PHP/Operator/Operator Precedence

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Operator Precedence

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Associativity Operators left , left or left xor left and right print left = += -= *= /= .=%=&= |= ^= ~= «= »= left  ? : left || left && left | left ^ left & non-associative == != === non-associative < <= > >= left << >> left + - . left * /% right  ! ~ ++ � (int) (double) (string) (array) (object) @ right [ non-associative new


Operator Precedence summary table

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Operator Class Associativity new Unary n/a [ Unary Right ! Unary  ! and ~ are right associative; ~ ++ and-- operators are right or left associative ++ -- (int) (double) (string) (array) (object)


  • / % Binary Left

+ - . Binary Left << >> Binary Left < <= > >= Binary n/a == != === !== Binary n/a & Binary Left ^ Binary Left | Binary Left && Binary Left || Binary Left ?: Ternary Left = Binary Left += -=

  • =

/= .= %= &= |= ^= ~= <<= >>=

print Unary Right and Binary Left xor Binary Left or Binary Left , n/a Left


Operators, precedence, and their associativity

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Operators Associativity

, Left "$x, $y, $z" is "($x, $y), $z"

or Left "$x OR $y OR $z" is "($x OR $y) OR $z"

xor left "x XOR y XOR z" is "($x XOR $y) XOR $z"

and Left "x AND y AND z" is "(x AND y) AND z"

= += -= * = /= .= %= &= |= ^= <<= gt;>= Right "$x /= $y /= $z" is "$x /= ($y /= $z)"

? : Left || Left "$x || $y || $z" is "($x || $y) || $z"

&& Left "$x && $y && $z" is "($x && $y) && $z"

| Left "$x | $y | $z" is "($x | $y) | $z"

^ Left "$x ^ $y ^ $z" is "($x ^ $y) ^ $z"

& Left "$x & $y & $z" is "($x & $y) & $z"

== != === !== Non-associative

< < = > >= Non-associative

<< >> Left "$x >> $y >> $z" is "($x >> $y) >> $z"

+ - . Left "$x - $y - $z" is "($x - $y) - $z"

  • / % Left "$x / $y / $z" is "($x / $y) / $z"

! ~ ++ -- (int) (float) (string)(array) (object) @ Right

[ Right new Non-associative


Using the ? Operator

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The ?, or ternary, operator returns a value derived from one of two expressions separated by a colon. (expression) ?returned_if_expression_is_true:returned_if_expression_is_false; If the test expression evaluates to true, the result of the second expression is returned; otherwise, the value of the third expression is returned.

<html> <body>


   $satisfied = "no";
   $pleased = "very";
   $sorry = "sorry";
   $text = ( $satisfied=="very" )?$pleased:$sorry;
   print "$text";


</body> </html>


Using the ? operator to create a message

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<?php $logged_in = TRUE; $user = "Admin"; $banner = ($logged_in==TRUE)?"Welcome back, $user!":"Please login."; echo "$banner"; ?>
