JavaScript Reference/Javascript Objects/TextNode

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"TextNode" Example

function replaceText(){
    var myTextNode = document.createTextNode("Text was replaced");
    var newTN = replaceMe.firstChild.replaceNode(myTextNode); 
<p id="replaceMe">This is some text that will be replaced</p>
<button onclick="replaceText();">Replace text</button>

"TextNode" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |appendData                      deleteData                    |
| Methods        |insertData                      replaceData                   |
|                |splitText                       substringData                 |

"TextNode" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |data                            length                        |
| Properties     |nextSibling                     nodeName                      |
|                |nodeType                        nodeValue                     |
|                |parentNode                      previousSibling               |

"TextNode" Syntax and Note

Access to a text node created using the createTextNode() method.
textNodeName = document.createTextNode("value")