PHP/Network/SOAP Server
Start soap server
if (! extension_loaded ( "soap" )) {
dl ( "php_soap.dll" );
ini_set ( "soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0" );
$server = new SoapServer ( "books.wsdl" );
function doMyBookSearch($bookTitle) {
return array ("bookTitle" => "MyBook", "bookYear" => 2005, "bookAuthor" => "s" );
$server->AddFunction ( "doMyBookSearch" );
$server->handle ();
The SOAP Server for the getGuid() Method
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "Off");
function getGuid($prefix) {
return uniqid($prefix);
$soap = new SoapServer("guid.wsdl");
The SOAP Server Returns an Error if No Prefix Is Provided
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "Off");
function getGuid($prefix) {
if (!isset($prefix) || trim($prefix) == "") {
throw new SoapFault("Server", "No prefix provided.");
} else {
return uniqid($prefix);
$soap = new SoapServer("guid.wsdl");