XML Tutorial/Introduction/CDATA

Материал из Web эксперт
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CDATA sections can tell the XML parser not to parse the text.

CDATA sections look like this: 
<comparison><![CDATA[6 is < 7 & 7 > 6]]></comparison> 
Everything starting after the <![CDATA[ and ending at the ]]> is ignored by the parser. 
The following example uses a CDATA section to keep an XML parser from parsing a section of JavaScript: 
<script language="JavaScript"><![CDATA[ 
function myFunc() 
    if(0 < 1 && 1 < 2) 

Displaying Elements as Text

You may not nest CDATA sections.
To write ]]> and you are not closing a CDATA section, the > must be written as >.
  <name language="Latin">T2</name>
  <weight>3 points</weight>