PHP/String/String Case

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Change String case to lower

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $mixed_case_word = "Lower Case and Upper Case"; $lowercase = strtolower($mixed_case_word); print($lowercase); ?>


Change String case to Upper

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $mixed_case_word = "Lower Case and Upper Case"; $lowercase = strtoupper($mixed_case_word); print($lowercase); ?>


Initial-capping words is a very common task

   <source lang="html4strict">


    $first_name = "jeremy";
    $last_name = "allen";
    $middle_init = "w";
    $first_name = ucfirst($first_name);
    $last_name = ucfirst($last_name);
    $middle_init = ucfirst($middle_init);
    print("$first_name $middle_init $last_name
"); $name = "jeremy w allen"; $name = ucwords($name); print($name . "



Trimming Strings: chop

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Trim Functions</title> </head> <body> <?php

    $TrailingSpaces = "Trailing Spaces             ";
    $Leadingspaces = "             Leading spaces";
    $TrailingAndLeadingSpaces = "            Trailing and Leading Spaces         ";
    $TabString = $HTTP_USER_AGENT . "  \n\n\n      \t\t \r\r";
    print("\"$TrailingSpaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$Leadingspaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$TrailingAndLeadingSpaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$TabString\"" . "
"); $TrailingSpaces = chop($TrailingSpaces); $Leadingspaces = ltrim($Leadingspaces); $TrailingAndLeadingSpaces = trim($TrailingAndLeadingSpaces); $TabString = trim($TabString); print("
"); print("\"$TrailingSpaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$Leadingspaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$TrailingAndLeadingSpaces\"" . "
"); print("\"$TabString\"" . "

?> </body> </html>
