PHP/MySQL Database/Table Create

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Create new table in MySQL

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $linkID = mysql_connect("", "wbex", "password"); mysql_create_db("new_db", $linkID); mysql_select_db("new_db"); $query = "CREATE TABLE new_table (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, new_col VARCHAR(25))"; $result = mysql_query($query); $axe = mysql_drop_db("new_db"); ?>


Create table and install data

   <source lang="html4strict">
   echo "Cannot get connected to the database ".DBName."!
"; echo mysql_error(); exit; } mysql_select_db(DBName); // Creating the t table. If it already exists, // "@" overrides the error message @mysql_query("create table t(id int, a double)"); // Inserting 10 records into the table for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){ $id=time(); mysql_query("insert into t(id, a) values($id, "$i")"); } // Outputting all records $r=mysql_query("select * from t"); for($i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows($r); $i++) { $f=mysql_fetch_array($r); echo "$f[id] -> $f[a]
\n"; }



Creating a Table in MySQL

   <source lang="html4strict">
 $connection= mysql_connect ($host, $uname, $pass) or die ("Database connection failed!");
 $result=mysql_select_db ($database) or die ("Database could not be selected");
 $query = "create table ". $tablename ." (name varchar (20) Not Null, email varchar (40) Not Null)";
 $result = mysql_query ($query);
 if (! $result) {
   die ("Query could not be executed.");
 } else {
   echo $tablename." created in the megabase database.\n";

Table-Creation Script

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $db_name = "wbex"; $connection = @mysql_connect("", "wbex", "password") or die(mysql_error()); $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die(mysql_error()); $columnNames = array("col1","col2","col3"); $columnTypes = array("int","Date","double"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE MyTable ("; for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnNames); $i++) {

    $sql .= $columnNames[$i]." ".$columnTypes[$i]. ", ";

} $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2); $sql .= ")"; echo($sql); $result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if ($result) {

$msg = "

MyTable has been created!


} ?>
