PHP/MySQL Database/Database Query

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Get data from database query

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body>

    <?php $cnx = mysql_connect("","wbex","password"); mysql_select_db("wbex"); $employees = @mysql_query("SELECT ID, FirstName FROM Employee"); if (!$employees) { die("

    Error retrieving employees from database!
    ". "Error: " . mysql_error() . "


    } while ($employee = mysql_fetch_array($employees)) {

     $id   = $employee["ID"];
     $name = htmlspecialchars($author["Name"]);
    "); echo("$id

    } ?>

</p> </body> </html>


List Database, Table, and Field

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Listing every database, table, and field</title> </head> <body> <?php $user = "wbex"; $pass = "password"; $db = "wbex"; $link = mysql_connect( "", $user, $pass ); if ( ! $link )

   die( "Couldn"t connect to MySQL" );

$db_res = mysql_list_dbs( $link ); while ( $db_rows = mysql_fetch_row( $db_res ) ) {

   print "$db_rows[0]\n";
   if ( !@mysql_select_db( $db_rows[0], $link ) ) {
print "
couldn"t connect -- " . mysql_error() ."
   $tab_res = mysql_list_tables( $db_rows[0], $link );
print "\t
\n"; while ( $tab_rows = mysql_fetch_row( $tab_res ) ){ print "\t$tab_rows[0]\n"; $query_res = mysql_query( "SELECT * from $tab_rows[0]" ); $num_fields = mysql_num_fields( $query_res ); print "\t\t
\n"; for ( $x=0; $x<$num_fields; $x++ ){ print "\t\t"; print mysql_field_type( $query_res, $x ); print " "; print mysql_field_len( $query_res, $x ); print " "; print mysql_field_name( $query_res, $x ); print " "; print mysql_field_flags( $query_res, $x ); print "
\n"; } print "\t\t</d1>\n"; } print "\t</d1>\n"; } mysql_close( $link ); ?> </body> </html> </source>

Sending SQL Queries to a MySQL Database using the mysql_query () function

   <source lang="html4strict">


 $connection= mysql_connect ($host, $uname, $pass) or die ("Database connection failed!");
 $result=mysql_select_db ($database) or die ("Database could not be selected");
 $query = "drop table if exists mytable";
 $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed.");

