XML/XSLT stylesheet
- Attribute
- Choose
- Comparison operator
- Grouping
- Namespace
- Sort
- Variable
- abbreviation
- analyze string
- ancestor
- ancestor or self
- apply templates
- attribute set
- axis
- boolean operator
- call template
- cast
- character map
- comment
- compare
- concat
- contains
- context
- copy
- copy of
- count
- current
- current date
- current group
- current time
- day from date
- descendant
- descendant or self
- div
- document
- document node
- element available
- element function
- entity
- every
- except
- extension
- following
- following sibling
- for each
- for each group
- for loop
- format date
- format dateTime
- format time
- function
- generate id
- html
- id
- idiv
- idref
- if
- import
- import schema
- include
- instance of
- intersect
- key
- last
- list
- list type
- local name
- match
- matches
- mod
- name
- namespace uri
- node
- non xml
- normalize space
- number
- number format
- number function
- output
- para
- parent
- perform sort
- position
- preceding
- preceding sibling
- preserve space
- processing instruction
- result document
- reverse
- root
- select
- self
- sequence
- starts with
- string
- string join
- string length
- strip space
- stylesheet
- subsequence
- substring
- substring after
- substring before
- sum
- table
- template match
- text
- translate
- unparsed entity uri
- value of
- xlink
- xml output