JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/colSpan

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"colSpan" Example

Example revised from 
The Web Programmer"s Desk Reference
by Lazaro Issi Cohen and Joseph Issi Cohen 
ISBN: 1593270119
Publisher: No Starch Press 2004
<script language="JavaScript">
    function function1() {
        document.all.myTableHeader.colSpan = "3";
    function function2() {
        document.all.myTd1.colSpan = "3";
    function function3() {
        document.all.myTd2.colSpan = "2";
    function function4() {
        document.all.myTableHeader.colSpan = "1";
        document.all.myTd1.colSpan = "1";
        document.all.myTd2.colSpan = "1"; 
        <th align="center" bgcolor="blue" style="color:white;">First Header</th>
        <th id="myTableHeader" bgcolor="green" style="color:white;"width="140">Second Header</th>
        <th align="center" bgcolor="red" style="color:white;" width="140">Third Header</th>
        <th align="center" bgcolor="gray" style="color:white;"width="140">Fourth Header</th>
        <td id="myTd1">Cell 1 content</td>
        <td>Cell 2 content</td>
        <td id="myTd2">Cell 3 content</td>
        <td>Cell 4 content</td>
<input type="button" name="S1" value="Span Second Header" onClick="function1();">
<input type="button" name="S2" value="Span Cell 1" onClick="function2();">
<input type="button" name="S3" value="Span Cell 3" onClick="function3();">
<input type="button" name="S4" value="Restore" onClick="function4();">

"colSpan" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<td>                            <th>                          |

"colSpan" Syntax and Note

Read and write property. 
Set the number of columns in a table that <td> or <th> element will span.
document.getElementById("elementID").colSpan = value
document.all.elementID.colSpan = value // IE only