PHP/File Directory/copy

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Copying a file

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $old = "/tmp/yesterday.txt"; $new = "/tmp/today.txt"; copy($old,$new) or die("couldn"t copy $old to $new: $php_errormsg"); ?>


Copying files

   <source lang="html4strict">


 $source = "C:\\Apache\\logs\\error.log";
 $dest = "C:\\error.bak";
 if( copy( $source, $dest ) )
   $msg = "Copied $source
to $dest"; } else { $msg = "Unable to copy $source"; }

?> <html>

 <title>Copying files</title>
 <?php echo($msg); ?>



Copying Files with copy( )

   <source lang="html4strict">


   $filename = "data.txt";
   $filename2 = $filename . ".old";
   $result = copy($filename, $filename2);
   if ($result) {
           print "$filename has been copied to $filename2.\n";
   } else {
           print "Error: couldn"t copy $filename to $filename2!\n";



Make a copy of a file: copy() function.

   <source lang="html4strict">

Its syntax is: int copy (string source, string destination) <?

   $data_file = "data.txt";
   copy($data_file, $data_file."bak") or die("Could not copy $data_file");



Using the copy() Function

   <source lang="html4strict">


    function move($source, $dest) {
         if(!copy($source, $dest)) return false;
         if(!unlink($source)) return false;
         return true;
    if(!move("data.txt", "/tmp/tmpdir/newfile.txt")) {
                   echo "Error! Couldn"t move the file!
"; }

