrollbarPageDown");">Page Down</button>
<button onclick="document.all.myBody.doScroll("scrollbarPageUp");">Page Up</button>
<div style="height:5000; width:500; background-color:blue;">Very large div element</div></body>

"doScroll()" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<body>                          <custom>                      |
|                |<div>                           <span>                        |
|                |<textarea>                                                    |

"doScroll()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

This method simulates a user action on a scroll bar component.

    param1   Optional; the scrolling action. 
            scrollbarDown       Default. Down scroll arrow is at the specified location.
            scrollbarHThumb       Horizontal scroll thumb or box is at the specified location.
            scrollbarLeft       Left scroll arrow is at the specified location.
            scrollbarPageDown   Page-down scroll bar shaft is at the specified location.
            scrollbarPageLeft   Page-left scroll bar shaft is at the specified location.
            scrollbarPageRight   Page-right scroll bar shaft is at the specified location.
            scrollbarPageUp       Page-up scroll bar shaft is at the specified location.
            scrollbarRight       Right scroll arrow is at the specified location.
            scrollbarUp           Up scroll arrow is at the specified location.
            scrollbarVThumb       Vertical scroll thumb or box is at the specified location.
            down               Composite reference to scrollbarDown.
            left               Composite reference to scrollbarLeft.
            pageDown           Composite reference to scrollbarPageDown.
            pageLeft           Composite reference to scrollbarPageLeft.
            pageRight           Composite reference to scrollbarPageRight.
            pageUp               Composite reference to scrollbarPageUp.
            right               Composite reference to scrollbarRight.
            up                   Composite reference to scrollbarUp.