JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/item

Материал из Web эксперт
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"item()" Example

<input type="button" id="button" value="See the value of this button" 

"item()" is applied to

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| Applied_To     |all*                            anchors*                      |
|                |applets*                        areas*                        |
|                |attributes*                     behaviorUrns*                 |
|                |blockFormats*                   boundElements*                |
|                |cells*                          childNodes*                   |
|                |children*                       controlRange*                 |
|                |elements*                       embeds*                       |
|                |filters*                        fonts*                        |
|                |<form>                          forms*                        |
|                |frames*                         images*                       |
|                |imports*                        links*                        |
|                |mimeTypes*                      namespaces*                   |
|                |options*                        pages*                        |
|                |plugins*                        rows*                         |
|                |rules*                          scripts*                      |
|                |styleSheets*                    tBodies*                      |

"item()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

Returns either the item or <input> element.
collectionName.item(param1, param2)
document.formID.item(param1, param2)
document.all.formID.item(param1, param2) // IE only
    param1   Required; zero-based index or the desired member"s id or name attribute.
    param2   Optional; zero-based index of returned elements for the results returned
                       if param1 matches more than one element.