JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties
Версия от 18:30, 25 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
- BaseHref
- Count
- E
- LN10
- LN2
- LOG10E
- Methods
- PI
- SQRT1_2
- URLUnencoded
- XMLDocument
- aLink
- abbr
- accept
- acceptCharset
- accessKey
- action
- activeElement
- align 4
- alinkColor
- allowTransparency
- alt
- altHTML
- altKey
- altLeft
- appCodeName
- appMinorVersion
- appName
- appVersion
- archive
- autocomplete
- availHeight
- availLeft
- availTop
- availWidth
- axis
- background
- balance
- behavior
- bgColor
- bgProperties
- blockDirection
- border
- borderColor
- borderColorDark
- borderColorLight
- bottom
- bottomMargin
- boundingHeight
- boundingLeft
- boundingTop
- boundingWidth
- browserLanguage
- bufferDepth
- button
- canHaveChildren
- canHaveHTML
- cancelBubble
- caption
- cellIndex
- cellPadding
- cellSpacing
- charset
- checked
- cite
- className
- classid
- clear
- clientHeight
- clientLeft
- clientTop
- clientWidth
- clientX
- clientY
- clipBottom
- clipLeft
- clipRight
- clipTop
- closed
- code
- codeBase
- codeType
- colSpan
- color
- colorDepth
- cols 1
- cols 3
- compact
- compatMode
- complete
- constructor
- content
- contentEditable
- contentOverflow
- contentWindow
- cookie
- cookieEnabled
- coords
- cpuClass
- cssRules
- cssText
- ctrlKey
- ctrlLeft
- cursor
- data TextNode
- dataFld event
- dataFormatAs
- dataPageSize
- dataSrc
- dateTime
- declare
- defaultCharset
- defaultChecked
- defaultSelected
- defaultStatus
- defaultValue
- defer
- description
- designMode
- deviceXDPI
- deviceYDPI
- dialogArguments
- dialogHeight
- dialogLeft
- dialogTop
- dialogWidth
- dir
- direction
- disabled
- doctype
- documentElement
- domain
- dropEffect
- dynsrc
- effectAllowed
- encoding
- enctype
- event
- expando
- face
- fgColor
- fieldDelim
- fileCreatedDate
- fileModifiedDate
- fileSize
- fileUpdatedDate
- filename
- firstChild
- form
- frame
- frameBorder
- frameElement
- frameSpacing
- fromElement
- galleryImg
- hasLayout
- hash
- headers
- height 2
- hidden
- hideFocus
- host
- hostname
- href
- hreflang
- hspace
- htmlFor
- htmlText
- httpEquiv
- id
- indeterminate
- index
- innerHTML
- innerText
- isContentEditable
- isDisabled
- isMap
- isMultiline
- isOpen
- isTextEdit
- keyCode
- label
- lang
- language 1
- language navigator
- lastChild
- lastModified
- layerX
- layerY
- left
- leftMargin
- length history
- link
- linkColor
- logicalXDPI
- logicalYDPI
- longDesc
- loop
- lowsrc
- maxLength
- media
- menuArguments
- method
- multiple
- name 2
- nameProp
- nextPage
- nextSibling
- noHref
- noResize
- noShade
- noWrap
- nodeName
- nodeType
- nodeValue
- object
- offScreenBuffering
- offsetHeight
- offsetLeft
- offsetParent
- offsetTop
- offsetWidth
- offsetX
- offsetY
- onLine
- onOffBehavior
- opener
- outerHTML
- outerText
- ownerDocument
- owningElement
- pageX
- pageY
- palette
- parent
- parentElement
- parentNode
- parentStyleSheet
- parentTextEdit
- parentWindow
- pathname
- platform
- pluginspage
- port
- previousSibling
- profile
- propertyName
- protocol
- pseudoClass
- qualifier
- readOnly 2
- readyState
- reason
- recordNumber
- recordset
- referrer
- rel
- repeat
- returnValue
- rev
- right
- rightMargin
- rowIndex
- rowSpan
- rows 1
- rows 2
- rules
- saveType
- scheme
- scope
- scopeName
- screenLeft
- screenTop
- screenX mouse
- screenX window
- screenY mouse
- screenY window
- scroll
- scrollAmount
- scrollDelay
- scrollHeight
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
- scrollWidth
- search
- sectionRowIndex
- selected
- selectedIndex
- selector
- selectorText
- self
- shape
- shiftKey
- shiftLeft
- size select
- sourceIndex
- span
- specified
- src
- srcElement
- srcFilter
- srcUrn
- standBy
- start 1
- start ol
- status 1
- status window
- suffixes
- summary
- systemLanguage
- tFoot
- tHead
- tabIndex
- tabStop
- tagName
- tagUrn
- target 1
- target event
- text TextRange
- title stylesheet
- toElement
- top window
- topMargin
- trueSpeed
- type style
- type textarea
- typeDetail
- uniqueID
- units
- updateInterval
- urn
- useMap
- userAgent
- userLanguage
- vAlign table
- vLink
- value textarea
- valueType
- vcard_name
- version
- viewInheritStyle
- viewLink
- viewMasterTab
- vlinkColor
- volume
- vspace
- wheelDelta
- width pre
- wrap
- x
- y
"fontSmoothingEnabled" Example
<script language="JavaScript">
function function1() {
<button onclick="function1();">Font Smoothing Enabled</button>
"fontSmoothingEnabled" is applied to
| Applied_To |screen |
"fontSmoothingEnabled" Possible Values
Possible Values
"fontSmoothingEnabled" Syntax and Note
Read-only property.
Does system have font smoothing enabled.